Alright Sup Forumslocks, it's a new are YOU becoming the change you want to see in society? For me, it's:
>drink more water, including green tea instead of coffee >purge myself of material possessions and get organized >read more actual books again
Pic related. One of my bookshelves after spending a good chunk of the day cleaning out my closet and organizing my books.
>inb4 "purging material possessions while still having all those books"
Evan Foster
If you want to improve yourself start by learning how to rotate images.
Daniel Miller
Damn good bookshelf.
Blake Sanders
>continue lifting as I've been doing, gaining some good mass >buy shotgun and a shit ton of ammo >shoot shotgun at outdoor range near my college >Also read more books but I know that as soon as I start school again that will not last long as I'll have to focus on classes >get gf >disaster preparedness, have already started making lists of stuff I need and plans for what to do should I experience a natural or man-made disaster
Brayden Ward
I took a vertical photo but Sup Forums switched it to a horizontal view after the upload. Better?
I might get one of her books if it was full of her taking sexy pics.
Nicholas Davis
I'm going to eat more veggies this year.
Brayden Johnson
I'm giving up coffee, going on a low carb (paleo/keto) diet, working out 3-5 days this year, and buying a house.
I already gave up soda, sweet teas, juice, and I never drink.
Carson Wilson
Anyone with Nabokov and Joyce in the same shelf is doing it right. My only note is that it's very broad but not very deep: A lot of single works by great authors.
Landon Miller
>>buy shotgun and a shit ton of ammo >>shoot shotgun at outdoor range near my college
Gun fag? What's a good choice for babby's first shoot?
Good luck britbong. Getting your veg in is difficult. I use green supps to help out on occasion. Pic related.
Low carb has been incredibly painful for me but it really helps lower body fat. :( Any tips?
Eli Sanders
Haha I was wondering how some of those books floated in mid air
Juan Peterson
In the last two years I've cut down my masturbation and tobacco usage by about 95% each.
This year I'm focusing on getting a decent, early night's sleep.
Things are not going so good.
Ethan Cook
Just came back from a trip with 3 mates, I discovered the true red pill: Socializing.
I found out that my social skills are shit and it's the main thing why i'm shit at everything. From now on you'll find me less on this shithole of a site and more out talking to people. Period.
John Brooks
Your a fag
Alexander Nelson
I read this and it was life altering.
Real calisthenic strength training is fucking amazing, the increase in practical strength and flexibility is huge. I had no idea what bridges were let alone how hugely beneficial they are to your posture and everyday comfort.
William Evans
I hope to build on my momentum from the last 6 months of 2016 basically.
>finish up college on a strong note >get hired at the internship I landed for this semester >hopefully find out that my new gf isn't too good to be true and is the woman I will marry
On top of that just keep reading and working out I guess.
Sebastian Adams
I havent masturbated since last year
Connor Cox
I want to be more relaxed
William Sullivan
Improve physique, improve wardrobe, be more Zen, graduating mid year so hopefully good job (hydrogeology)
Logan Foster
>Death on the Installment Plan My Man!
>staying away from the degenerates in the bars >reading more books instead of lurking on Sup Forums >getting sleep so that life is on easy mode >upgrading things in my apartment (for example, getting rid of towels, dishes, etc from college) >finding social activities that match my interests
Mason Allen
Michael Johnson
>I only read dead white males: the bookshelf
Austin Roberts
I'm quitting the unholy trinity of porn, weed, and vidya. But may bring weed back in moderation once I'm clear of the other two as it helps with piano and writing. But weed made porn and vidya so awesome that's all I'd fucking do in my free time.
Also want to hit the gym, but will probably not go hard until the other new years fags vacate the gym for the year. Gym I'm at is super crowded but the only feasible choice at the moment.
Find and pursue more outdoorsy hobbies like shooting and photography. It'll help get me out of the apartment more which means more chances to get laid and meet new people.
That's all I got so far.
Lincoln Nelson
Samuel Rogers
Trying to beef up and eat better. I'm on roids so had to stop drinking, might stick with that. Need to buy a house this year and hopefully have a white baby.
