What type of niggers are japs


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Japs are the only non-white non-niggers

>what type of niggers are japs
the yellow kind

Honorary dude, honorary Aryans.


irradiated niggers

What kind of question is this? What are you asking? Please don't compare us to blacks.

They'd be the equivalent of nigger Chinese given that the Chinese called them Niwa all those years ago. That being said, for all the intense flaws with the shogunate and the way that the Japanese had been before World War II's climax, they've still maintained a rich cultural history that refuses to budge to PC bullshit. The otakus, NEETs, and other parts of their culture are degenerate as fuck to be sure. But the spirituality of Shinto and Buddhism in Japan is still one of the most beautiful things on the planet.

That being said, katana are still fucking bog metal swords and if you seriously think one of them will work in this day and age you're a fucking piece of shit weeaboo disgracing the daisho.

Why do you ask Norcuck, did she cheat on you?

My type of niggers

nips and whites are the only good races on the planet. while male -> jap woman is the only passable form of interracial and she must be half white.


I would rather have a neighborhood of dog eating Japs then dumbass niggers or kikes.

well i dunno bro they seem pretty asian and not african at all, buddy

To be honest, this is a good part of what makes the katana so great. The Japanese had trash-tier iron ore, but still found a way to make the most out of it in a weapon that was both beautiful and effective (inasfar as it was used, given that the yumi and yari were the primary weapons of war).

you're thinking chinese friendo

I still stand by my statement that if you're trying to use a katana in the modern day world, especially without proper training, you're a fucking moron. Using a normal sword is no small feat in of itself out of swinging it/stabbing with it, but a katana is finicky as fuck.




I want a half jap half white chick. I like some of the jap features that make them look younger for so long, but needs euro genes to prevent the instant ageing at 40, and to give pink nipples.

Nips with pink nips are okay in my bed.

sushi niggers

The kind that make me want to commit war crimes with my dick.

They're pretty based actually. They treat Chinese people like niggers, and if you're white and not military or a tourist you're also nigger tier.

Their women also mostly look inbred but if you're tall and white you can score the diamonds in the rough.

Yen niggers

They'll do just about anything for yen

I'd drop a couple of atomic loads over OP's pic if you know what I mean :^)

Well, most people aren't going to be using any kind of sword under any circumstances, but that isn't to say that there aren't appropriate times and places.

Further, you have no right to call yourself redpilled if you aren't proficient in some kind of weapon or martial art. Enlightened men are disciplined warrior-scholars.

t. kendoka

Japanese chicks drive me fucking crazy.


how much yen would you say


Japan is the singular nation on this planet that has built a society I would consider different, but equal to white societies.
They just need to start having kids again, but some European countries are doing even worse in that department.

I've studied the use of european long swords, and plan on looking for a tutor or trainer to learn how to proficiently half-sword.

t. wannabe Landschnekt

> Japanese chicks drive me fucking crazy.
How come, Sven? Spent too long near the Finnish border and got yellow fever?

I want to hate Japs because they aren't Caucasian, but my favourite game of all time is Bloodborne which is made by Japanese

>tall, white and rich

Honorary Whites, so long as not race-mixing.

I admire their casual anti-semitism.




holy shit

One thing about Japs is that I wish we allied with Japs against Han Chinese rather than vice versa
Han Chinese are a fucking plague on the planet that needs complete extermination, we should encourage Japanese back in the day to destroy all Han rather than fight Japan

Rich? No way man, I got deployed over there as a Chair Force grunt fresh out of basic. I was only making like $23,000 a year, and even that was higher than most. Japanese girls are just down to fuck if you're tall, honestly white isn't everything over there. I'm only 5'11" and am taller than 90% of the population. Its all good fun, none of them care about you from a relationship standpoint. They just care about fucking and their careers.

If a 5'10" manlet like me visited would I get pussy?

Reminder that you're not White.

Seriously, if the U.S. allied with Hitler and Japan, we'd be living in a utopia right now.
No commie China.
No North Korea.
No feminism.
Zero niggers in white countries.

> tfw no busty ninja gf

Out of interest, because if anyone will know this it's Sup Forums, how do they get the nipples so pink?
I've fucked Asian girls and their nips are coal black IRL. So is what we see here likely to be surgical, cosmetic, or photoshop?

I was captivated the symmetry, uniformity and creamy beauty of their teeth.

Sux to be you, polesmoker.

Don't worry, masturbating does that for you

fpbp /thread



I don't know what it is like for civilians but as a military grunt I got laid all the time. Way more than I get laid here.

Why because I fucked some Jap girls? Also I'm probably way whiter than some Swede.

