>I hate feminism
I hate feminism
this is so empowering to women.
>treating women with respect is wrong
>women are so privileged
>women should not have any rights
>women are inferior to men
>men are here to protect women, they don't need rights
>its good to deprive women of rights and treat them like trash
>I hate women
Wow, you fucking fascist, are you implying that women can't do these things voluntarily? Are you kink-shaming me, you fucking shitlord? There is literally nothing wrong with BDSM.
sheesh. some of those seem to go way past the kinky stage.
This isn't kink shit. This what happens when women have no rights.
it's pretty hot though
especially the ones with fire
Also, pretty sure more men were brutalized than women back then. A LOT more.
That gives me the weirdest boner.
Additional information here
Stop enabling cruelty
This is what happens when women have no agency with their own lives
No, this is the middle ages you fucking retard. Most of this is inquisition shit, it happened to both men and women. I won't deny that it didn't happen quite often to women, but women not having the same rights as men doesn't mean we're legally allowed to torture them. I don't hate women, I just don't want them serving in the military, nor voting in elections. I'm not muslim, I'm well aware that it's not okay to brutalize women, but we're in deep shit right now, and the 19th is partly to blame.
>when libtards go full retard the thread.
All of those roasties deserved it
Please, no one thought of men as disposable torture meat.
>but women not having the same rights as men doesn't mean we're legally allowed to torture them
Treating a sub group as "lesser" means that people will abuse them. This is a fact, even if its not "legal" just the fact that they are thought of as lesser, they will incur far more abuse
hottest ones tbqh
Why? Because they are "less than"?
guro thread
All of these women are white. What are you trying to say?
Nothing about white women specifically. Ask yourself this question, would you want to be a woman in medieval europe? If not, why?
of course women are less than men.
>Please, no one thought of men as disposable torture meat.
Men have always been disposable. A lot more men have been tortured and killed than women have in history.
Women have always generally been more protected than men.
As if being a woman in medieval Europe was much worse than being anyone non-noble born in medieval Europe.
Damn are these arousing images meant to make me dislike patriarchy?
Would you like to be a woman in modern Africa, woman?
And you want to see them suffer horribly because of their inferiority?
You can say that in public that were were "protected more". But you know private they were treated like dog shit
Feminists love trying to rewrite history. Often it's like they assume all men were nobles.
>But you know private they were treated like dog shit
do you have a single fact to back that up, or is it just """intuition"""
yes, because you are not supposed to enjoy it
I assume with more access to schooling, better.
Fine, one last fap tonight.
>And you want to see them suffer horribly because of their inferiority?
No. I want them to suffer because none of them like me.
yes, its called history.
So you are a woman. A pampered woman living in a nice, safe civilization white men created for you.
Maybe if you didn't want to torture them all they'd like you.
Not a woman. If I was I'd be grateful for the social advances towards my gender. A nice safe civilization is good, if it is shared by ALL those who live in it.
no its called your shitty perception of history informed by "common knowledge", television and all other kinds of bullshit
if you want to have this discussion and try to change minds go and research the "issues" you want to make people aware of, not just appeal to the ignorance of the masses
This shit gets me hard in hentai
I wonder how it really feels
But pain is pleasure user.