Poles acting like niggers and attacking the police, destroying property like Black Lives Matter. Sup Forums WILL DEFEND THIS because something something Kebab.
A fucking disgrace
Other urls found in this thread:
Truly sub-humans.
Germans are always so fucking butt hurt at poles
Oh it's pronounced Poe Lacks?
Just tired of the "based poles" meme. Most poles in Germany are nigger tier, burglars and car thieves. Everyone knows it's a polack if their car radio is missing and smashed window. They come to the country steal shit, put it in their stolen cars and drive accross the border with no checks.
Fuck off kraut
how are the rapeugees treatin' ya?
>Germans are always so fucking butt hurt at poles
You take the alcoholic polish beggars then.
Those degenerate homeless alcoholics are destroying perfectly fine German cities
Kebab vs. Based Catholic Polack?
They goyim have awoken Jew, back in the oven.
>smashing windows and stealing radios
They still do that?
This is how people should react when one of their own gets killed by a mudslime. You're just angry the Germans are rolling over and accepting their fate instead of violently removing kebab every time they prove they're scum
>Based Catholic Polack
You gotta go back sand nigger
>how are the rapeugees treatin' ya?
I'm assuming you meant to say "rapefugees", honestly they only rape white women, and I'm not a white woman so I don't give a fuck, but Polish alcoholics will yell "Kurwa Kurwa Kurwa" at anyone trying to either pick a fight or get some drinking money.
I'm fine with it. Cops need to quit backstabbing us if they want our respect.
It is just their culture, don't be a racist bigot. I am glad that Mutti stepped up the efforts to stomp out you disgusting rightwingers. Germany is for everyone, not just for small minded people filled with hate.
Italians arent even white, you guys are run by mafiosos, and your criminal underworld is colluding with North African human smugglers in dragging as many boats as possible to the European mainland. Meanwhile, Poles did a show of force against shitskin immigrants that stabbed to death one of their countrymen for merely throwing a petard into their shop. Neck yourself, salaminigger
Bro, really?
Worry about the (((real threat))).
How about trying to elect a Nationalist this time.
>honestly they only rape white women, and I'm not a white woman so I don't give a fuck
Germans are honestly the most pathetic people in the world
t. wojewódzki
Germany is always bagging on Poles, you need to stop.
That's their mentality. They fuck up or something happens to them they always fucking point fingers at Poland. While muslim invaders rape their owmen and children all their media is talking about is some shit about Polish Constitutional Tribunal.
Also as seen here they need to vent their hate to muslims. But they can't cause Stasi will arest them. So they shit tlak about Poles cause we are white and Christian. They've been doing this cowardly shit since forever.
Hans you can bend over and let the niggers subdue you without a fight at least the Poles aren't taking any of their bullshit.
they rape your women and children and you krauts do NOTHING. they attack your elderly and you do NOTHING.
the Poles have it right, too bad you can't see that
>mudslime kills a 21 yo Pole
>outrage happens, see vid related
>German poster is butthurt about this
Color me surprised
or maybe niggers act like niggers regardless of religion and race, and maybe being a white catholic should not be enough to give peope leeway.
>I can act like subhuman because I'm christian, criticize mudslimes dont mind me
Reminds me of the armenians and chaldeans here
Unfortunatelly, there racist attacks became really frequent in last years
A German and a Swede bitching about Poles while their country rots away. How surprising.
>there racist
these, sorry
shut up burger, you aren't even on the same continent. People living in Europe know the nature of the eternal pole. Why do you think Brexit happened?
>but muh rapefugees
Two wrongs don't make a right. Attacking the police and destroying public property is NIGGER BEHAVIOUR. Law and order is what seperates us from savages. Don't expect any respect from me for people who attack law enforcment authorities, honorable people with badges who put their lives in danger daily.
We have a lot of those shits over here. Literally niggers of Europe. Period.
>Kebab Jerusalem
That's like double triggering.
