What's going on with white people? Why are they being bred out by blacks in their own countries.
White People
>Why are they being bred out by blacks
Isn't the % of blacks in the US actually dropping or atleast staying the same tho
its the spics that are the problem tbqh
Pretty sure there will be more whites in 2050 than there are now
That woman's face is nowhere near fat enough to represent America by 2050.
Blacks will always be at the 12-13% range, it's the dark skinned spics and illegals that come to this country that are the problem
>united states of 55% and dropping
no, they speculated, and this author is a clickbaitist
1 - Wow, another race thread how original.
2 - I would fuck that bitch, if this is actually true, US will be rid of the morbid obese girls.
3 - Usually, only poor american are concerned about the race deal. Very rare to see rich well sucessful ones complaining, they are just too busy being rich and banging people.
Lol this is literally propaganda. If every single person race mixed black characteristics would be gone in america within 2 or 3 generations. Ironically the only thing keeping the black race alive in America has been segregation and them usually only breeding with their own.
No one wants black women, not even black men. There is very little race mixing between black women and other races, but a large amount between black men and other races (specifically hispanics)
So would the white characteristics though.
Black are increasing compared to non-Hispanic whites. Black women don't have as many kids on average as people like to think (it's like 1.9 to 1.76 for non-Hispanic whites), but it's higher so they're growing steadily. But you're right in that Hispanics are the ones breeding like crazy and coming over in droves.
I'm fine with America being mixed, but Europe needs to get their shit together. They are the original homeland of whites.
Good thing is, we are starting to see a nationalist tide over there.
Black population is pretty stable as far as I know. They die young and get abortions way more often than Whites. It's the Brown tide Whites should be worried about.
White genes are dominant alleles though. The only recessive genes they carry are eye color.
Not in the U.S.A. thanks to abortion
>there are still chistcucks on Sup Forums that are pro-life
Seems like they haven't taken into account the fact that we are going to purge America of niggers. Hmmm....
Whites are breeding less.
Black still breed, but a surprising number are entering the middle class, or already have been in the middle class, for some time, so they have the same breeding patterns as Whites -- for the most part.
But somewhere between 40-50 million Mexicans have entered the United States since the early 1980s. That, coupled with their high birth rates, are what's causing the major shift.
That's what's caused the largest shift.
Also, Mestizo lighten up over generations, because they breed with each other, and with whites.
Over time, the Indian in them gets watered down
Really? Usually when a white mixes with another race, the kid generally looks more like the non-white parent. That is unless the non-white parent had a significant portion of white ancestry already.
Whatever the case, it is what it is. I imagine we are always going to have diversity to some extent, because not everyone is going to mix, and those who mix will have different mixes. A Eurasian looks quite different from a mulatto for example.
I guess we're the only ones who care about the dangers of overpopulating the planet.
Not for long Fake Puerto Rico, hopefully we balkanize. Then my state will be whiter than you (barely but still)
Good, you fuckers need to go.
Wow almost spain, not quite as important
No it wouldn't, there is more European blood in America than anywhere else in the world. You have to remember Mestizos usually are atleast 1/4 to 1/2 European too. If every person bred with someone other than their race we would be a pure white nation in a few generations.
somebody post the
>Your not white !!!!
version of this?
This. Blacks will either die out due to killing each other and having the majority of abortions or be relegated to being a crippled minority lacking the population for politicians to care about pandering to them. No one says anything about problems the Asian American community has because they are less than 3% of the national population.
It'll be the same with blacks. The real issue is the rate at which Hispanics breed when they illegally cross over.
I'm just being realistic. Though maybe there's some hope. People say millennials aren't on the same fatass trajectory that their parents went on. So we'll see.
Maybe in 2050 we'll be a nation of hard bodied crossfit studs that leaves all the panties of the world soaked as we walk by.
Even whitest US state - Maine - was just 94% white in 2012.
Yeah I somehwo doubt your state is whiter than we are.
Just to compare - Vietnamese and Gypsies (the only real minority groups here) together form about 1% of the population.
its really funny how accurate this is
why are you fucks so obsessed with skin color instead of politics
i swear to god if you put half of the effort you put into debating who's white and who's not and performing mental gymnastics to retain your retarded views you could actually start a fourth reich by now
Right, so the end result would probably be a Sicilian or Levantine looking type at best.
But then again, mixing isn't uniform and regions have different race mixes, so there is always going to be diversity to some extent.
Iowa Whiteness
1990: 96.6%
2000: 93.9%
2010: 91.3%
By golly we've been blacked
I guess I was remembering better times. Before the degenerate 90s took hold. The 90s were probably worse for you guys though huh?
blacks have always been between 10-15%
>The 90s were probably worse for you guys though huh?
we got rid of slovakia imported capitalism and won ice hockey olympics gold
it was ok
Our women are being taught to hate us.
Nice digits
Anyway, unlike what national geographic is saying blacks are staying roughly the same, hispanics are rising
On a long enough timeline, we'll look like Haitian mulattos.
Reminds me of that Trump is a time traveller and Pence came from the future screencap
You act like whiteness can never be restored in a genetic line. For instance eventually 1/4 African would lead to 1/8, leading to 1/16 and beyond which is essentially white, since there are more white genes overall
I was basing it on if you mixed everyone together into one "American" based on current race statistics.
