(((pol))) will defend this
(((pol))) will defend this
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H'es not even in office yet you dense fuck.
Go rip off more counter-signal memes from Ghouls facebook page faggot.
lmao shove your kid drawing up your ass and kYS
Do you not believe hes going to appoint his announced appointees to his cabinet?
So once he's in office you'll feel comfortable with these memes?
Also, what the fuck are you talking about?
>le e-celeb ghoul created ms paint parodies xD stop making fun of my daddy god drumpfsteinberg
reminder that his primary goal is to reduce the size and expenditure of government and that appointing people who hate the respective agency to all non-military positions will do exactly that, Zizzy
>reduce the size and expenditure of government
>half of cabinet hot off Goldman-Sachs
No cronyism going on here! Just effective government spending like Goldman-Sachs has always been interested in.
Sup Forums loves Israel now
We're jewish this year, didn't you hear?
>not expecting elites to be appointed to cabinet positions in the most elitist country in the fucking world
>lying to yourself pretending these were the ONLY elites that Trump could have chosen
the bernie one is so much better
he literally said 1000000 times that he will pick the best people, real killers, people you wouldn't want to have dinner with, who are sometimes miserable, but will kill the shit out of shit. And he namedropped Carl Icahn over and over
stupid fake surprise from butthurt loser democraps
>>half of cabinet hot off Goldman-Sachs
can you name them all?
steve bannon worked at goldman sachs too and he's literally Breitbart le evil alt right
I don't understand why people are surprised. This is literally why we voted for him. To watch him get shit done.
anybody defending it is the (((newpol))) that came from reddit
this board is such a joke nowadays
very related link from a decent source
No, it was hyperbole
I know for a fact that at least 3 Goldman execs have been appointed to his cabinet as well as several more lower down Goldman employees
>he literally said 1000000 times that he will pick the best people
Who exactly is the swamp in your mind? I'm just going to guess that the 'swamp' and the 'best people' are two mutually exclusive groups in your mind. If the financial globalist elite who have worked for the likes of Soros and Goldman aren't the swamp who is?
Go back to your dirty cave you filthy abo.
expected reply
you're a really good goy
>Who exactly is the swamp in your mind?
Career politicians and lobbyists. I thought that was understood.
lel this
stormweenies RAUS
>Career politicians
>Newt Gingrich
>Jeff Sessions
>Tom Price
>Rick Perry
>Nikki Haley
But your ok with it if we just cut out the middle-man and bring in the executives from the institutions that the lobbyists lobbied for?
if he doesn't honor campaign promises, fuck him.
Fuck off, CTR or American Bridge or whatever else you call yourself. You lost. Deal with it.
damn dude ur edgy
hahah i love the daily show xd
Win big
Moloch sucks keks cock
Fuck off you stupid Labour cuckie tankies. saged
140 000 and 1
Hasn't went back on it yet.
Here is the "drain the swamp" propisition for the millionth time since OP is a dense faggot.
444 = hhh bitch
Words bleed thunder
Kinda sorta
Only cause miaaah
444 = hhh 88 silent h
Hey how white is you country? I've always wondered if it was mostly people of european decent or some mestizo/castizo mixture with the natives.
Donald Trump is a kike.
fucking kiwiland
>I know for a fact that at least 3 Goldman execs have been appointed to his cabinet as well as several more lower down Goldman employees
So what nigga? Does he look like bernie sanders to you?
Also, name more than one (1).
Why. Cause of x
444 vs 666 my nigga
Yo bitch . I take
And when Hillary hires the same qualified people (Goldman Sachs) she's their puppet
>hmmm really fires up those neurons
You dunno. We will take more for this.
444 = 88 silent 4 and a 1 1234512345 pineapple pi n e a pp le.
Kek we take we win
for Sup Forums standards? nah, not even close to be white
even being "pure european" 85% of us are "pure" South Italians and South Spaniards
draw your own conclusions, you know what that means
and add a 5-8% blacks/mulattos to the mix
but yeah, we are "pure" because we have no Amerindian blood except literally 500-2000 people, because we literally killed them all in 1831
that's the only difference between UruGAY and any other nation in South America
Long as he cuts taxes to 15%, abolishes king nigger care and kills muslims, that's all I want.