What are you worried about? that's what national borders are fo--
Oh shit! OP's a dune coon
" Nigger Muslim "!
Germans hate Poles because their society is falling apart but they can't blame anyone who isn't white.
>Germans are honestly the most pathetic people in the world
I'd take you more seriously if your sister wasn't getting raped by an emu every other day
Also you live in a shithole full of alcoholics already, I don't want Germany to become something like that.
Finally it's not based if you need booze to find your testicles.
they're destroying muslim owned property, so yes pol will definitely defend this.
Oktoberfest is literally a holiday on getting drunk
I dont care anymore call me a hypocrite or whatever, simply dont care as long as theyre gone.
Potrzebujesz wiecej (You) wiec postujesz z proxy? Oj kurachen, pomysl bardzo dobry. Zrobisz nitke z polska flaga i wszyscy maja w dupie ale zrob bitke z niemiecka flaga i obraz polactwo a reszta zrobi sie sama.
>German jealous his country doesn't have the balls to do the same.
It's new years, shouldn't you be busy getting raped and not reporting it to police?
You know nothing about Poland. You see that they're 98%+ and suddenly you believe they're based because your country is a steaming pile of brown bullshit. Poles are niggers in disguise
hmm, interesting...
>you know nothing about Poland
I'm Polish
>Most poles in Germany are nigger tier, burglars and car thieves. Everyone knows it's a polack if their car radio is missing and smashed window. They come to the country steal shit, put it in their stolen cars and drive accross the border with no checks.
>Over 516,000 individual art pieces were taken.[10] The exact number is uncertain as not all art was registered, and much of that documentation was lost as well.[10][12] Assessment of losses began during World War II under the auspices of the Polish government in exile and the Polish Underground State; in 1944, Karol Estreicher published in London the first work on this subject, Cultural Losses of Poland.[10] A 2010 estimate gave a figure of 75% for the percentage of cultural heritage lost by Poland during the war[3] (though that estimate covers both destroyed and lost cultural heritage).[9] The looted art included 11,000 paintings by Polish painters; 2,800 paintings by other European painters; 1,400 sculptures; 75,000 manuscripts; 25,000 maps, 22,000 books printed before 1800 (starodruki); 300,000 graphics, and hundreds of thousands of other items of artistic and historical value.[14] The number of looted or destroyed books is estimated at 1.5 million[14] to as high as 15[9] or 22 million.[10] Even exotic animals were taken from the zoos.[15]
maybe you should direct that fervor at the sand niggers ruining your country.
if our law enforcement protected the sand niggers like the Germans do, I'd attack them. you call it nigger tier but I see based Poles protecting themselves against pure multicultural fuckery. I don't see the poles looting and burning down everything in sight, that's the real nigger tier shit
I know you Germans respect order and all but when that order becomes oppressive then it shouldn't be respected.
A lot of multi-kulti bullshit on her facebook.
Pic related is her son and the best thing: she is single. No dad around. Its beautiful.
humammad stop trying to be canada
Sure, poles are your biggest issue.
But sure as always, germans are like abusive wife, virtue signalling to strangers while shitting on people who are willing to coexist with them.
It was just like that when Merkel took a giant dump on ukrainian refugees while taking in every available shitskin.
It is just like that with her allies in EU, threatening them if they don't jump to their tune, while sucking dicks of anyone from outside.
You think the glorious new EU army would ever be used against anything else but EU constituent?
Such is the eternal German, and I am glad that we will soon be rid of their cancer. We can handle few shitskins afterwards.
And beside muh shekels how are Sweden better than Poland?
Just dont use jewish arguments.
>perfectly fine German cities
fuck off Ahmed.
>Butthurt Kraut wishes he was as based as Poland
>you believe they're based because your country is a steaming pile of brown bullshit. Poles are niggers in disguise
>From the Royal Castle in Warsaw the Swedes stole app. 200 paintings, a number of carpets and Turkish tents, musical instruments, furniture, Chinese porcelain, weapons, books, manuscripts, marbles, even dresses of maids and door frames pulled from walls.[22]
>Huber Kowalski of the University of Warsaw Institute of Archeology says that Swedes stole anything they could lay their hands on - windows, stairs, chimneys, sculptures, floors, doors and gates.
