I'm a Jew. AMA

I'm a Jew. AMA.

How many shekels do you make a week?

why haven't you necked yourself yet?

Where do you live and do you have an oven?

Post your face with censored eyes so I can see what a breed of Anglos and Jews looks like.

So am I and probably about 10% of Sup Forums

Why is Israel so based and how can we put an end to the muslim question?

What is your profession?

Are you a Jew?

How can an oven made in the 30's cremate so many?

What's your end game?

Will you please kill your family and then yourself?

What's the current best market right now to exploit? I'm tired of being broke and I can't fathom working another 9-5 job just to simply get by.

Are mobile apps still the big thing to farm shekels?

My profession is banking duh. Silly goyms

Why don't you live in Israel?

>Expecting a Jew to give you financial advice that will benefit anyone other than himself

Crack up

Why havent you gassed yourself yet

without a doubt the best way to harvest shekels is inhale them with one's mighty nose

cuz gas costs money

Do ovens in UK have wifi?

if you want a breed of English and jew look no further than Sacha Baron Cohen

Are you rubbing your hands now?

How do I convince my Christian parents that Israel is unjustified in their actions against Palestine?


well if you're not even gonna try and role play i'm not even gonna try and play along, shit thread is shit.