Tell me why you think a world government is a bad idea

Tell me why you think a world government is a bad idea.

thats the bad idea

If its a minarchist world goverment its ok, as long as its not socialist.

Because then immigration is infinitely open and I don't want shitskins breeding with my daughters.

It is great idea. How about letting Jean Claude Juncker rule over all countries, especially America.
You still like it?


Competition is what leads progression.

Being unified doesn't accomplish anything unless there's something to actually unite against.
To this extent, I fully expect that we will end up colonizing other planets or discovering alien life before we actually become one.

Because one is the loneliest number.


Fuck off George.

That explains it

Nice proxy paco


Yeah a small group of elites having A monopoly on the earth is a great idea

It isn't.

We need a unipolar world, borderless and Marxist, but anti-Leninist, anti-SJW, and without traditionalist degeneracy.

Save your heart attacks for another post.

It would be great as long as USA is in charge

If America and the EU can barely keep the brownies under control, what makes you think a government that encases Africa, Bomb land, and the designated shitting street could work?

basically I think the UN is as far as we ever need to take it for a very long time. Keep all of the countries self-governing, only convene it for matters of global importance, or humanitarian shit or whatever.

Give me one good reason why anything more than that is a GOOD idea.

Deep as fuck

We might start by merging Ukraine back into the Russia where it belongs. One less border.

>unipolar world

India doesn't give a shit, muslims don't give a shit, South America doesn't give a shit, China sure as shit doesn't give a shit about some western faggotry about borderless world.
What we should do to make world better place is to drag out every marxist we can find and give them a bullet to the head, to rid the world of their insipid, ruinous cancer. We had the chance but no, we wanted to be better than that. Never again.

UN is already overrun by identity politics hacks and muslims who preach about human rights.

it is a great idea for the guy governing the world.

not so great for the rest of us

>there are bozos who actually believe that's how the Earth looks like

As it stands now, local and state government control my life the most. It, god forbid, it ever came to that. I could reasonably reach the homes of my elected officials in the middle of the night and set them on fire.

This keeps them from getting too out of control.

The farther your rulers live from you, the less they care about you precisely because you can't burn them in their sleep.

Because there is nothing to unify us. You're asking for a corrupt shithole of beuracracy faced with constant uprising and strife.

Ask again when we encounter extraterrestrial life that has similar, if not greater, technology to us.

No one individual or organization should exercise that much power, because it will inevitably be abused; there must be another individual or organization to stop them.

For fuck's sake stop posting made up digital globe earth shill pictures

I like the idea of global agencies, but not governments. The nation state shouldn't be erased. And even national governments should be more like agencies. Freedom, not control.

Consolidation of power. Pure as that.

Because the world outside of the west is pretty shite.