Why do some people here claim to be redpilled but at the same time don't want to lower the age of consent?

Why do some people here claim to be redpilled but at the same time don't want to lower the age of consent?

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Because I don't want to fuck kids?


Anyone under 18 is considered a kid. You think that is right? You've been brainwashed by the feminists.

Just do the world a favor and kill yourself.

Kill yourself you worthless piece of human scum. It'll be much better for you if you don't wait for the day of the rope.

Fuck off you fucking burger

How would you feel if some sweaty neckbeard from Sup Forums fucked your 13 year old sister/daughter

more please

The same way I'd feel if she was 18+.

Well, you got a point

because some of us enjoy beating pedophiles to a dead and bloody pulp

This'll actually be normal in Europe in a century or so with current demographics trends and the inevitable changing of the laws to suit Islamic culture & Shariah law. Wish this post was parody.

I think having lived in Europe and seeing how shitskins marry and make 12 year olds prego to get on the kindergeldwelfarereich that Merkel set up. Makes me think we need to do what they do as white people we need to make sure all young women have babies that are white. Also if they aren't white shitskins do that all the time nothing like pissing off akbhar muhammadali donerkebabstan turkroach living on welfarestrassee to see his 13 year old arranged marriage women to go to a white guy instead. HAHAHAHAHA take that mother fucker!

>lower the age of consent
It needs to be abolished, not lowered.
Remove the AoC, bring back arranged marriage.

Why should i kill myself? Because i am going against the status quo established by feminists in the early 1900s? Older women know they cannot compete against younger girls so they made their betacuck husband politicians raise the age of consent in the past.
I do have a sister. She is 12 though. And i know she has better standards to date a neckbeard loser. I would be fine with a sucessful college educated white man in his 20s to date her for sure. Why should i control her?

Another faggot that has a violent, bloody future.

Wait what about making fiki fiki against Muslims by non Muslims against younger Muslims. That's called diversity and equality you rape ours we rape yours mother fucker!

Iv'e always had a soft stop for gelding them personally, likwise for rapists c:


>You shouldn't date sluts/used goods
>You shouldn't date anyone under 18
You can't have both ways Sup Forums

how often does your father beat you and do you prefer the lead pipe or the board with the nail

Anyone else feel like there is a weird push within pol to normalize this bullshit? "fucking kids is normal cause it happened before" no you fucking retard it's not and it never will be.

Something's up.

Fuck off pedophile. I have two daughters and if I find a sick Motherfucker like you lurking around my girls I'll ventilate your fucking skull.

>lower the age of consent

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this thread.

You could land a jet on her fivehead.
>Why should i control her?
You shouldn't, she doesn't belong to you, she belongs to her father. He's the one who should arrange her marriage.
"Dating" at all is wrong. "Dating" is just a word for "girls being sluts".

the point is to raise her the way she will not fuck with neackbeards
Also, I think 13 is too young. 15-16 seems better. But the only right system would be a system based on personal physiological and physiological features of every human. It's 2k17, the age of customization, why don't customize laws?

It's just trolling faggots from Sup Forums and /mlp/

>We should lower the age of consent because 18 is a conservatively high age of consent.
>posts picture of 12 year old
kys pedo.

she looks like a monkey. Young girls are only cute until you look closer and realise their features really haven't developed. And that they have no action going on.


You're right. Children, especially girls, need to be able to experiment. The younger they start the sooner they have it out of their system and can start a wholesome life with a husband and kids.

>pizza on pocket


Here's the question, is it weird if I see a cute kid (in a non sexual way) and think to myself they'll probably pretty hot when they're older?

We wouldn't need an age of consent if it wasn't for degenerates such as yourself


Been other bullshit posts like this earlier.


Feel good story.

No it's not weird.

because redpilled ppl know about pic related

>girls should be sluts
Fuck off and die.
I want newfags to leave

Pedophilia is the ultimate red pill.

You should probably kill yourself, kid fucker.

Stop trying to normalize pedophilia. You're sick in the head.

It's a biological fact that men are attracted to youth because it represents purity, naivety and an uterus more capable to have health children. Also, biologically speaking a girl is ready to have sex as soon as she can gets pregnant.
>"Dating" at all is wrong. "Dating" is just a word for "girls being sluts".
Not the point and you know it

Direct this kind of propaganda /outwards/, to eg twitter, to make the larger population disgusted with no-limit leftism.

>Jesus Flores
I know Whites aren't guiltless when it comes to pedophilia, but I have seen ALOT of pedo/child rape among latinos.


Should be lowered to 15 imo.

Anything below that is pushing it and below 13 is straight up pedophilia.

Before age of concent girls had sex right after they got their first period, BUT they only had sex with one and only one man during all their lives, after age of consent came the (((sexual liberation)))

well up to 16, younger than that is pedophilia

>girls who fuck other men than me are sluts

Gentlesir detected

If you are that young you are prob going through puberty and are emotionally immature so you are unlikely to be able make rational descisions with foresight.

There is already a big issue with young mothers that are 16 we dont need a bunch of 13 year olds getting pregnant and ruining their lives before their lives have even started.

So much falseness. Girls who get pregnant before 15 have way more prematurely born (underdeveloped) babies because her body isn't ready to have kids yet. 16 is min age.


posting 12 year olds isnt helping your argument ahmed. they could lower age of consent to 16 maybe but any lower would make me uncomfortable. personally i think voting + drinking + driving + tobacco+etc should all be 21.