Obviously that wouldn't happen since we have various ethnic diversity in the different regions of the US, so you wouldn't see much black influence in say North Dakota as you would in Mississippi.
Weve done it to our selves, all these framework of sjw, anti-white view, on whites and not to mention the fact that whites make up most of middle class thereby us being overworked thereby less chance ro repopulate
>hispanics are rising
This fucker better change the birthright laws.
If we keep getting state gov'ts then we can start on making amendments. I think we are like one or two away from jus soli being BTFO
Whites can't afford it. Taxes keep going up to house niggers who keep shitting out nigglets and getting more money
you say that like it's a good thing
we'll never invent something new again, I hope you know that.
In America there isn't a really a problem of Black overpopulation, since they will not be breeding enough and rather will stay the same numbers in the next fifty years.
Latinos will surge dramatically, however it will be in the states that there were tons of Latinos already, you know because it was part of Mexico to begin with.
Hell, Latinos themselves HATE black people more than anyone else, and in fact in California they are driving them out of their neighborhoods violently through gangs.
I honestly have no clue why niggers think that they are going to do better with them than whites, specially since they will have no "white guilt" bullshit to keep them from killing them.
I wasn't saying it as a good thing. Just a statement of reality.
Technically we won't look just like Haitian mullatos because we'll have asian and (more) latino blood mixed in.
sorry but the Mestizo mixed-race doesn't look as beautiful as White women. This is coming from a white hispanic.
Pol/ution alert!
Bot bait thread.
Don't reply to this shit you fools.
meanwhile in 1993 this is what Time said the average American would look like in 2050. In a decade the average american will be a baboon.
ITP: interracial marriages don't exist
As long as blacks exist in America, the white population percentage will ALWAYS go down
Why does the news cycle, Hollywood, and other media give so much fucking attention to niggers, when they are not even the biggest minority in America?
I mean, there are actually twice as many Hispanics, and yet I don't see them bitching that they are misrepresented and the like.
Quantity over quality?
This is propaganda. Whites currently have the highest population they ever had. Most whites here don't even date inter-racially at all and if they do it's always WM/AF
The problem is OTHER races breeding like fucking rabbits in first world countries, when it's completely not necessary anymore like it is in their coon haven countries
Looking forward to Brazil tier mulattos desu
What we really need more of are Asian x Hispanic. Asian features with latina fat distribution is Goddess mode and there aren't enough of them in the world.
Theyve been propogandized to be materialist narccissists. They dont want children. Sad.
We must raise large traditional families.
"And it's beautiful"
I think the thing I hate the most about these kinds of people is the way they say things
Repeating numbers and the white race is still the majority in 2050. Shadilay!
Please have mercy, Kek...?
Dumb people breed first.
I genuinely think it's just propaganda. Look back at a lot of what people 70-80 years ago thought the future would look like. They got a few things right but many things dead wrong.
Also it was probably an excuse to use a photograph like that. People keep forgetting that the woman in the picture is supposed to represent the mean of what all different races in America would look like if you put them into one person. People still mostly have children inside their own race. What you see on the internet is often an exaggeration of the exception. SJW's are a perfect example of exaggeration because they are just a loud minority, yet you see them everywhere because they purposely put themselves out there for the public to see, creating the illusion that ALL millenials are like this.
We let the blacks go nuts with having kids. Meanwhile white familys continue to leave and have less and less kids. See all the feminists being white failures and gays being majority white. No wonder why the US white population is dwindling fast
At least you guys have jagr and mrazek and some other players
>National Geographic made some shit up
>the thread
The black population is stable, it's the Spics that the US has to worry about.
send help
(OP) #
Look into r/K selection theory.
"r" groups produce many offspring and hope that they survive while giving them little care.
"K" groups produce less offspring and care for them more, like human beings should.
Basically, shitskins are like cockroaches. They lay a lot of eggs and hope that some live, because back in the stone age (which was a hundred years ago for them) they were too stupid and incapable to care for their offspring. Their mechanism of survival isn't based on mutual trust, interdependency and prosperity of their people, it's based on fucking and having a lot of kids. But now that they have Western nations to leech off of, they don't die off as much as they're supposed to, leading to mass overpopulation on our fucking dime.
The reason for this is because so many nigger males get themselves put in jail that it's stunted their roach-like breeding.
We have all the State Legislatures we need; the problem is the 2/3 majority in Congress.
But based on the SCOTUS decisions which exempted Jure Solis from Native Americans residing on Reservations, we might be able to force through a legal clarification ending it.
Fucking this.
Kek willing
America will finally become "Jamal".
It's the horse cock
> and it's Beautiful
Fuck can the anti-white propaganda get more obvious?
She's a White Mexican!!!!
why do the jews dont push the white/spic couple? why does it have to be with niggers?
The OPs pic is just wishful thinking/fetish on the authors part. IF white people die out then I give the niggers 6 mts to a year and they'll be gone without their cycle of gibs. Does no one know that parasites don't care (nor realize) when the host goes so do they?