I swear the cringiness has me almost believing we have it coming. I mean think about it. If Jews don't even need gas chambers and can fool is into genociding ourselves... That's kinda like natural selection isn't it?
White genocide deserved?
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Well, Barneyfags should be genocided, that's for sure.
I mean, one could say that we can fool ourselves into mass suicide.
I hate degenerates though.
degenerate whites should hang with all other enemies, of course
>white "people"
I think the same thing.
This isn't exclusive to whites, though.
Hang yourself, degenerate
>implying there's anything wrong with enjoying a nice comfy diapey
The problem is we're post-natural selection and (((social safety nets))) were designed as a trojan horse by using the image of someone's poor grandma when the real intention was to use your tax dollars to set up brown slave labor while placating niggers.
If there were even economic natural selection, wherein your ability to survive and propagate were dependent on your actual ability to produce, you wouldn't see this phenomena, let alone if people actual had to hunt or rear game/livestock.
Its designed dysgenics, not natural selection.
Hang yourself, barneyleaf
t. degenerate
You have to go outside. If you spend every waking moment on Sup Forums, then I completely understand why people like you view the world the way you do.
You probably think all women are running in droves for the bbc, all white men are fruity feminine cucks, the Tumblr mental illness is widespread and that every single thing that ever happens is a conspiracy.
I promise, the world isn't like that. It's not much, but if you spend all day on Sup Forums, I just want to assure you that the fetishes and stupid shit posted here isn't how the majority of people are. Inner cities and colleges aren't just filled to the brim with liberal mental illness retards and whites aren't all cucked losers.
Well, there is.
Not bad
I don't know where you're from but I'm from a big deep blue city and every day I find Sup Forums couldn't be more right.
I live in Columbus, Ohio and there's a high concentration of gay people.
I've also been to NYC, LA and Austin. I never encounter those outspoken mental illness Tumblr users and I've rarely ever met the over feminine fruity gay guys known as faggots.
OSU is one of the largest colleges and there's a ton of bars they fill up at night. Most of the people I meet are fine. I would love to encounter one of those severely deranged liberal people I see posted on this site all the time. I've never met one though.
We whites are deserving of our genocide just like the jews were (and still are) but it is our job as whites to fight for our survival. We can still save our race.
Why does our race need "saved"? What puts our race in danger?
Hopefully we will be free.
I've encountered a couple at my university, which is always a bit jarring in Tennessee.
They exist, but I assumed they were all in blue states.
You have it the wrong way. Demoralisation is part of white genocide. In fact, it's the beginning.
i don't see anything wrong with those people it's freedom to do whatever you want and that is what make america strong isn'it ?
or you want to make every body become souless robot like asians ?
We're being threatened with becoming a minority in every single white country, due to a differential in demographics and open immigration.
Damn, now that's just unfortunate.
But we're really not. Like I said, you spend too much time on here if that's really how you view the world. According to the 2015 Census, we're still at 77% in America with a population of over 300 million.
The UK? Over 90 percent.
Even in Germany, 91% of the people are German.
The world isn't being overrun by mudslimes, contrary to the view bait videos by conspirators you keep watching.
I doubt it.
>we're still at 77%
And what is the dynamic, dumbass?
If your house is on fire, do you wait until 51% of it has burned before reacting?
When you say "over 90%", it was 99.9% two generations ago.
If white civilization saves itself, it will come from a younger generation. The pathetic examples set by an older generation, the dead end rat maze cliches, will maybe stimulate them to reject the capitalist hyperhedonistic threat.
Hopefully, but we might be too late.
From Chicago myself.
The number of white ""men""" I spoke to who had complete temper tantrums about Trump winning was smaller than the number of Mexicans, both male and female.
Work with multiple young white women. All of them talk about black dudes they've fucked or finding black dudes hot. Compared to none of the Latins who stick to their own, minus a Dominican mulatta.
We have a part of the city literally called "Boystown". A giant fucking swath of the side (on the "good"/north part I add because they'd be gassed by niggers on the southside) of depreciated buildings because literally Tumblr is allowed to fester.
They get a parade every year where they can literally do whatever the fuck they want, dicks out and everything. People go and get drunk and treat it like some sort of carnival.
If you only knew how fucking fucked things are.
Yes, things really are fucked.
Wow, when you put that in perspective, it's quite a bit.
hey white people
explain this
I wouldn't be surprised, really.
>that kid going full DBZ
That shit was epic. I couldn't do that in public. He has balls.
Thanx Jews.
They're called faggots.
They really are.
kids mentally disabled, whats to explain? its like posting a guy in a wheelchair and claiming its somehow race related
I still hate degenerates
I really do
Hang these faggots
They really should die
I hate their guts