Five bucks it's some sort of smear campaign meant to discredit the "alt right" by making it look like it promotes pedophilia

You sound pretty edgy. You need some mental help.
I never told you anything about my sex life. Tell me this though why are you considered a pedo in some states if you fuck a 16 or 17 year old even?

Good goy wait till the woman is in her 30s to start a family. Clearly nothing could go wrong such as your child having autism by breeding with a girl that age.
I've seen a lot of horny girls under that age though. Every girl ages differently for sure. Everyone hits puberty at different time in their life.

The only fucking topic Sup Forums goes aspshit over.

>mfw they're ALREADY normalizing pedophilia

>b-but muh hebephilia is different

Not really.

It's amazing how all of this, in the entire existence of humans, has only become an issue over the last 150 years or so.

How about you list all the positives and negatives and the entire board can go through each point and come to a reasonable and rational conclusion

Yes because you're still thinking of the child in a sexual context.

I bet all you white knights would have no problem with a young boy dating a legal aged girl

>pedophilia is leftist
But it was leftists who pushed against it.
No, gitls who have sex with a man who isn't her husband are sluts.
>big issue with young mothers that are 16
Because they aren't married. The problem is bastard children not young mothers. Girls should be married young and start making baby as spon as they can.
>ruining their lives
>motherhood ruins a woman's life
Neck yourself, kike.
>liking that gross slut
Get some fucking taste.


>Guys, we should be able to fuck kids
>No, fuck you, kill yourself
>Gee, why are you being so emotional about it

Probably, but this place does attract retarded pedos because they think that they're "anonymous". My favorite post apocalyptic hobby is probably going to be collecting pedo scalps.

I would have issue with that as well, and South Park is a meme show written by Jews.

I mean, I wouldn't sex her.

I'd totally be half an inch tall and in that brownie though, knowing my grave will be her flat stomach.

Have you seen ANY of those hot AF female high school teachers sit in jail for ANY amount of time for fucking underage male students? Nope. But, when that guy fucks that underage female, he goes to prison forever. Double standard much?

Let's settle this once and for all.

Who is this girl? Please tell me she's legal

>I have no idea what pedophilia is
How does it feel to be a tool without even realizing it?
>Girls who get pregnant before 15 have way more prematurely born (underdeveloped) babies because her body isn't ready to have kids yet.
Another poster who has no idea what he's talking about. You do realize that fucking girls bellow that age was the norm some centuries ago, right?It was extremely normal for a girl to marry and have children while still in her 13/15. What you're saying may apply to 10 or 8 years old girls who have kids, but it does not when it comes to 13 and 14 or even 12 in some cases.

Then why are you letting Muhammad and Ahmed stealing and raping sweedish tweens then?

>this thread

are we allowed to post little grills again?

yeah, she is legal. idk her name though. she just looks young af lol

So you think a 12 year old can choose a husband for life?

Isn't that pedo husband going to dump her as soon as she's of age?

nah keep them yourself. Doubt the thread would last up to 200 replies.

Honestly I think it should be 18, because teenagers are fucking stupid. If you can hold it off for as long as possible the better.

Because our establishment is fucking retarded and traitorous.

Isn't 15 good enough?

None but sex outside marriage should be illegal.
>So you think a 12 year old can choose a husband for life?
No, her father should arrange her marriage.
>Isn't that pedo husband going to dump her as soon as she's of age?
Do men who marry grown women drop them when they get old and ugly? Fucking retard

>How does it feel to be a tool without even realizing it?
isn't that what Temer said to all of your people??

Yup. What a piece of shit.
Our AoC is 16, which is just about right. You very rarely see anyone that age have relationships/sex with much older men anyways. Those are the complete slags, usually.

Lol, lefty, degenerate Sup Forums, you funny.

It's 18 here and that's bad enough. A high age requirement for a driver's license royally fucks up anyone outside of a city, and having to care and pay for a car just teaches responsibility.

>sex outside marriage should be illegal.
Kek try telling that to america, you fucking baka.

Only if they're fueled by propane.

Why did you have to put none? what you want first born babies to be raped, you degenerate.

This is literally how they pushed faggots into the mainstream

> "look goy, men in primitive cultures fucked boys/little girls"
> "obviously we must accept the same behavior in modern society"

>Get some fucking taste.
Jordyn Jones wss cute but she is not that much anymore. I prefer Lexee anyways out of all those banji\dance sluts.
The thing is that no politician would dare to present a change in lowering the age of consent because many would view it as politicial suicide. Lefties and the media would go batshit insane and call the politician a pedo. Pedophile is a buzzword at this point in time

Your picture leaves me slightly conflicted.

The girl appears ~15-17. She is technically underage.
On one hand, in a purely physical, sexual sense, I like what I see. She is quite attractive and "hnnnng".
But on the other, in a societal sense, girls dressing like sluts and sleeping around is not conducive to a functional, moral society where femininity and child rearing are the foundations of a nations future success.

jsonline.com/story/news/crime/2016/12/02/teacher-gets-prison-sex-student/94740308/ 2 years

22 years dailycaller.com/2015/07/10/sentences-vary-for-teachers-who-traumatized-male-teens-with-mind-blowing-sex-ordeals/


because this is a bait thread

just check out youtube 'dance' 'cheer leading' 'gymnastics' ' makeup' and see the comments yourself. The pedo comments are even more amplified in Russian tween girl videos.


More feelgood.


With a 4 year grace period, sure. 18 is sensible.

didn't Russians have some viral meme that got hundreds of underage girls to shower with light shirts on and film it?

All those "dance" whores are gross bitches anf if you like them you have terrible taste.