Fuck off anti Polish sentiment here exists for the same reason it does in Germany, because we aren't allowed to criticise non whites so the average person thinks they can get immigration reform by attacking Poles.
For shame on anyone who attacks Poles, they are standing strong for white Europe and you should do your best to do the same.
Novak plesae. We don't want shitskin rapists OR niggertier Poles in our country. Is that too hard to understand? And while we are at it we don't want your ugly whores either that Czech keeps sending us because of your shitty country being poor as shit and the only job available for women is to suck German cock.
Well we are richer, more intelligent and we also have contributed more in terms of inventions etc. Your country would be better under swedish rule again.
>Poles are niggers in disguise
You fucking dumb ass, if that were true a Pole would be able to go up to niggers and say nigger without getting beat up.
>polish hooligans attack polish officers therefore poles are subhuman
Outstanding logic
>germany known for drawing in the lowest of lows
>currently on the verge on becoming the next caliphate
>getting cucked by mudslimes and niggers left and right
>"wtf some pole stole my radio"
This just makes me sad. Clinging on to the idea that she is enlightened and progressive is the only way she can cope with the fact she got pump and dumped by a nigger, condemning her to a life as a single mother raising a niglet. Easier to convince yourself you're tolerant and not-racist rather than face the fact a nigger acted exactly the way 'racists' say they act and ran out on his child
Polish culture < Italian culture
There are no niggers in Poland that's the thing. But in the video you see poles attack and destroy kebab shop that probably already is owned by a polish dude and it does nothing it just ruins it for people that are actually contributing and paying their taxes. If they beat up the dudes that killed the pole then i would understand
>muh Nobel prize
>muh relevance 300 years ago
>muh blondr hair and blue eyes
Just ignore them, if any nation in Europe deserves destruction, it's them (Germans don't count because they are not a real nation :^))
If the Germans made threads appealing to white unity as often as they make threads bashing Poles or Americans they would be more well respected on this board.
You have the wrong mentality pointing the finger at Poland mate, you're better than this.
Germans are supposed to be firm but fair not petty like this.
Poles has invented a good amount while Swedes have invented nothing besides more genders.
Like fucking pottery. You can't even rule your own fucking country anymore.
>more intelligent
your intelligence manifests as extremely leftist idealogy brainwashed through decades of leftist schooling, allowing your entire populace to be content with allowing millions of shitskins into your country, congratulations sven youll be a plurality in a generation
>contributed more in terms of inventions
i wont deny this, only because of the stiffling economics imposed by the USSR on Polska that disallowed funds to go into research and free will studies.
Youre the niggers that played both sides of the coin in ww2, supplying the reich with steel. You guys are literally niggers, both in actions and soon in demographics. I really dont envy you/.
shoo shoo hans back to the cuckshed
Might be a nigger move but they want something better than the cuckoldry that you offer
what have you snow niggers contributed other than genocide of ethnic europeans, you faggot?
He says while using his computer mouse made by a swede.
> Wish Germany was as nationalist as Poland.
Worry about making a thread to persuade people to help with the coming election.
Worry about voting.
Difference in intelligence is insignifficant (2 points?)
If you talk about history we were holding Ottoman Empire away from Europe for few centuries. You are spreading your legs for arab invaders.
Beside that you borrow money to spend them on refugees.
There are constant battles between gangs of immigrants.
You let shitskins rape swedish women and get small fines for that.
White men are considered enemies in Sweden
Even urinals has been removed from public toilets as a part of fight for equality.
All you have is muh shekels. Just think about it, without shekels you are nothing. You dont have pride or patriotism. Your countrymen shit on your history and each other. There is no bind between people, you wouldnt stand for each other in case of threat.
