It's almost been a year since this meme came out

It's almost been a year since this meme came out.

What did you think?

Surprisingly red pilled in this day and age. Really enjoyed it, top film.

Great flick. Really enjoyed it, top film.

Good shit

Really redpilled

Great flick,Highly redpilled, top film.

There was boobs in it.

Okay in my book.

robots n shit

not bad for modern movie, 10/10 would love robot

Great aesthetics, but the story had too many holes in it.

isn't that the movie with only like 3 actors in it, including the bearded guy from Vsauce?

was breddy gud, all i remember was the cool architecture of the house

Anything with Alicia Vikander fully nude in it gets 3 thumbs up in my pov

worst movie of 2015

it was meh

>there is nothing more human than the will to survive

Does this mean most animals are human?

>too many holes in it

Truly terrible

Overhyped on lebbit

dont fall for women, even robot ones: the film

Women ruin everything, innit?

First-rate film that was just a notch or two short of true greatness.

This is made to trigger Sup Forums right?

The message was that all women are serpents who cant be trusted, so yes its is redpilled


it's saying humans are animals

Not sure. I just tried to keep the trend going of the first two posts.


I thought it was a great movie. There's a lot of significance that isn't immediately noticeable, like the significance of the names of the characters. Great movie. Top film.
No, not the guy from Vsauce.

Excellent film, lets briefly go over what it teaches us:

>your online activities will be used stored, analyzed, and used against you
>never trust women
>tech advancements are never hampered by "should we do this?" questions, they simply happen

women will use and betray you, even robot women