East Asians are cool. The only problem they have is being more likely to be autistic.
But that's probably because they have babies at 65.





can you tell me her name? reverse search just brings up goggledy gook

Yellow Kikes.

Try the bottom right of the first pic

No, I am pro Russia and Slavic peoples because they are upholding western civilisation
I would always ally against Hitler because he wanted to genocide our white Slavic brothers
I would ally with Japan against China however as chinks are soulless monsters

No because you're in their land acting like a nigger. Meaning the deployment.

>need to have kids again
After what a salaryman or a hikki goes through I guess they should really hate the idea of spawning a new human just to see him suffer.
Basically only the most successful people have enough time and resources to look after a child, the average Tojo gets fucked in the process.

This would be Hong Kong'ers.

She is 100% plastic and bleached you fucking idiots
If I posted a pic of an attractive Latina you would call me a race traitor and accuse her of plastic surgery despite the Latina being 3/4 white because you Sup Forumstards are fucking hypocrites

Well all overseas Chinese, really.
The Mainland Chinese would be the same, but you've got to spend money to make money and Mainlanders don't have any, which limits their ability to Jew you.


>being attracted to women

>drinks artificial coke, drives to work on synthetic horse
>implying I care

difference is Japanese are a high quality racial group

My lust towards their women is not only reptilian but aesthetic

Japan is basically america with no fats and no feminists
Instead they have a cucked up youth and awful jobs

are there girls like this in PA?

>a fucking hobbit

>If a 5'10" manlet like me visited would I get pussy?

My answer to your question is that this comic is accurate throughout East Asia

It's not editing. Here's a less Photoshopped picture of her, still with light nipples.

Apparently, there's Japanese creams you can buy to bleach your nipples. I don't know if they actually work.



if from japan, it's probably a genetic or cosmetic augmentation of some sort. place is like the future where you can just walk into a character creator booth and change your appearance whenever you want. kinda like saints row but irl

Your ancestors were niggers and your grandsons are gonna be half niggers, doesn't matter just go for it stupid fattie

Nice try Shlomo.
Thought nobody would notice you left out kikes from your list?

You would gladly fuck a plastic jap, but if I married a caucasian Syrian angel like pic related you would call me a race traitor
Sup Forums is a hypocritical board

Where's Mike Pence when you need him

Don't give up user.

Skin and nipple bleaching creams are very popular in Japan

i don't need mike pence i need this guy :3


thats the problem, dumb nigger

I wouldnt marry a japnese girl............ I think

I don't understand what you're getting at, hobbit? So are you saying fuck and reproduce with any girls you want? Okay. Fine. I don't care. Are you saying I should care or aren't you? I'm confused.

>your grandsons are gonna be half niggers
J-joke's on you, at the moment the highest probability is that my grandsons are gonna be quarter white, quarter chink, and half Paki.

Hitler originally wanted to send Jews all to Madagascar which was a brilliant idea, but then he went full autismo and started killing them, which is a death sentence for a nation as any country that attempts to exterminate Jews has the entire international Jewish community lobby their nations into declaring war on you

Fucks sake I need to go to bed but after this discovery I now need to fap too.

Whut do



nips live in a high trust and crimeless society. They have the highest average IQ of any country and they want to keep japan japanese.

Why is sheep fucker talking Japan as expert?

also all muh dickers must be die.

You should only fuck girls you deem perfect for breeding children with as sometimes pregnancies happen by accident
Anything else is degeneracy

>They have the highest average IQ of any country and they want to keep japan japanese.
One might almost think the two things are related in some way...




Gross. Choker. These bitches are trained from a young age to hate white men and coal-burn. Why fucking stress over it? White girls make me vomit. It's like looking at my sister naken or something
Asian waifus are superior.

shut up, jap



well they are basically asian supremacists they believe they are better then all the other asian races, so if you follow Sup Forums they are the aryans of asia, but honestly as a guy who has been with girls from all over asia, the best asian girls in terms of sex commitment and worthiness are all from hong kong, girls who are jap who want white guys are either ugly or self hating, and basically worthless. hong kong chinese girls loves white guys, wanna learn about you, and love your pink dick, this is all from personal experience so don't take it personally, but yeah, hong kong girls will turn you out basically, is what I found, the best lay I ever had was a 31 yr old hong kong aristocrat who had never had a white guy, she treated me to some shit.... that pretty much ruined regular sex for me. so yeah that is my experience.


ive seen male jap nipples and they are definitely not "coal black"

stop fucking pinoy prostitutes


She's a degenerate slag but she makes for a good fap.

Wish she'd hurry up and post nudes soon already

thats not a choker

terrible taste and

>brown eyes

She's cute.

Chinks are sub-humans.