Liam Perez
I want to be more cognizant in general this year, or at least get on the road to being so. I feel like my intuition is really sluggish though... to remedy this, I've been trying to find a website or something that offers daily brain teasers - or anything that will get my lazy-ass brain in gear and do some thinking. Any suggestions?
Jack Mitchell
>a fucking leaf
A chick once told me I have a typical white male's bookshelf. I took it as a compliment.
Robert Evans
khan academy?
Kevin Reyes
It wasn't you blockhead
Chase Rivera
Adderall, caffeine, nicotine
Caleb Campbell
A chick called me a blockhead once. I took it as a compliment.
Thomas Lewis
Go out to a skeet/trap range, and rent a gun (12 gauges make it easier to hit the target, though 20 gauges are easier to handle), and talk with the people there. They'll be happy to help you.
Nice bookshelf, btw. Do you post on /lit/ as well?
Adam Lopez
Get /fit/ and finally get around to building a Para FAL.
Wyatt Moore
Cold showers, Coffee, and Cardio
Jordan Lewis
Master the 'chan and you will be closer to living up to your true potential:
Sup Forums - learn politics, current events, and ideology /k/ - get yourself a firearm and learn to shoot /fit/ - condition your body for the struggles ahead /out/ - heighten your survival skills /lit/ - appreciate the culture you defend /fa/ - dress well and make a good impression /o/ - get around with your car... /n/ - ...or without it /diy/ - don't rely on others to do simple tasks for you
Any others?
Jacob Lewis
How about morally and socially? Are you making life easier for your self and those around you? If you just self improve so you can be better then its just narcissistic masturbation. Its not wrong to improve one self on the different areas in life achieving things, being good at things, having cool interests and hobbies and such but if that is all you are aiming for then you are missing out on something. There are many people that are good at these things yet they lack the human connection and they ares till empty inside.
Know what i am saying?
Levi Morales
quit cigarettes make and keep gains dump my arab/muslim girlfriend learn android ios dev
Lincoln Campbell
I cleaned my apartment. Bought meats and vegetables. Only drinking water and coffee. Protein shakes every other day as my one big meal. moderate exercise. Going from 2-3k calories a day down to 1200-1600. Holiday with family fucked me up good from halloween till now.
Jaxon Collins
/s/ - drain your hose /x/ - wear a tinfoil hat /r9k/ - kill yourself
Brayden Green
This is true but Sup Forums does cheer me up with its shitposting which helps me IRL. Never understood anons who come here and express dismay about all the red pills they keep swallowing.
Fuugggg, completely forgot about posture...forward-head faggot here. Thanks for the tip, user.
Vyvanse master race right here.
Thanks, brah. Never got into /lit/ that much but who knows? Maybe it'll be my next board after Sup Forums goes south.
Sup Forums is great for the bantz and /r9k/ is good to boost your self-esteem
Checked. I think once you are in a good spot, you are more able and willing to help others achieve what you have in your own life.
Leo Collins
>tfw I liked it better when I thought it was a sideways bookshelf built into the wall.
Other than your college books on the bottom, you have practically no non-fiction. Stock up on information that you can take into your everyday life. A few books on business or psychology can have a greater impact on your life than your entire collection of classics.
Elijah Gutierrez
>A few books on business or psychology can have a greater impact on your life than your entire collection of classics. While there is nothing wrong with business or the study of psychology, a few books on either is going to have nowhere near the impact of a collection of classics.
Gabriel Gray
I'll try to get Sup Forums to eat better as a foundation for a personal a social revival. I'll devise a study program with which to infect the whole of society, and a way of disseminating that knowledge that will be such that what is recommended in the program will become Sup Forums common knowledge. This will then spread elsewhere.
Andrew Ward
>you are more able and willing to help others achieve what you have in your own life My point was that there was more then mere achievement to self improvement. And if you are overlooking the moral and ethical part about it then its narcissistic masturbation