You Rage, You Lose
I sincerely hope all these women get killed by Muslims. The cognitive dissonance is truly outstanding
>Huffington post.
How can anybody reage at that anymore? It's simply a joke.
if by feminism they mean FUBARing womens lives, it's true
having a penis is a congratulations by itself
These just make me laugh more than anything else
Could you imagine kidnapping this retard, dragging him to your basement, and hanging him on a Livestream while the world watched?
A man can fantasize.
I lused to like him on The Daily Show and Community... now I hate his fucking guts. Thanks Sup Forums.
Tell that to mudslimes, fucking huffpo.
You already got me OP.
this made me kek
I hope he gets beheaded like her too.
I hope the fag fathers gets beheaded before they do more damage to the kid.
>from other tread
This one doesn't bother me so much, mainly because it is a Halloween costume. Sure a girl should be doing it, but at age ten, she would still be flat-chested. So it's basically like having a little boy in the dress anyway.
Huffing-paint post is truly the gift that keeps on giving
To clarify what happened, apparently the woman left her apartment and her neighbor noticed smoke coming from under the door. When the neighbor asked her if there was a fire, she said there was not a fire. The neighbor asked if there was anyone else in there and the woman said that her daughter was in there.
The woman proceeded to go outside into the street, flag down a motorcyclist and beg for a ride to her friend's house. At no time did she call emergency services or attempt to do anything to save the child.
It wasn't neglect. It was attempted murder.
people like this should be hanged in the streets
>two dads
Probably that kid suffers from sexual abuse
>The Post's View
There's a difference there you know
Same, but he lost me when I started watching clips of his own show on YT and his hypocrisy really ran amok.
shut up and let me cherry pick so I can rage
I wish we COULD convince those terrorists that he was a feminist
We could sit back and watch them slowly get destroyed from the inside
>It has little basis in the Quran and it is certainly not consistent with anything we know about what Muhammad taught or how he treated women.
he married a 6 year old and fucked her at 9. it's in the fucking Quran you god damn moron.
10/10 would impregnate anyway. That's how powerful women are.
A fucking leaf
Fucking pathetic neets who love this shit need to be gassed.
>hanging him
yeah, sure, you drag a guy into your basement to hang him
suuuure, """"hang"""
awww, poor kitteh
>not even a trap
low effort achmed
Fucking hell. Worst of all there are plenty of bitches like her everywhere.
Just reposting from other thread:
> David Giannelli, noticed Scarlett carrying her kittens away from the garage one by one. Scarlett herself had been severely burned in the process of pulling her kittens from the fire. Her eyes were blistered shut, her ears and paws burned, and her coat highly singed. The majority of her facial hair had been burnt away. After saving the kittens she was seen to touch each of her kittens with her nose to ensure they were all there and alive, as the blisters on her eyes kept her from being able to see them, and then she collapsed unconscious.
Damn dude, which Senran Kagura game is that? The new one for PS4?
>calling others achmed while defending degeneracy
How fitting for a fucking nigger. That's why you'll never be white.
She tried to kill her own daughter apparently, the rest of her life will be worse than death
snek is best senran
Got any more like that?
Is this supposed to make me rage
Kill them all
Why isn't anyone making this shit more public? If anything, show these people responsible and record their reactions. It shouldn't be this easy to contradict oneself so publicly.
Boku no Clothes rip
There is literally nothing degenerate with appreciating the two dimensional form.
People can only get tucked so fast
They will usually pivot to another issue instead of addressing their glaring hypocrisy.
Whoops I forgot, only shit skin Mexicans from El shitadore resort to violence
These are great bumping for more!
I still have this saved
The one thing that enrages me most is the common core fagshit in america
Old one, unfortunatly still relevant
thank rabbi
i think his solo show sux tho
samantha bee is awful too
and the Cape Colored kid doing the daily show now
This isn't YLYL
Well are you gonna post it and a source or are you gonna be a faggot?
>This semite didn't read Mein Kampf
>canadian posts fact that agrees with the rest of Sup Forums about how retarded Islam is
>gets called "a fucking leaf" for no reason
with all the other shit there is to make fun of us with, you still parrot this exactly?
Alberta's carbon tax was just instated, increasing gas prices and household heating by a minimum of 4% province-wide and increasing, we still have a nepotistic communist ballet dancer in charge of our entire country, a host of dragon's den with extremely liberal views is running for leader of the conservative party, and our PM is outdoing himself in terms of retarded decision making every day, among other shit
counter-canuck replies will be more fun for everyone if you research and pick at specifics, rather than typing "a fucking leaf" almost on subconscious as soon as you see the colours red and white
>trusting women
thanks rabbi
How does it feel to take an Anons weak banter so seriously leaf?
Check em
What are you talking about
The Hitler quote is why I saved it
>all articles a newspaper publishes must follow one dogma
>different authors can't have different opinions
w e w
I'm probably going to be a faggot.
Probably better that they get removed from the gene pool.
The conservative white birthrate in burgerstan/wiemerica is 2.34 and for liberal whites it's 1.64.
If we could stop illegal immigration, stop birthrate citizenship, and severely limit non-white immigration we would get a conservative population just by outbreeding lefties.
>removed from the gene pool
The gene pool is already fucked.
Lo- oh wait its YRYL no YLYL
Why does Tucker Carlson write like a bullied high schooler in his diary?
fuck i lost
those must have been written by dudes that visit this board- I actually refuse to believe that these posts would be serious and honest.
That's enough internet for one lifetime
Also some more rage
This can't be real.
Can't tell if this is satire or not
Hitler wrote this
It's an impressionable child that literally doesn't know any better, doing this shit is guaranteed gonna give him some desire to smoke pole
these guys are from Sup Forums. especially that last one
I fear that kid will watch SU and believe the world is all Willy nilly and everyone will accept this type of bullshit
Probably, but im no longer being surprised by anything
>pic continuity.
finally found it
This HAS to be a troll
no.. i refuse to believe they're being serious and this is no fake.
can they?
THIS is the troll!