What are some Sup Forums approved video games?

What are some Sup Forums approved video games?

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Video games are degenerate. Wtf are you doing faggot? Get out there and meet an aryan woman and have 15 kids with her you lazy manchild.

>faggot legion

shut up leaf

>mfw I shot those legion cucks in the face with a 45-70 and let securitrons shit on them at the dam


your opinion doesn't matter

Get an actual hobby and stop taking zoloft

He isn't wrong.

why are you on Sup Forums if video games are still fun for you?


yea stfu

Civilization series

I got some extra copies for you

he's right


You cared enough to write your blatantly stale meme bitch


get back to your videogames, you worthless faggots. Learn a real hobby, and meet a woman. Stop being a fucking little faggot with your video games, and get a job.

>waaa da white race going extinct better get back to my shitty escapism


remove n'wah REMOVE N'WAH

>he isn't playing Get an engineering degree

Only problem is that it costs a crap ton of money

Deus Ex as an entry pill, then don't play games anymore.

what better game for Sup Forums to enjoy than to command an army of crusaders!

While Caesar's a pretty smart guy, the Legion are technologically backwards and are a bunch of fags who treat their women worse than muslims treat theirs.

The Enclave are the best faction, House is good too.

Take the redpill kid, luddites and sexists are ubermensch

yo i love that game

If you're like me, Mount & Blade will be life changing.

It's not particularly red pilled in a story way, but it's basically like a realistic medieval dynasty warriors (you're not invincible, but there are still large scale battles you actively participate in) and you can dictate general formations and orders.

Many mods too, so you can do anything from realistic europe to GoT to Star Wars.


Yeah, because fuck living longer, having access to the latest medical care and possessing superior weaponry/badass-looking Tesla armour, right?

Wearing football pads as armour and living in shared tents is so much better.

That was because you were looking at CL's front lines. Apparently in their already conquered areas things were more developed.

That said, video games are degenerate and a waste of time, and you shouldn't play them.

Can someone red pill me on the GamerGate happening?

>plays video games
>asks Sup Forums to approve degenerate behavior

OP, you goofed twice in one post. Immolate yourself. Do it immediately.

why does he have so many copies? i understand why a wow player would have multiple dildos and buttplugs, but not multiple copies of the same expansion.

How about you think about a "Sup Forums approved job" you fucking loser

Blizzard give promotions lit like candy

The leaf I hate to admit is right

Bloodborne is my favourite, I wouldn't call any video game redpilled though

>Caesar punishes homosexuality with death
>NCR has openly gay troops
>Arcade, who support Independent Vegas is gay
>House allow Gomorrah to exist, albeit hesitantly
Go be a cuck somewhere else

>diet A&W Root Beer

Absolutely heinous.


You faggot-homos have probelms with the A&W and all the copies, but not the giant fucking AIDS dildo?

fuckin' queers


heatst.com/culture-wars/what-is-gamergate-no-its-not-about-harassing-women/ is relatively accurate. Zoe was additionally an even worse person, and had a court order (likely an unconstitutional one; Eugene Volokh actually helped his defense) taken out against Eron that prevented him from even talking about his case.

Thank you!

>and have 15 kids
I'm only paying for 3 of them. 15 no way in hell.


How nu r u?

Where are the mods?

>You faggot-homos have probelms with the A&W and all the copies, but not the giant fucking AIDS dildo?

i already said i understood that a wow player would have buttplugs.

as for a&w i don't have a problem. i drink diet a&w.


That could be pretty fun game; super high-detail Crusade command, where you have to try and establish a Crusader Kingdom and defend it from Saracen attacks while trying to develop it enough to survive in the long-run (and generate enough revenue to pay off your Jewish/Venetian creditors).

Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magic Obscura is also good

Zoe Quinn made mediocre-shitty games. In 2014, her ex-boyfriend who she was abusive towards got so pissed at her that he made a huge post basically airing out all of her dirty laundry, including the fact that she cheated on him with 5 other men. These 5 men just so happened to be video game journalists who just so happened to have given her game very positive coverage.
This was the crack that opened to gamers a vast rabbit hole of collusion and conspiracy between game devs and game journalists, as well as between game journalists and other game journalists. Game journalists responded to these revelations by basically declaring war on their audience with one voice, saying that gamers are nothing but rotten, no good, misogynist, racist, rapey, angry white neck bearded virgin man-babies. This narrative was pushed by 17 different video game journals in samey articles all published on the same day. 1/2

This move is what created a coalition between the anti-SJW people and gamers concerned about ethics (who began calling themselves GamerGate), as well as between the video game press and the SJ crowd (who were commonly dubbed and sometimes self identified as GamerGhazi or just Ghazi). GamerGate responded by contacting the advertisers of the video game journals and getting them to withdraw their sponsorship on the basis that they are toxic and bad for business. The rest of the GamerGate movement was basically this, the Ghazis would make inflammatory insults on their audience and their audience would torpedo their advertisers, and eventually by attrition GamerGate slowly forced most games journals to revise their ethics policies.
In the middle of this, Zoe Quinn along with a few of her friends that you have also probably heard of such as Brianna Wu, and Anita Sarkeesian made claims that they were being harassed by members of GamerGate, ostensibly to aid the narrative of GamerGhazi that gamers were evil misogynists, but I think that they were just trying to enrich themselves as they made some fat stacks off of pity-patreon donations. They never produced any evidence of genuine harassment by GG-ers, but regardless their testimony was used as a sword by the Ghazis, which caused GG-ers to dub Quinn and friends "Literally Who," as most GGers didn't see them as relevant in their argument besides the fact that they were partially involved in what they were outraged over. Regardless, their claims awarded them thousands of sympathy-dollars, a speech in front of the U.N., even a hilariously bad Law and Order SVU episode inspired by their alleged struggle. 2/2 stolen from leddit

The first time I saw this image a couple years ago I was laughing for a solid 5 minutes.

>The issue itself would’ve very likely died down on its own, but moderators on websites like Sup Forums and Reddit’s most popular gaming communities responded to each discussion of the topic by banning users, closing threads, and deleting comments. In other words, they tried to silence the conversation.

Why were the mods trying to censor it?
Also, inb4 404

The theory is that moot was dating a SJW at the time. eightchan largely grew out of this too. There were so many bans flying around Sup Forums it was crazy, and on the IRC mod channel moot was advocating doxxing anyone who was pro-gamersgate. It was an insane time, and I've never seen anything quite like it on this site before or since.

I mean he's not wrong but House is the only good choice

Damn man that's crazy, SJW's are out of control.

Thanks for posting your experience man.

And out of it, the popularization of the word cuck came into being. Poor moot.

I agree but i wish he didn't make you destroy the BoS bunker.

It's the thinking man's fetish :^)

You know, I never thought about these being connected, but you're right. 'Cuck' got big as a term just after GG, and everyone used it during GG to describe moot's behavior.


Panzer General from 1994. There also exists a Remake from 2011....
In PG you play Germany in World War 2 and must win each scenario with as few turns as possible.
Depending on your success you can also win the second world war....

I had troubles to play the game but once I knew how, I slaugthered loads of enemies... Was really fun.

It was also when at the end of 2014 Sup Forums got fucked with by moot, where captchas were removed, rules completely thrown out the window, word filters and mod/moot shitposting/pinning threads all over the place. That got people to promote the idea even more because people thought he was trying to purge Sup Forums because he was so butthurt from the board pointing out how cucked he got.

fuck off leaf

Man is there any content creator or anyone that has media attention that doesn't bend over to SJW demands? It seems like it's not a choice they have, it's either comply or probably loser their career.

What kind of content are you looking for? Films? Literature? Games? News?

It's called multi-boxing, one guy playing several accounts with special keybinding setup that makes him able to control multiple characters with one keyboard.

There has been videos of some people doing raid content meant for 25 people, alone


Games and Films pretty much, I gave up on literature years ago and news sites are all paid to shill so I don't even bother.


I love to jerk off the Metro series of books and games, movie is coming out soon. Quality stuff if you like the genre

On games, you're probably looking more at indies unfortunately (in the past few years I've enjoyed Serpent in the Staglands and RimWorld), though I guess firaxis is OK for the most part too, but I haven't played any of their games for years.

Film.... dunno. I would just watch stuff from the 30s-60s.

you mean Metro 2033 and Last Light?

I loved those, there is a movie coming out? that's sweet.

>robot army
>endless scheming and manipulation
>lies to you about everything
You seriously support the cryogenic jew?

