This kills the mainstream media's narrative
This kills the mainstream media's narrative
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(((CNN))) BTFO'D
Ohh I smell a TWTR pump coming
How's their stock doing now?
Twitter will be shut down before his presidency is over
I feel like Twitter will be clamping down on conservatives 10 fold. They have already chosen sides. They lose nothing blocking more people like Milo.
People will just shit him on him in the replies.
Not a smart move. He should announce his policies on Fox News.
He should just use Breitbart
This makes the leftist angry
140 twitter characters to announce his policies? Im Trump train but this is a dumb decision.
probably will link to a WH press page
Most likely.
THIS however puts them in the spotlight. There have been rumors, whispers, and even calls for Twitter to outright ban Trump. Now that doing so might actually be detrimental to the country, it's a spin they DIDN'T want.
Why is this such a big deal? He has already been using twitter. Is it just that he won't give the scoop to the journalists directly?
Would have sworn Trump would have preferred live TV appearances...
Unless (((they))) got to him.
Was Trump just Assanged?
he'll start using the russian facebook
Are you 10?
trump brings the clicks for them shekels
>POTUS directly communicating to the people, in his own words
>this kills the liberal media
>not mainstream
Captain Crunch will boldly go where no Klingon Bibi has gone before
FDR won with radio
Trump will win with dank memes
>inb4 FDR fought the nazis so he's bad
I'm not saying that FDR was good or bad but he knew what the best way to reach the people was without letting the media distort his words.
Kek wills it. Everytime he tweets he needs 400 frogs to reply asap and drown out the shills
FDR's fireside chats were long and heavily scripted, and he only did like 30 of them total.
>has never seen Trump's twitter
He posts essays on twitter
It will allow him to break down what his decisions mean for the average person very easily.
Which is good because the average person is stupid, doubly so for the average twitter user
Basically what he's doing is going, "Fuck you mainstream media assholes, I never needed you in the first place, I don't need your bullshit now"
He's going MGTOW on media
>refuses intel briefings
>im too smart
>please have me accept these consequences; it always works out in the end
now is your chance to buy twitter stock while it's cheap
Someone please tell me how (((CNN))) and (((MSNBC))) are reacting to this news
State of the twitter with frogs and 140 characters. We have a shitposting tumblrina in office
Oh, my god. At least let your staff filter this stuff PLEASE. I thought his tweets were great during the campaign, but now that he is elected it's becoming a liability.
I don't know that much about the fireside chats but I think that the scripted and long is a method of communication suited to a world where people listen to radio every night or so with great attention.
For better or worse the internet and phones and computers have made communication fast and quick. Trump can be pithy and also be retarded depending on what day it is.
But in that same sense the times have changed and Trump is doing what works in current year 3.
>tfw twitter bans him and we don't get updates
Can Trump get anymore based? We're only 1 day in 2017, how far does this rabbit hole go?
It would be great, in a sense, if they did. It would heighten tensions by making more people aware of the Left's increasing disregard for free speech.
>USA presidential addresses being done on tumblr, /r/The_Donald and Sup Forums stickies
>yfw Trump nationalizes twitter and it becomes nothing but Trump shitposting 24/7/365
Nigger how do you even ban the most powerful man alive?
You don't just ban the fucking President.
>nationalizing anything
still no way for them to make money
how the hell does twitter even stay alive?
>how to successfully launch TrumpTalk
At this point if you alienate Trump you alienate 50% of the US public.
I like and support Trump but I honestly hope he gets to control his temperament a bit more.
It's one thing when he's candidate or president-elect but literally using twitter for policy statements might not end up well
Remember, if there is no cost to sign up for a website, you are not the customer, you are the product.
I honestly hope they do.
It would be a fantastic way to show the average person just how Orwellian and authoritarian the left has actually become - and all without using the government to enact their censorship and thought policing, which is something that needs to start being seriously discussed.
Corporations and liberals are doing an end-run around the constitution by enacting the equivalent of government mandated censorship, without the government declaring the mandate.
He can just use twitlonger, image posts, and other such methods. The point is that by using Twitter he bypasses all of the usual mainstream bias that gets shoved into everything he says.
>twitter coordinates of a terrorist training camp at the Russian MoD
>get a reply with a video of an airstrike on that position
Oh so he's not gonna do press conferences like he hasn't done any yet? Wasn't that something you guys criticized Hillary Clinton?
This dude is corrupt as fuck and everyday he gives more and more signs of it.
Doesn't this give a fuckton of power to Twitter though? Like they can silence the president by hitting a button and he may not have a fallback methon.
It will be Shitposting Sundays. Get it right.
advertising and selling personal information and metrics to advertisers, as well as getting paid to influence public discourse and discussion.
>the left
Also, people pay to be the first seen reply to his tweet, with botted likes and retweets, just like he has with the cringy pepe posters right now. Those influence a lot of people.
Clinton for****
You better believe it
Corporations are all for this multiculti bullshit and the driving force behind it
Liberals were just more corrupt/easier for them to influence
Except it's brilliant you mong.
