Claims to be free

>claims to be free
>doesn't own a gun

Honestly I pity you peasants

the fact that you actually picked up a pen and made that little sign makes me wonder if you have autism, are autistic people allowed to own guns?

This is the kinda shit people post online before they go on mass shootings.

I don't have the money, I'm in college. If I was to be given $1,000 tomorrow the first thing I'd buy is a gun.

All that matters is that I'm the guy with a gun and you're NOT, therefore I own your ass. Such are the rules of nature.

What will you do with my ass?

Bro you can get a 12-gauge shotgun or a Hi-Point for less than $200.

You have no excuse.

I like your handwriting

why did you steal my gun user? and my ammo?

Peasant? We vote not based on landownership citizen! I may have a life lease estate and it may go to other parties but I shall have my right to vote! Though it remains in fee simple absolute with the Roberts, I am here.

I sold that gun for a sig 238, the shield was just too big for me to conceal I am skinny as fuck shit sucks


you must be super skinny if the mp9 was too big. feels so small to me and im not that big. 6 foot 185

Great minds think alike m8. The Shield is GOAT cc pistol.

>has freedom to buy anything and chooses to show off THAT

Behold my glock

>said the spic in guncontroltopia

Yeah nah ya cunt

>I don't have the money, I'm in college. If I was to be given $1,000 tomorrow the first thing I'd buy is a gun.
You can buy a .38 from any local drug dealer cheap.

I'm gonna get a P01 in March, cut me some slack. Also due to recent development's I have decided that it isn't wise to post my other funs.


Slide to G43?

you say this, but are you truly free when you need a gun to feel safe, spending several thousands on ammunition and new guns, so you have to wage cuck to fulfill a fever dream of being safe

Being free is being able to not buy a gun if you don't fucking want to. There's nothing wrong with not owning guns as long as you aren't trying to prevent others.

Cool clip Billybobjoe. Want to bring it down to the police station so you can be arrested for wanton fear mongering and being a fucking white male?

stripper clips for sks?

>claims to be free
>lives in a shithole area where you'd need a gun
I don't even pity you

I buy a gun to feel equal. I like to think I'm on a level playing field when I hold my AR.

Being free is being able to wield the same firepower as a governments standing army.

>shithole area

Oh you mean planet earth? Or the mortal realm?

>not CC'ing 10mm with hardcast ammo
It's as if you faggots like doing follow up shots.

it looks like one of the stripper clips right next to it.

Show us your girl/wife then you can brag. Otherwise just use this on yourself faggot.

>claims to be free
>lives under the jurisdiction of any form of government

>we are citizens
>you are subjects

Please go, there's an autism limit and you surely passed it.

May I join?

>Must own a gun to be free
Choose one

>bought a glock out of hype
>realized overplayed

Oh well still fun to shoot

You don't need a gun to be free.
You need a gun to protect your freedom.

Yuge difference.

this is all I need for self defense

Don't be alarmed, but there is a fucking leaf on your fanny-pack...

>Falling for the 10mm meme

Faggots should not be allowed to own guns.

You have autism. 30 percent of American flags are gun owners yet they don't feel the need to talk about it. Ant how the fuck is your gun politics? Kys.


The only thing you need to keep the porto recons away is good hygeen desu.

Yeah we'll your dumb

Is that a famas?

hi capacity assualt clips


I had a gun, unfortunately I lost it in a boating accident.

Only rich people are 'free'.

I believe in the unalienable right to bear arms and am not free. Feels terrible.

Come on over Kiwibro.

always attach life preservers to your firearms folks, so important

Come homes white man. PLZ

Do any anons know the origin of the 'boating accident' meme?


Come home to America? That's not how it works.
Evropa is the only way.

>surrounds you with shadow clones

I don't need a stinkin gun

>plastic guns

Ya, Ya 'Merica nigger tier but Evropa is lost...Come home white men.

Delete this photo and never create anything again.


Bumping with my shield


she has the most beautiful eyes!!! does someone has the nudes?

Nigga ever heard of going on vacation? Wish I had my sig here though fucking Mexico is dangerous

OK bro, is he going to stash it in his dorm room and get expelled when the RA finds it? Get shot as he is walking down his college campus with a shotgun?

"Oh hey no its cool police officer, some dude told me I was a pussy unless I bought a gun."

What are carbines useful for?

Just like intermediate rifle rounds.

Nothing wrong with polymer guns ya loser.

I own more guns that women I've slept with

Nice SAR-1 (at least that's what I think it is, idk)

Kek me too.

Yeah I'm at one right now ;-;

Dunno how to flip it on muh phone

wow you own one whole gun

XD, I already made that joke: xaxaxaxaxax

Just go in to the editor where you would crop it and you should be able to flip by swiping right?

Oh wow, so only 1 gun?

when the day to act comes, you will be glad I'm on YOUR side

It could be like 10 guns and 5 women...

>eating burgers with buttermilk biscuits

my nigger


Sorry, I meant to be specific in usefulness in home defense vs just a handgun.

you know how you held your phone to take that pic? Flip it sideways 180 degrees and try out a pic

When I post pics I took with my phone onto Sup Forums it always flips them. The original pic is the right side up.

Flings more lead at Jerome while he tries to make off with your TV

Flip it up side down and post it

So edit the original so it's upside down, I guess.
Regardless, nice guns man.
Makes a bong jealous.

The 9E has no business being as good as it is while costing as little as it does. It confuses and infuriates me.

my mom wont let me buy a gun she says i dont have a need for one

>tfw my handgun license still hasn't arrived


>I thought for a second the Stalker was a Gun Control Fixed AR-15

Good boy.

Mummy's always right

Well that sure didnt fucking work.

Kek fuck if I know man


