Black conservatives

Are black Trump voters, especially black women who voted for Trump the least liked political demographic? Is Sup Forums willing to accept blacks who aren't part of the Democratic Party's plantation of permanent poverty?

>Like millions of black voters, Jones jumped out of her seat when she heard the comments. But the impact on her was vastly different. She had long since abandoned Barack Obama and had no love for Hillary Clinton, who was trying to become America’s first woman president.
>“Finally, someone was speaking to a community of people who were overlooked – by not just Democrats, but by upper and middle-class black folks who move into their big houses and act like the hood doesn’t exist,” Jones said. “Trump was saying, I am going to speak to those who need to hear this the most. The stuff that he is talking about is really happening, but we would rather sit and act like it doesn’t exist.”
>And with that, she was out of the closet and it didn’t matter who knew. She was backing Donald Trump for president and doing it loudly.

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There's people of all races that actually want to better themselves, love their country and want to see a better future. Sup Forums isn't a single mindset or pov so it's a pointless question. I hope the new administration does do more than the democratic party did for them so they get a real change and not Obama ^TM "Change"

I'm all for helping them set up their own country and giving assistance to set up and keeping strong diplomatic ties but I want to live in a white ethnostate.
captcha: white self

>I want to live in a white ethnostate.

that ship has longed since sailed. you would have more luck trying to make Europe white again then changing the mindset America has had since the earlier 1900's

Not every Trump supporter on Sup Forums is a white nationalist. They're literally the fedora-tippers of the Trump movement.

Segregation is still possible.
It's not too late.

you are on the wrongboard

go ask neo-cucks like cernovich or milo

kinda is because the culture has changed from the time of segregation. a few yuppie college kids do not represent the whole black community

>yuppie college kids
Those aren't the black people I talk to.
They want segregation too.
Race relations aren't getting any better any time soon.
Segregation is better than a race war.

There's this one black lady who always goes to my gym wearing a different MAGA hat for each day of the week

I love me some based black women

Nice... did you get her number user?

>Segregation is better than a race war

it only benefits one race and that's the one who gets to choose where people go. the media can hype up a race war all the want but the average citizen does no hold ill will towards their fellow Americans.

True, Sup Forums isn't one person or one view but at any given time there are certain views that are dominate here. It does vary a good bit over time. About a year ago the Randfags were still dominant which obviously has changed. Distinguishing between blacks and niggers seems to be on the downswing here which is why I posed the second question.

Put her in an ad

This is how I feel user... but black men do commit majority of the crimes so segregate them and keep the women
Sexy to desu

because they have a culture that promotes it. we really should be doing more to promote a better culture for them instead of encouraging it or turning a blind eye to it.

black conservatives are almost non existent. they again voted liberal at a insane 80%+ rate.

Stormfags usually make a lot of noise here, but I think most of Sup Forums would embrace a good Black person that cares about self-improvement and who takes pride in their nation.

they already do. I remember seeing a thread about a black person living with his family in a small house but everyone on Sup Forums was acting like he was giving them pictures of mansion

Thats what I got into a long discussion with a friend about. In the 50s and 60s blacks had less money and less crime. Its not poverty breeds crime, because Hispanics have more in poverty and less crime over all. They need family values like back in the day. The amount of fatherless homes is why I believe the black crime rate is so high.

I feel bad for black conservatives and people like me, Larry Elder, Anthony Brian Logan, Tommy Sotomayor and others for pretty much being outcasted by the black community.

Yes, 94% of black women voted for Clinton but is that a good excuse to shit on the 4% who voted for Trump?

I would marry but NOT make mixed babies with her.

A black woman yelling "give me your white babies" as I cum in her is my biggest dream

Segregation is literally a death sentence if youre about to become a minority. See south africa

i don't mind based black people too much.. i just want them to stop flooding into our nations

like it or not, the whiter a nation the more likely it isnt a shitwhole. but im all for helping to make their nations better.

Yes goy have tyrone impregante her instead and raise his kids!