Defend this Sup Forums
Defend this Sup Forums
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What evidence
Give proofs
What did Russia do exactly? I've heard nothing on the point but xenophobic vagaries.
>Political dig
I don't need to defend it. Your watermark already did.
>implying every person in the intel community agrees
>implying it's not just the fucking niggers in S1 sucking obongo off to further their own career
t. S3 SID
The same intelligence people that said Iraq had WMDs? Or that Osama was hiding in Afghanistan?
right, because our own intelligence communities would never lie to us right?
also, obama isn't a legitimate president since he was born in kenya so nothing he does matters.
That's not the legal definition of a traitor, and is therefore not grounds for impeachment.
You're danish.
No one gives a fuck what you think...
I agree with all the people asking for proof. I, and most others are NOT closed to that but on the other hand where is it? Where is all the proof that Trump is a Russian job? Because Russians are white? I'm lost on how this stays alive in the jew media without producing facts.
What evidence? I'm seen no evidence that Russia hacked anything.
Why don't you provide the evidence that Trump's intelligence team showed, assuming it exists?
The "Hack" they refer to is the DNC email hack that shows Hillary was rigging it against sanders.
If anything, The Russians did us a favor in showing how fucked the DNC was.
Also if libs ever get an attitude about the Russia hack, Mention pic related, and tell them what Russia did is no diffrent then what snowden did.
I belive there is some sort of validation in order.
Where's the proofs?
the central israeli agency (cia) must be wiped off the face of the earth
They're like the Canadians of Europe.
I am shocked you guys don't have more faith in our government's propaganda arm. When has the CIA ever lied to anyone?
I won't defend. But I will ask this of you.....
>Obama acts like a warmongering fuck
>nobody takes the debate because Trump openly denounces him
cry more
you and everyone else will only see it if you have a tssci clearance and the need to know, and even when you find out there's no evidence you're not allowed to tell anyone that.
however, it's unclassified that cia works not in the interest of the american people
LOL Russia hax
The same people claimed North Fucking Korea hacked sony. A country that can't even keep the lights on at night, literally.
The people running the intelligence agencies are totally unaccountable to the people and not our friends and Russia wants what's best for the American people (because in this case it's also what's best for the Russian people).
seems legit
Cold war is over. Get over it. 1989 happened.
In brief, and cutting through all of the bullshit:
A hacking group from Russia hacked multiple U.S. targets during the election, including both the DNC and RNC. The group works outside of the Russian government, but the government knows who they are and allows them to operate without punishment as long as they attack targets in the interests of Russia. Using the information they gained during the hacks, they leaked only the information that would be harmful to Hillary Clinton. Many people in the U.S. government consider this interfering with our election, and some consider it an act of war.
There's been a considerable amount of misinformation and misunderstanding, so if you want to know any more, you're going to need to do some really serious reading. Sup Forums does not count, as half of Sup Forums deliberately says things that aren't true (both pro-US and pro-Russian shills) and the other half doesn't have any idea about cyber security to know what's important and what isn't.
If you want more info, go look up the CIA publications, the fall guy/stooge Guccifer 2.0 and the cyber group identified as responsible for the attack Fancy Bear (APT28).
>hackers that live in Russia release evidence showing Hillary Clinton rigged the primary's to screw over super cuck Bernie
>impeach trump
Wew dumb cunt
Where is the proof of what you are claiming?
hey man, it fucking works
after all, the magic is in the javascript exploits
I'll ask again......
Pro tip: Hacking isn't what you see on the movies. Phishing is the first step in roughly 90% of hacks (and the rest are people who didn't change their default password).
All Russian shills. It's literally impossible to give them a level of proof that meets their standards.
The phishing website was exactly the same host as other Russian government affiliated hacks? Must be faked.
The IP addressed involved are known to be ones used by known Russian hackers? Spoofed.
Hell, if there was a video published that showed the names, faces, and a recording of the actual hack in progress, they'd say it was fake.
Ignore this meme.
You anti-Trump morons still don't fucking get it. This guy is the ANTI-Clinton, ANTI-Obama, ANTI-politic bullshit president. Obama would tweet shit like: "Happy New Year to a proud nation of diverse people and empowered women!" You know, Trudeau shit. This guy is making it clear: The days of peak cuck are over. If you stood in his way, he's going to fuck you over.
wow sure sounds like Hillarys team got outsmarted by Russian haxxors.
Guess she should be the one with the codes, huh?
Proof or source for literally any of those statements?
Both teams did actually. Only the stuff harmful to Clinton was released.
Agreeing with Russia isn't an impeachable crime.
>when both of your presidential candidates are traitors
[citation needed]
His "intelligence team" were all colluding with HRC ever since she was sec. of state and their judgement will always be compromised as long as HRC is alive.
Who cares what a Danish citizen thinks?
Maybe only the DNC had harmful info and full of back stabbing.
>Do Not Inseminate
>where are your proofs?
The proofs are where?
>You have no proofs
The proofs are non existant.
