Why don't people get back into mooning?

I'm surprised that liberals don't do this since they like to try and show their asses

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Because it can be considered sexual assault

No one wants to see your fat, hairy ass you damn exhibitionist.


Always wanted to try this. Alas, I live in PA.

haha good one

>No one wants to see your fat, hairy ass

That is the entire point of mooning.

stop butt mooning

mooning was only interesting because bitches weren't wearing yoga pants all the time

I am in favour of mooning return.

This. Also, some might joke that the ones mooning want to have it into their assholes.

plus butts are kinda gay, you know

Once back in the 1990s I mooned, but I squatted too much and my buttcheeks spread open and I exposed my butthole

not cool

I had to move states

Sex offender registry.


Exposing your buttocks for comedic effect

>pressed ham

Pressing your bare buttocks against a pane of glass

>fruit basket

Exposing your penis and testicles by tucking them between your legs

I forgot mooning existed. It was a 90s/early 2000s thing right? I remember some nfl wide receiver on the vikings pretended to moon for a touchdown celebration. Then a couple years later cancerous liberals started their "it's ok to be gay" preaching phase. I honestly believe that's what killed it. Nobody cared about seeming gay before that but as soon as the liberals started telling everyone to be gay, society became extremely homophobic and anything slightly gay was dropped ASAP.

Have you seen how people dress?

Mooning is practically a fashion choice.

Flashing or nothing. Only for men. Only for friends

Or it's that men have been halves of fags for 6000 years and not that we've finally caught onto women nobody cares about an ass anymore?

*now not "not"

exactly, we need more dicks out

I have a buddy who did a pressed ham toward another dude in front of god and everybody at our nursing school. Shit is timeless and hilarious

jeb bush threatened to during the primary

Agreed. It's happened too many times to count. And the variables!

The last time I did it was in 2011 and it was to 2 mexicans and they followed me for 10 miles. People are too sensitive these days

I was a passenger in the car

The cessation of mooning seems like another byproduct of open faggotry. I bet Russians and poles still do it as a joke, since fags are less open there.

This is the "herneneutics of gay suspicion" and is also the reason men don't have close male friends anymore. But sodomite lovers will maintain that "muh jesus" is the only reason the alt right hates fags.


What a fucking crock

they wanted that sweet, baby boypucci

you're such a tease


>the comments posted on a lithuanian glass-blowing forum that functions as the electronic equivalent of bathroom-stall graffiti validates my argument

11th grade I mooned my entire Spanish class and teacher. Got threatened with indecent exposure. Got suspended for two days, no charges, my teacher apologized to ME for writing me up and all my classes let me make up my work. Didn't even lose any grades. 10/10 would do again.


What did he mean by this?

This. I've mooned thousands of people in the past and had to stop because I didn't want to have to tell prospective employers that I can't be left alone around kids.

cell phone cameras ruined it. cant do it anymore without someone getting a pic and ruining your life

I got mooned by a drunk old guy and could literally smell his ass from 10 ft away.

bit gay desu

>sex offended list
>I've mooned "thousands"

Gen Z is the worst generation. If you were born after '99 please kill yourself

Get fucked I finished high school in 99

It was just a woman

story pls?


Don't forget the pressed fruit bowl

Shitty bait

Also, my favourite targets were groups of a hundred or more. Just put your head between your legs and scream then run like hell

I like The Bulldog, where you only tuck your balls between your legs.