Are women pretty much irredeemable at this point?

Are women pretty much irredeemable at this point?

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We need to gas them and start a new Euro homosexual empire.

There's no fixing degeneracy, the whole generation of indoctrinated women must be gassed, that said though I'd give every single one of these dirty slags a good rogering..


they are the same as always, they just have a voice now


Mate you're only encouraging degeneracy.


Well it's just women aren't afraid of mans strength physically and mentally. It can be changed in two ways
Aggressively:Punch a Cunt in face and tell her she is a fat slag(no anglo can physically do this)
Peacefully:media and brainwash them that they are useless to society and humanity if they are not mothers.

They are British, so it's expected.

We used to burn them at the stakes.

> implying men wants to have sex with modern women.

> sex with women in 2017

>body type: average

>asks if women are irredeemable
>is pro male

Do people even Fuck these things?

well she does have a child

Why can't women binge drink and not be retarded? I drink heavily and never have any problems other than maybe a hangover in the morning.


Just like his hand signal. Only heterosexual and niggery

I can only speak for American statistics, but millennials are having less sexual partners on average than the last two generations. I've met and dated a lot of attractive women who weren't dumpster fires, you just have to stop using nightclubs and tinder to find women.

They don't process alcohol as well.

Do niggers count as people?


Ironically the Muslims will save us by banning alcohol

Your pic only punishes those that have already embraced you (by reading that deep)

Fuck that


That's a 20 year old woman?

Women are fine, go outside and see. You won't find decent girls on the internet, last of all Tinder/Tumblr/Instagram.

Just go and make something of yourself, be confident and appealing and you'll find a qt.

Don't fall for the good goy PUA or "red pill" or MGTOW bullshit, don't listen to jaded old losers who are triggered their thai import wives left them.

There are plenty of good women out there.

[spoiler]British women do seem to be the absolute bottom of the barrel in terms of women in Europe though, poor Britbongs[/spoiler]

I started fucking an asian chick without a job. I got dumped for "fucking her like we were married". At least she didn't have a kid.


It is both the fault of Man and Woman for this degeneracy

Wow, epic bait my dude

>Single mom
Just one of those is enough to go in the trash, we're going to need a bigger trash bag for this.

>that baby

avoid the `groid

Islam is literally the only thing that will can stop this now

wow british women are ugly. they have bone structure of men.

have we started the fire?

If I lived in Britain I'd probably drink heavily too


Holy shit it's literally nothing


The brits must not have an estrogenated water supply

>Are women pretty much irredeemable at this point?

British women, yes. They're fucking pigs.

>Women are fine, go outside and see.

Yeah, nah. They're doing fine at gaining weight, swearing like a sailor, and having more tattoos than Dane Swan.

Maybe it's different elsewhere, but it's dismal around here.

>Are women pretty much irredeemable at this point?


This Secret service lady only redeemable women in this room. Just look at her face...


Plz be fake

you wouldnt be interested in one of the stunners?


If your girlfriend/wife is gaining weight tell her you're not happy with it and you'll leave her if she doesn't try and lose weight.

Australian girls are nasty with swearing and tattoos but most quality girls I've met (lived in many different capital cities) don't have tattoos still, it's a pretty good indication of which women/girls you should be avoiding actually.

I want to line them up and see which gash smells ripest

This is the end result of feminism. Women are hedonists and never have to face the consequences of their actions. They're encouraged to party through their 20s and then some poor fucker will give them a ring and provide for them until they get bored and take half his shit 6 years later.


Into the trash it goes.

This image lost her the election.


There will always be a beta there but if you want a successful guy and you're 25 but look 35 or have a child, yeah no decent guy is going to put a ring on that finger.

I work in an office and there is a huge deal of contrast between the nice, more reserved women and the calibre of men they date and the loud, bogan Stacies seeing guys in dead end professions with multiple kids to different women who are just trashy

Don't know which one but that art's Locon

mother fucker

It's the end of the night at the bar. You've blown $400 on drinks and struck out every time. These four practice slags are all that remain.

Choose wisely.


cant wait to cop my swedish boipussy

if you've been on tinder recently you'll see lots of girls like this

There are plenty of good women and plenty of nu-males to complement the bad ones.

KEK so that's where the bald huy is from

Can I just kill myself instead?

I though the British women meme was just a meme.

fucking got me


Implying British women ever had any redeeming qualities and arent a bunch of trashy slags.

>At an NFL game today
>Bitch literally laying on the sidewalk/in the grass, passed out drunk

The end result of this is women are going to be relegated to the status of farm animal. We'll get rid of romance and just buy a mate.

Glad I found a religious virgin one. I was extremely close to cheating on her a few minutes ago. Glad I didn't. Social media makes it so hard to be faithful. Thots wanna weponize sex and use it to control men, but also promote slut culture and promiscuity. Shit is working against itself

We used to do that at one point. A lot of frontiersmen in America would trade fur and other goods for a wife.

Christ. It's like looking at a completely different species.

fuck u phagget

delete this, upside down Poland.

OP, maybe you've never met hard-working, and honest women because you may lack the traits stated above.

There's still women out there with morals, and they are not only from submissive cultures. There ARE women in the west that are good.

You just can't get to their level because you yourself may be a degenerate.

I will agree that our l society as a whole seems to be getting worse, and that's thanks to shit partnering.

We can only hope for a nuclear bomb

>tfw no qt dominant CIA gf to call me a big guy and cuddle me after sex

> traps are more feminine than most modern women

Most of them look pretty ugly tbhwy famalam.
how thirsty can you get? kek

ah, the "There's still hope" Meme. Nice.

This is what 4fags likes to believe.

>British """"women""""

Sadly, some beta fuck will eventually "look after" her and Tyrone's little bastard after her adventures in the coal mines.


Why not the dad?

Lol, you must live in the midwest. See how many nice girls you meet in Seattle.

Body type: savage

What's the author trying to imply here? That women aren't allowed to drink anymore just because they aren't acting "lady-like?" Maybe it's a sweeping assumption from me but that's what I'm getting here. If so, that's pretty fucking sexist if you ask me. Sounds like a feminist or a muslim wrote this.

Women can be fixed by sex bots/legal prostitution.

Drinking is degenerate but I have no idea how we fix it. You can't ban it because it's impossible to ban something that has been legal.

The creature in Seattle cannot be called women. They are something else.

I hope you die tonight

Yeah. Women are worth about 20 cents.

If you're a women reading this, kill yourself.

Nothing new since the 60's. OP needs to chill down.

>mfw i hear a lefty talking utter bollocks

>mfw I live in Seattle and the women are even more degenerate than the niggers and spics.



>an aussie is leafposting

Stay away from my job!


There will always be a loser who will degrade himself and take in a whore with many bastard kids.

I have seen morons take in girls with 3 kids from diferent past boyfriend's. And feed all of them in exchange for sex with the whore who is literally using him for his house and money.

It is the most pathetic thing a male can do.

What is the Brit name for these creatures? Slogs?