>"You know, I'm gonna enact [policy]"
>fifty million responses
>varying opinions, inputs, all from the public themselves
>Trump gets to browse Twitter all day and it's technically his job
>"I've been reading a lot of tweets, and I think [adjusts policy or keeps it the same]"
Why it has taken this long for something like this to happen I don't understand. Fifty years from now this will be a common presidential tactic and it will have started with King Frog.
>'t that something you guys criticized Hillary Clinton?
Wasn't a criticism, more a suspicious thing for a media darling to avoid during a campaign, created a lot of questions about her health.
Trump is the medias enemy no 1.
Why would he trust those faggot to relay his messages to the public? Cut out the incompetent middle man and just talk to the people directly.
I'm aware of neoliberals being the trojan horse for right-wing corporate interests.
Your accusation that neoliberals have anything to do with "the left" triggers the fuck out of this helicopter passanger.
>praise Obama for being the first President to use social media
Cutting out the useless middle man that will just dilute and twist the truth. They are no longer needed and they know it.
fucking nice
stave you fucking MSM cuckfags
It's not. Reactions to changing US policies might be significant events that cost lot of people and countries their money and that affect lots of things. If Trump declares a policy - and does not enact it or changes it later on - this cause a lot of bad things from economy hurting to actual geopolitical events.
Of course, this is worst case scenario as I doubt (or atleast hope he wont) he'll actually use it for the most important, major, geopolitical announcements without proper consultation but it's a possibility.
Aren't there many investors as well.
We need some major changes in major policies and have needed them for a very long time
So much utterly stupid shit that just gets taken for granted like there is no other option. All of it needs to be examined and most of it needs to be chucked into the garbage.
He's having a conference coming up.
He really can't get away without criticism. First he was taking too long for his appointments, even though he was quicker than the past three or four Presidents with making his first appointment. Then while taking time to pick the appointments he's criticized for not having a conference.
I am not disputing them. What I am having trouble with is using social media as platform for announcing major policy changes - specifically if you change them or do not enact them later on. And we know that with Trump, despite how based he is, this is a real possibility.
And it's not just policies - i sincerly hope he avoids venting his personal conflicts too. President abusing his power in this way does not feel okay. But he did tone it down recently and i hope it remains that way.
The Trump govt will just nationalize Twitter if they try to shut it off.
That wouldn't even be free speech, it'd be access to information.
Much more Orwellian
This is brilliant. No MSM propaganda twisting his words.
Unless Twatter becomes like reddit where they edit peoples posts.
So, they shouldn't be known about before being implemented because loss of rigidity sucks?
Just post them as potential policies for feedback first then, eesh.
He should really get into
thats great. we can finally get the policy info from the source. msm will be nothing more than vlogging andop-ed pieces as they crumble and die
Where did this quote actually come from?
Pay celebs and other people with alot of followers to do product placement tweets. For example, Celeb A tweets "This new Acme Ass Bleach 5000 is awesome!"
Literally POTUS nintendo direct.
Well I guess you are right.
It's just that this is kind of untested and might not quite work out
oh whatever
it's gonna be Bush tier wailing while Obama barely got flak from anyone but fox news
Will he be retweeting cute cat pictures for the American people to see? Seriously, go look at his following right now before some intern notices and fixes it.
Un...Unexpected feel...
>People will just shit him on him in the replies.
Oh no! People will write bad things about Donald Trump... on twitter!? Maybe even public figures? This is unheard of! It literally never happened before. We can't even fathom how such a thing could possibly come about... and so on and so on and so on.
>trump will use twitter
>the ap announces over twitter
The only reason you know who Trump is is because of msm
No, it's because of Sup Forums
Wow, it's like you can't even begin to wrap your mind around the concept of living in a time before the internet
youre a fucking white male!
>banning POTUS from tweeting when demonizing the censor-happy Left is in the initial stages of becoming trendy
They may as well suckstart a 12 gauge.
It's great. He won't have to have things filtered through the MSM into leftist drivel and they can't claim "lack of transparency."
Complete cuck move. Use a platform that has censored and banned the majority of your supporter.
>People will just shit him on him in the replies.
Right, because after a decade of Youtube driving home the point to millions that the comments sections of anything ever are to never be given the time of day, the impotent text rage of tweetfags are going to bring it all crashing down.
4 years of shitposting, at least
Keks will be had
Sell Twitter stock. It's closing shop.
You anti-Trump morons still don't fucking get it. This guy is the ANTI-Clinton, ANTI-Obama, ANTI-politic bullshit president. Obama would tweet shit like: "Happy New Year to a proud nation of diverse people and empowered women!" You know, Trudeau shit. This guy is making it clear: The days of peak cuck are over. If you stood in his way, he's going to fuck you over.
Sam Hyde's twitter.
>michael jackson eating popcorn.jpg
I saw that the other day and was absolutely disgusted. I hope Trump slaps Google with some anti-trust shit.