Germany had 5 terrorist attacks in 2016

2017 predictions?


Probably 1 a month.

What the fuck is going on when last year north Africans commit mass sexual assault and this year preparations against the same thing are called racial profiling.

6 gorillion

Assassination of one of Trump's cabinet members. Digits confirm this.

Peace through Pepe

I have a feeling who will carry out the next attack...

Cologne Area because we got dem muzzies.
Berlin again because its allready theirs.
Munich because it would be an omen.
And Bremen because its a fucking commie shithole.

Roll for anudda shoah

None. The EU army will get it's shit together and stop Putin from aggravating vulnerable minorities to create mistrust and tension.

>What the fuck is going
We are all nazis, should feel ashamed and give achmed our stuff. Jsut to make sure we arent Nazi.

>Why does germany has a5% obstacle?
muh nazis
>Why is the german president elected by a bunch of celebs without any democratial control?
muh nazis
>Why is it ok für Ali to use "german" as an insult?
muh nazis
>Why is it good that germans will no longer be the majority in german cities
muh nazis.

I want to vote AfD not because i lie the, but with the sole purpose of making the elites uncomfortable. I am mad. We have to swallow shit for something someone did who got hanged by the allies anyway.

Please Holland.
I cant wake up.
Wake us up inside.
Call our name and save us from the dark.

2017 is our year ... I have felt it

Na, he won't get away with it again

There has been an awakening...

>We are all nazis, should feel ashamed and give achmed our stuff. Jsut to make sure we arent Nazi.

>I want to vote AfD not because i lie the, but with the sole purpose of making the elites uncomfortable. I am mad. We have to swallow shit for something someone did who got hanged by the allies anyway.
Boo fucking hoo. Have to give somebody else a fair go and that doesn't sit right with you? Literally kill yourself. Remove yourself from the genepool. I understand that you are posting on a racist Japanese cartoon board so procreation is a bit of an issue for you anyway, but accidents happen so please make sure to end your life. People like you are what's wrong with this world.

Yea. It's the year that everyone who is tired of your racist shit, locks you losers up.

He can't keep getting away with it!

>So close...

Seems kek begs to differ...


I predict a massive chemical attack on subway system that kills hundreds,

Theres probably a german being raped right now. Sad!

asians are smart
blacks are good dancers

only 5? I am dissapointed.

Why is that gun firing in completely different direction than where it's pointing?

I hope 2017 will atleast double the numbers.

2+2=more attacks

it'll be alright German man
have faith in kek