In your opinion, what is the most cucked board on Sup Forums?
What is the most cucked Sup Forums board?
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
The board is nothing but 16 year old kids masturbating to the latest black rapper that got a 9 on pitchfork.
> pol being raided by Reddit and SJWs
> trump is president 2017
Yes its Sup Forums
/r9k/ because most of their threads feature people talking about being cucked.
this, there's more cuck porn here than anywhere else
Any answer but /qa/ is wrong
Dunno, but that's the most cucked, anthropomorphized Pepe I've ever seen.
Sup Forums
Sup Forums because at the height of Sup Forums Sup Forums was the spotlight of Sup Forums, with had purpose, not nessisarily by moral standard, but it was a internet force to be reckoned with, now it is a haven for edgy plebbit faggots and exclusive porn threads.
With the amount of cuck and wwyd threads on that shithole, I'd say you're right.
Well Sup Forums and Sup Forums post the most BLACKED porn next to /gif/
I've never been on another board more than once
/qa/, here's my proof:
>How to solve the Sup Forums problem? Hard mode: not deleting it.
>After Trump becomes president it will be time to ban the Trump generals on Sup Forums.
>"Is X white?" - "is pedophilia redpilled?" why are these threads allowed on Sup Forums?
Sup Forums
/m/ has had it BAD in the past year
Sup Forums, /lit/, /lgbt/ and Sup Forums.
Sup Forums
Easily Sup Forums, though /qa/ actively seeks to take the spot.
I dont think any board is cucked, just individuals.
Most of us just ignore the pro israel/pro nigger threads etc like we ignore bananas on Sup Forums
Either /cgl/ or Sup Forums
Sup Forums is one of the least cucked. Despite all the shilling, things are mostly going your way right now
The fuck is this shit? When was this taken, never been to Sup Forums.
M29 the timestamps are on the posts
Sup Forums easily they have tons of people from Tumblr who only browse Sup Forumsand do not care about "Sup Forums culture"
Well, it does have Wojak's eyes
This. /qa/ is literally /deletepol/ but Sup Forums has a portal to tumblr as well as the worst mods.
Sup Forums is easily the most cucked. Just monitor the catalog to see how it's slid and manipulated. The psyop control here is as easy as putting a needle on the record.
Sup Forums may be filled with literal cucks, but they're probably one of the least cucked boards on Sup Forums.
They literally memed somebody into the presidency. While people were literally shilling for the other side. They are part of a wave of right wing influence over the country. Most people didn't back Trump early, Sup Forums did, and they won.
Sup Forums probably hit peak cuck after Obama got re-elected.
Sup Forums is the most cucked board on account of the mods.
kinda surprised /lgbt/ is pretty redpilled at times. its got more SJWs than most boards but its still Sup Forums.
Sup Forums
This, we need to make b great again
Sup Forums is literally tumblr
Even with the shills on Sup Forums its still better than that garbage board.
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
posted by butthurt niggers
Sup Forums
>literally brainwashed by Tumblr and modern capeshit
>reddit/leftypol-tier mods
>autistic screeching
Sup Forums is a fucking paradise in comparison, with all the baiting, shilling and shitposting. Chaos unleashed is alwais better. it's Sup Forums ffs
Sup Forums
cucks like you do not understand how important to support russia and based vlad
he stop all jews and stops american world domination
We will lost everything and back to the stone age.
But save white race. m-maybe.
/qa/ easily. By a pretty big margin too, then maybe Sup Forums or /lit/