Holy shit, is he /ourguy/? I just found this dude on YouTube, and I'm almost pissing myself laughing. He trolls feminists and lefties while dropping redpills left, right, and center.
Holy shit, is he /ourguy/? I just found this dude on YouTube, and I'm almost pissing myself laughing...
>Is a fucking dirty disgusting BRIT our guy
Is this bait?
>dirty brit
What does his nationality have to do with his content? A lot of great comedians come from Britain anyway (monty python??). I don't get it
Your momma putting that fat ass out for bait to catch your next alcoholic dad
Your great, great, great, great, great grandfather died fighting the Redcoats and this is how you repay him? You make me sick.
Lol, idk, I mean, my family immigrated here from Italy a while back.... The brits of today aren't responsible for the sins of their ancestors anyway wtf? Are you trolling me?
Sup Forums doesn't like him because he is a homosexual coalburning jew
He gets paid a lot of money to shit on retarded lefties. He just signed a 250k book deal.
You don't speak for /pol faggot, I also hate any false idols who try to cash in on god emperors success like this degenerate milo.
Haha, that's awesome. I hope to have a career as satisfying as that someday.
>The brits of today aren't responsible for the sins of their ancestors anyway wtf
Are you fucking kidding me? Educate yourself.
Lol, it is memes like you that give Sup Forums a bad name. BURN IT WITH FIRE!!!
>says /ourguy/
>claims to have just found Milo
I like you Milo but cmon man, stop shilling.
This has to be fucking bait
you're so edgy OP, kill your self
>just found
That's why I approve this fag. He's great for initial redpilling.
this b8 is so bad it should be called b7
He's barely rightwing and dates black men, so no.
Sure, and that's about it.
He said himself he thinks nobody should be proud of their race or ethnicity.
This is an 18+ board
>dates black men
How is that a bad thing? Are you worried there wouldn't be enough BBCs for your wife?
This. Honestly these dudes are all just triggered because they are jealous of Milo's success. I don't envy him, I am inspired by him. He has truly made trolling an art form.
>Race mixing a good thing.
You couldn't sound like any more of a fifteen year old if you tried
It's not like a half-nig's gonna come out of his vagina. Do you just want him for yourself?
Sodomites are cancer.
Spoken like a fellow autist, my dude.
>le contrarian edgelord homosexual who brags about being BLACKED
>t. person who never passed health class
baiting hinges upon subtlety.
Let me guess. Your a newfag who spent winter break here and frequent reddit alot.
He's nothing compared to trump, who's an actual qualified and vetted shitposter
It's not bait, guys. This is actually Milo posting himself. Get lost, fag.
I mean yeah, obviously no one compares to Trump, but Milo is up near the top. It would be gold if Trump actually were to pick him for Press Secretary. Probably not going to happen, but can you imagine the outrage?
That's a statement I can sort of agree with. It is useless to be proud of what others have done. Pride should be reserved for your own accomplishments or things you have influenced; lest you start claiming that you wuz kangz
Nonetheless, facts and numbers don't lie; the best societies are white and unfortunately also asian. It doesn't take a professional social engineer to tell you what that means.
If you don't pass on your culture,it is lost.
Race =/= culture.
Sociology 101.
You're welcome.
no that's the point, he isnt needed
That's wrong though. It's no coincidence that the only two lovable societies you named also have the highest IQs.
Things like IQ, time preference, and aggression are heritable and the foundations of culture. Race absolutely equals culture.
Milo is a useful jew for now. A fellow traveller of sorts.
Great more newfag cancer
Milo literally can't talk about anything besides SJWs, as if they're the only problem in the universe
You can see that on his podcasts. Every time one of his guests tries to bring up a different subject or perspective, he somehow finds a way to bring it back to feminists or BLM or other useful idiots of the left, which should tip you off that he himself is a useful idiot of the right.
I wish someone would take him out of his little bubble of attacking the low-hanging fruit and try to argue with him about the JQ or whether Trump's trade war with China will go hot or government surveillance or something a little more interesting than stupid fucking college kids
Milo is fucking cancer.
He uses the alt-right to sell his brand/book.
I mean, yeah there are other problems in the world, but SJWs are probably the biggest problem facing the West at the moment, with the possible exception of Islam.
Yeah pink hair feminists are whats bringing down the west haha. This is why nobody cares what newfags think.
Just another career (((journalist))) like Lauren Southern riding the anti-SJW anti-PC wave that's exploded lately. He is witty and a good speaker but not smart by the same standard as someone like Ben Shapiro. He just rattles off the same pre-rehearsed lines for the same predicted outrage.
He appeals to the 12-16 yr old male crowd mostly just as the SJW rekt videos full of memes and airhorns appeals to them too.
Beyond HAHA DUMB SJW AMERICAN COLLEGE STUDENT LETS LAUGH of the week he doesn't really produce any qualify meaningful commentary or analysis, he paints himself as someone who promotes such outrage but his positions are in fact very very safe and he is sure to not go after anyone until a few days later when doing so is publicly accepted.
Basically a right wing version of a SJW too with the attention whoring and behavior shutting down opposing views to a certain extent but he brings people over to our side which is alright.
this, that's why i still unironically like shapiro. that guy can at least talk about other things and keep a coherent argument without sperging about muh febinism as if it was the answer to everything
Like I said, you dumbfuck, they're useful idiots and probably mostly single issue voters
I think gays are disgusting and their place in the media promotes moral decay, but ultimately they have too little of a place to matter
I think feminists are retards, but ultimately they won't get any more rights because there's nothing left for them to gain
Blacks only care about dem po'grams; they don't give a shit about anything else the Democrat party does. I guarantee you they'll vote red if Trump can actually get them jobs
Hell, even if SJWs call for more fucking Syrians, they'll all probably just go to places that are already shitholes like NYC or LA if they actually make it here
None of these things address problems that are relevant to the majority of Americans. If Milo was qualified to be Press Secretary, he'd be able to speak about more intellectually hard topics like interest rates, taxation, the media, the military and foreign policy and so on. He can't.
Lol bro, just cus someone is good at chess doesn't mean that they aren't completely insane. Really, to be Fischer level requires 9001+ autism levels anyway.
I see what you're saying, and I hear you, but the job of a Press Secretary is just to bullshit to journalists anyway.
I fantasize about Milo at the podium on day one, announcing that he will not be taking any questions from CNN for a minimum of 6 months.
The salt would be delicious.
>coke addict
>gay pedophile defender
>rips people off
>Made fucking GEERT give a speech in front of TWINKS
>Literally did a Spirit-Cooking tier art of being bathed in "blood" in a tub
He will collapse and linked to Bannon and to muh alt right
Yeah it must be the pink hairs, fuck that chess champ!
>every picture
>literally who?
Back to Sup Forums with you, fagola.
Says the kike lover who thinks feminists are the real problem, i bet you feel stupid. They have more power then any pink hair buddy.
Jfc, if I wanted to quote mine stupid shit from alt-righters like you are doing with Jews, it would be easy as fuck. You've already given me plenty of fodder. Saged.
>It's the feminists that are the real problem guys!
Get lost faggot. You're a fucking idiot that sucks Jew dick.
>Saging your own dumbass thead
Think I'll do the same, cuck
He's a homosexual
> homosexual coalburning jew
Probably if he wasn't so attention whore that wouldn't matter at all.