Oh, and CDProjekt Red.

Tell me you've played stalker, right lads?

Rapeplay 10/10

movie? Davai!

of course :)
Serpents in the Staglands look cool, CRPG's are awesome.
Yeah man the Witcher series are great, hope they don't fuck it up with Cyberpunk.

>playing a game that works slavic suffering into the user interface and control scheme
no thanks

The same
Sure have, great games

I can't find it now, but someone did a rather convincing write-up on how GG went further up than most people realized. In the writeup, the author claimed that the GG fiasco unearthed a conspiracy among a few companies. This conspiracy was to make gaming a tool for learning, however, this couldn't be done if the public's perception of the gamer was that of the stereotypical nerd. Since GG painted gaming in a bad light, these companies had to "put down" gamers for good, hence the onslaught of "Gamers are Dead" articles. In the end, these companies wanted to vindicate gaming and push it as they pushed their learning products which utilized gaming mechanics. They couldn't do this with all that GG fighting going on.

>GamerGate responded by contacting the advertisers of the video game journals and getting them to withdraw their sponsorship on the basis that they are toxic and bad for business.

I remember when Gawker Media (the parent company of several sites like Kotaku that ran toxic articles against pro-gamergaters) whined about having lost revenue due to their advertisers pulling out.

Many keks were had.

It was cathartic as fuck when the Hulkster leg dropped Gawker Media into submission. They filed for bankruptcy on June 10, 2016. Too bad it didn't take down Kotaku and Jewzebel too. Oh well, I think the GG put the fear of God in the whole industry.

>It was an insane time, and I've never seen anything quite like it on this site before or since.

It was indeed an insane time. I love the shenanigans Sup Forums gets into. Don't forget how Moot nuked Sup Forums by getting rid of the captcha system and started to actively filter certain words like cuck and kill into cluck and love, respectively. The board flooded with crap and became unusable.

I really hate how they got to Moot. Oh well, maybe, one day, he'll see the light and know that you can't compromise with a crocodile, in the hope that it will eat you last.

>football bros who love pure Roman culture and put women in their place


>old robo-Jews who run the dead USA or old robo-Jew who owns one city and keeps it all to his degenerate self

hey rape and ensalve all u want as long as theres no star of david cause thats bad

>Video games are degenerate.
>on Sup Forums

>not enjoying Slavic suffering
Play autumn aurora

>responding to ovbs b8

None approved but a few tolerated.

And Crusader Kings 1 and 2.

Nice piss bottles

They're tribals, it's what they did before Caesar and he expressly stated he wanted to bring them to civilization with a common, realistic goal. It's a proven method as well.

Grow up, it's a wasteland. Caesar is the only person making steps to actual development and progress that shares it in the best manner since BoS are hoarders, Enclave is kill, NCR is incompetent, and House has nothing.

watch yourself, profligate

>imblyign organized conquest means anything but more rape per soldier
>imblyign robo jews dont run a 7 billion person society just fine already

This game is a crusader's wet dream.

>organized conquest means anything but more rape per soldier
Not sure what this is supposed to mean, you get a lot of stuff by UNITING and CONQUERING a bunch of savage tribals and turning them into a huge quasi-Roman Empire that has the potential to destroy one of the most well-equipped militaries since the bombs dropped.

>robo jews dont run a 7 billion person society just fine already

Obviously not, otherwise the games would be pointless.

I wish you could call for Crusades in CKII like you could in that game.

For a game called Crusader Kings II, it's not a lot of crusading usually. My biggest gripe.

>playing man children shit
>not degenerate

Alpha Centauri

>black civilization can discover high techonology

More like

>actual fags that aren't even allowed to enjoy a beer and want to undo centuries of technological advancement


>An organisation full of patriots, brilliant scientists, Power Armour-clad soldiers and a vision to restore america to it's pre-war glory and rid the wasteland of the mutant plague

A few old remnants took out hundreds of Legionnaries at the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, they're that damn good.

Ghandi is also a deceitful warmonger in the game. It's an abstraction, not reality. Like how in chess white and black are equally matched.

>they're that damn good.
Not good enough to not be completely wiped off the map and from ever being a relevant faction again by a bunch of undertrained undersupplied NCR nu-males

*casual crusaders FTFY

life is strange.