Difference is in the pants . Hermi..
140 000 88 keys
Taking taking. Miaaah
>no problem voting for an unqualified candidate
>problem choosing a "less qualified" cabinet that would actually have Americans' interest in mind
>pretending these candidates are the ONLY qualified candidates
why was this coloured
The "swamp" are career politicians that take money from foreign entities and only run to get taken care of for the rest of their days.
He's filled his staff with business leaders and non-politicians. He did what he said.
xDDDD nice me me friendo. cabinet picks sure are equivalent to policy changes :^^)
Cohn, Mnuchin
see, your just being wilfully ignorant if you don't think Trumps cabinet is stacked to the brim with what you just said
>I got into politics this year
Hahaha that's a leftist meme for sure
Then how can you possibly believe that:
1. A countries cabinet has little say in policy
2. That 'drain the swamp' wasn't clearly a policy on which Trump ran
>'TARD® magazine
I don't know how things go in Emuland, but where I come from:
1. you make a coalition of parties, they make a coalition agreement with the policy outlined
2. the cabinet follows the coalition agreement, not the other way around
The cabinet is merely a tool to execute policy (note that they are the 'executive branch'). And with Trump's army of lawyers he can keep check of pretty much his entire cabinet. Thus, OP's meme is retarded
Is Steve Bannon more of the same?
How about that guy in charge of the EPA who is against the EPA. Is that more of the same?
How about a neurosurgeon in charge of housing and Urban development? Did Bush and Obama both have those?
New Zealand. baka-kys
You're not even a real country.
A leaf? Shitposting? Naah
How is it being this in denial?
But there are clear instances in American political history where the cabinet has had great influence over policy. Famous example that jumps to mind is Cheney during Bush II
Even taking your example of the coalition government I assume common on those agreements are concessions on policy made by the PM to coalition parties as well as cabinet positions for members of the various coalitions parties.
What exactly do you think the point of a cabinet is if not to set the policy and direction of the government? If its essentially all just coming from the PM/President why doesn't he just handle doesn't that make the cabinet a puppet?
Trump could name Hillary Vice President and Sup Forums would defend it
>But there are clear instances in American political history where the cabinet has had great influence over policy. Famous example that jumps to mind is Cheney during Bush II
And that is no guarantee it will happen again. Comparing Bush to Trump is just plain wrong anyway.
>Even taking your example of the coalition government I assume common on those agreements are concessions on policy made by the PM to coalition parties as well as cabinet positions for members of the various coalitions parties.
Yes, but the great thing in America is that you don't even need to do major concessions (what OP pic is implying) when the white house + congress is all Republican. Hell the whole Winner-takes-all system of many parts of the US elections is based on the idea of not making concessions. Why would you make (and keep) it winner-takes-all if that was not the idea?
>What exactly do you think the point of a cabinet is if not to set the policy and direction of the government? If its essentially all just coming from the PM/President why doesn't he just handle doesn't that make the cabinet a puppet?
Yep, the cabinet is essentially a puppet that is gonna dance to the tune of Trump. Mind you that Trump can fire pretty much anyone in his cabinet at any time he likes.
>And that is no guarantee it will happen again. Comparing Bush to Trump is just plain wrong anyway.
I mean one could say that but its fairly naive. The cabinet does have real power and theres no reason why they should all bend to the will of the President
>Yes, but the great thing in America is that you don't even need to do major concessions (what OP pic is implying) when the white house + congress is all Republican
>What are caucuses
Yes you do, famously Obama couldn't pass a single-payer healthcare reform and had to end up settling for the mandate option despite having a democratic super-majority. Compromises will have to be made by Trump with each Republican caucus much like Obama did with the blue dog democrats
>Yep, the cabinet is essentially a puppet that is gonna dance to the tune of Trump
But its not, it hasn't ever been that way there's always compromise
>Mind you that Trump can fire pretty much anyone in his cabinet at any time he likes.
Sure if somehow he could either force them to resign or get a impeachment and conviction
why do leftist memes suck so bad? like, im trying to figure it out. are they just new to memeing?
Because leftists aren't funny.
See: every "successful" (((comedian))) in the past 10 years.