Intelligence is not politics you know. It's about math and other problem solving, which the polish brain are clearly inferior to the swede. And the muh communism card has stopped working, blaming on communism all the time because your country is a shithole is getting old.
Douglas Carl Engelbart was an American inventor best known for inventing the computer mouse.
Poland's crime rate isn't that high m8.
Garbage people with garbage opinions.
please elaborate
Can I go to your country and enrich your culture?
Just look at this picture and remember that Sweden has a population of 9 MILLION. Compare that to US, UK, and Germany.
>All you have is muh shekels. Just think about it, without shekels you are nothing. You dont have pride or patriotism. Your countrymen shit on your history and each other. There is no bind between people, you wouldnt stand for each other in case of threat
And he will ignore this and call you a subhuman and assure yourself of his superiority. Swedes are a lost cause (though I doubt you Poles would feel sorry about them).
The one and only true friends of Poland, love you guys!
>separating whites
Yeah that's worked out great for you guys not like whites could ever accomplish something great... just a suggestion stop dividing whites from other whites based on origin you fucking retards.
t. Spic
Let me break this down for you:
In America we have white trash. They're not as violent as niggers, but they get a horrible rap from whites as a whole. Why? Because we're an extremely self-critical people. Believe it or not, when shitlibs see nonwhites acting like animals they're able to justify this behavior on the premise that these people are alien. They won't admit it, but they all have a degree of understanding when it comes to the differences between races. When whites (especially rich, smart, or otherwise successful ones) see white trash, the immediate reaction is disgust. I come from a rich family and they HATE white trash. For me it was instinctual (like a gut feeling). We all understand the outcome of walking around Compton at 3:00 AM, and there's no denying that a trip to Mexico might end with a few less limbs. However, seeing stupid, subhuman whites waddle around is particularly disgusting. Like runts in our litter. Spend any amount of time in suburbia and interact with some really stupid white trash afterward and you'll know what I mean.
Reply when you find yourself on the list.
Great, a few percentage points of IQ difference really lends itself to demarcating one nation retarded and another enlightened. Sven, you are living proof of the former. Go on, lets see those IQ maps by Murian that shows a large IQ rift.
And do you really expect the Polish economy to recover and be up to western/nordic standards in a few decades? Shock therapy economics was instituted in the mid 90's, and Poland has had >7% GDP growth for the majority of the years in between. Even the recession saw Polska as one of very few with positive % gdp change.
is right, you guys have zero social cohesion or unity. Youve been programmed to hate while males, and leftists fester themselves into every social and political facet of life. You guys are a lost cause, my only hope is your collapse happens in a few years so that the rest of europe can learn as an example. utterly pathetic.
>we also have contributed more in terms of inventions etc.
-heliocentrism (Kopernik)
-vitamines (Kazimierz Funk)
-non-binary logics (Jan Łukasiewicz)
-Polish notation in mathematics
-oil refining (Ignacy Łukasiewicz)
-first planets outside of the Solar System (Aleksander Wolszczan)
-the term "radioactivity" itself (Marie Skłodowska Curie)
-dynamite and gender-sensitive snow clearing
Well you don't complain about muh shekels when we give them to you. You parasites are like niggers, you leech of the EU welfare and you get more than you spend.
>poles aren't based, and as my evidence I have someone living in Germany.
>Australia below Poland
Fuck we're a country of morons
But Poles aren't like that. Germans are just butthurt from WW2.
Sweden is well known for their chemist ?
>barely above Russian Federation
>15 pts below OECD average
holy fucking kek you guys are mongoloids
She looks like a mudshark too. I swear to god, mudsharkery is a symptom of some genetic syndrome or some shit
I met a polish guy one time who explained to me that stealing is just in polack blood. He said that he would steal a bench if they didn't chain them down. For no reason other than to steal shit.
I've never met a Pole, so I wouldn't know. But I knew a few guys that lived in Europe and they had some less-than-positive things to say about the Polish and those from poorer (usually Slavic) countries in general.