>Adopt a 'dapper' appearance style
>Want to be taken seriously
> Go around yelling 14/88 & HH...
Pick one
>Adopt a 'dapper' appearance style
>Want to be taken seriously
> Go around yelling 14/88 & HH...
Pick one
Other urls found in this thread:
He is a white nationalist, not a nazi, idiot
Can't I pick two?
Why can't I adopt a "dapper" appearance style and go around yelling 14/88 and HH if I don't want to be taken seriously?
Also, he talks gay and grew up wanting to do theater. He's an obvious repressed homo
no one, it's controlled opposition
i didn't even know who this faggot was until mainstream media started treating him like he mattered
He's certainly easier to take seriously than Milo "I crossdress and fuck black men" Yiannopolous.
More tweets of Spencer bitch slapping PJW
There's a post on /r/altright asking to upvote 14/88 FFS.
Don't get me wrong I like a lot of the alt-right stuff but you're not going to win anyone apart from FBI agents with the Heil Hitler shit
Triggered kike Aussie alert.
Any pro-white racist matters to them, after the election civic nationalists were bragging that Dems are the real racists so they broadcasted the first white guy they could find who would say "whites are cool."
>you're only vision is to
This nigger can't even distinguish homonyms. I would say he's lost my respect, but he never had it in the first place.
Trump is good kike are bad
Jidf and spencer faggots go fuck yourselves
It's time for the hourly Spencer hate thread. Remember to stand up against White interests and anti-Semitism. Anyone who wants to help is bad. If you disagree you're a fed.
Seriously though
>develop a hip, new alternative political ideology that could have saved the youth of today from themselves
>it gets hijacked by literal nazis and gays who like it up the bum exclusively from black men
Why couldn't we just have something nice?
Milo is pretty articulate though and can roast snowflakes..
Fuck communism dude
Well you're just some Nu-Right Faggot, nobody cares what you think.
Spencer is a fucking plant
Articulacy and roast power that's wasted on a pristine example of a degenerate.
You (((people))) must be really upset as many Spencer bashing/name calling topics have came up in the past few days on here. You'll be sorry you crossed us.
>literal nazis
If that was the case i'd be thrilled
Spencer shills pro-faggot propoganda
Actually he doesn't, you just got that one quote takin out of context. Nice job faggots.
You and your literal faggot leader are soooo scary,ayy lmao
Please stop ruining the pro-white movement,we were gaining traction before you faggots came along
Says the faggot. Nobodies stopping you from starting you own movement you lazy fat fuck. Guess you're to big of a loser to get anyone to follow you.
>out of context
You people are a fucking embarrassment
He already cleared it up. Nobodies supporting faggots here dude, accept you by doing nothing.
There's nothing to clear up
The other comment about "implicit white culture" or whatever,fine,i can see how that can be misconstrued
but with this tweet there is no doubt
Faggots, that's who. Overzealous idiots who are going to goose step any community they join into irrelevancy.
Go back to 8pol . You fucking faggots ban anyone on that faggot website who questions you and your faggot shilling.
8ch layout sucks dick
This is my home
And its being over run by kike loving shills and spencer faggots
Both of you need to go fuck yourselves
You're just some kike throwing a temper tantrum. Same like you fags did on 8pol. Just cuz he don't want to murder off all the faggots doesn't mean he's pro gay.
I don't give a shit about spencer, I'm talking about the idiots that keep moving the goalposts
>Not TRULY alt-right unless you 14/88
> Not TRULY alt-right if you support The Donald
>EVERYONE apart Baked Alaska & Richard Spencer is a zionist shill
You cunts drive people away with this type of chit
That guy made me stop liking nazi's
And I read Mien Kampf
Well you should've known he wasn't a Nazi then. Must be all that dick you suck.
You're talking about me sucking dick and you have a picture like that on your hard drive?
I'm not even going to correct myself you're such a little faggot
I know it's you.
Spencer is pretty based
Lauren isn't jewish unless she is a convert
she literally took a DNA test kek
she is however on kike Ezra's tight jew leash, just like PJW and alex jones are under that (((jacobson))) guys control (notice a pattern of swarthy jews who work behind the scenes and have strictly alt-light goy puppets)
for the amount of time Lauren must spend here based on the amount of our memes she recycles, she is redpilled
I hope she leaves the Rebel eventually and goes full Coulter
>t. Lauren Southern internet defence force
I like Spencer but he needs to work on his pipsqueak voice and start getting jacked. Guy comes off as a faggot sometimes.
I know just the person