>It's literally impossible to give them a level of proof that meets their standards.
But you've yet to post any proof whatsoever. Please, just post something, anything, that indicates Russians were interfering with the US election directly.
Please note, watch below for the reason you never reply to these posters. I am going to prove them the proof, they will reply with greentext.
>someone allegedly released information about a presidential candidate
>but not information about the other candidate
>this means the elections were hacked
>informing a nation about a public figure's past and present actions is an act of war
>this coming from a country that literally survives on interfering with other sovereign nation against their will and pretending people are tyrannical dictators
burger, please
information obtained was more important than how it was obtained.
exposed corruption within the democratic party
completely debunked by the wordfence team. and arstechnica
Which federal intelligence agency operates under the domain name motherboard.vice?
The cia told us iraq had nukes. Id say their track record is shit, or they just lie (im betting lies).
Why believe a butt hurt nigger?
jesus christ their own narrative is spiralling out of control
>the russian attack that is linked with russian spies in russia came from the russian ip address
>IP Location:Paris Ile-de-France - France (FR)
top kek
Call me a faggot if I'm wrong, but after 5 minutes of googling shit I found that APT28 is some guy called Fancy Bear, pic related, who just seems to be a 400 lb loser who acts on Russia's interests as a patriot instead of a paid actor. This proof is for Russia's innocence, not it's guilt.
>but after 5 minutes of googling shit
And that my friends, is why there is so much misinformation.
Not proof.
If my employer can inform me when my soc security number gets hacked and a goddamn video game company can prove they're being DDOS'd the government is going to have to do better than vague, spurious allegations that something was hacked and something was done.
Note: you falling for a phishing scam isn't actual hacking. You are GIVING them your access info which means absolutely zero hacking has to occur.
Thus far with all the lack of evidence provided the Obama administration has failed to prove that this isn't anything more than the typical background noise.
I see things about the DNC?
Where did they hack the Election?
You know, the thing that we asked about?
if your shit gets out and it was bad; i don't care who let it out, that is your fault.
When my vote is changed by a russian? CALL ME THEN.
what evidence?
>his own intelligence team
>Where did they hack the Election?
>You know, the thing that we asked about?
No one asked about the Election in this thread. I never even said that.
See previous comments about misinformation and shills.
See previous comments about impossible levels of proof.
And you're saying that you found that vice article after any more than that? Pot calling the kettle black desu senpai.
so its shit that didn't matter?
They (the russians) hacked and released info that should be released (cause it's bad and potentially illegal) and we should care.... why?
Russia is at least a place where they don't rape 4 year old girls, unlike Saudi Arabia, which is proudly supported by our government.
When someone says they want "literally any proof" I gave them what they wanted. The first link in Google.
I was merely proving they were lying and showing that they are shills.
You meanwhile, read one or two news sites and pretended to be an expert.
>The evidence linking the Guccifer 2.0 account to the same Russian operators is not as solid, yet a deception operation—a GRU false flag, in technical jargon—
Oh you crazy conspiracy theorists!
Put your tinfoil hat back on.
>mfw 2017 is the year we finally get to use all the condescending "lol conspiracy theorist!" arguments against the left
What part of "Call me a faggot if I'm wrong" was me pretending to be an expert?
Which begs the question even more why Trump, and why the shills in this thread refuse to accept the expert consensus, no?
>harmful to Clinton
what info got out that took votes away from Hillary?
I apologize. I read "call me a faggot if you want, but"
I'm burned as fuck. Probably time for bed.
I don't care about the consensus, who did what doesn't matter.
whoever did it should get a fucking medal.
Where's the evidence?
This isn't evidence of Russia, its evidence of some user with a belief
>Trump has done more than obama in 8 years of presidency and is not even in office yet.
>Trump will take only $1 for his whole term in office.
>Trump has brought back over 10 major companies to USA, creating over 500k new jobs in the next year.
>Trump is not part of the pedophile ring which Hillary is part of.
>Trump is self made, and became the best in the world at what he does.
>Trump said he don't want a fleet of Air Force 1 planes costing 4 billion dollars each - he will use a plane costing 1 billion or less.
>Trump will be Americas greatest ever president.
Fuck you SJW dicks, you are cancer.
Not everyone is BETA like you people.
I wish I was paid to be a Russian shill but I am black female who voted for Hildawg. I think Obama is being petty. I just want to know if Trump is actually going to help this country, if not, fuck you white people I hope u born in hell.
Blacks can't spell.
Fuck off Wigga.
Wigga's also cannot spell, that's why he wrote born instead of burn.
Because the statements about it are misleading. Usually the hacking claim is worded in such a way that it sounds like they're saying that Russia hacked the election, when in reality that isn't the case.
the iraq war happened because bush listened to his intelligence team.
Seen the evidence. It has been debunked. Hillary lost the election because she's Hillary and the media are bent and more people saw through it than fell for it.
Has wikileaks ever lied about their sources?
Asking again.