Other urls found in this thread:

i dont even know who they are, are they like cgi aliums or something?

thanks fsb

I can relate

Quick rundown on them:
>rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control france with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies
>both brothers said to have 200+ IQ

Are these real?

Stop with these fucking slide threads. You Sup Forumsacks know this is CTR, right?


I buy it


Wait what?

What happened to their faces?

i know this feel

What in the figurative non-christian because I am an atheistic and a vegan hell is wrong with their faces?

saged, bogdanoff posting is the worst posting

>designer inglebert humberdinks with even worse chins and niggerlips

>These literal fucking cartoon fags

Like I said before. If you can find them in a google search, they aren't the final boss. We have to go deeper.


Is this what success looks like? Cause I like it!

>le CTR meme XDDDDd
fuck off. I'm a Trump supporter and this whole "we can't discuss anything that's non-political" shit is dumb. Stop.

Anyways, those faces are disgusting. Anyone know how it happened?

Should print their faces on toilet paper.
Sell elite face tp.


They would have been best buddies with Johnny Bravo, back in the day.

Good job dipshit, this is what I'm saying.

>Speaks American
>Not English

>bog in it

shit load of plastic surgery + time

tfw youll never see them live

what the fuck are you talking about?

anyways, bump


Is there a story behind the ridiculous plastic surgery? They looked completely fine before.



>Bee sting


Nanomachines, son.

3 fucking threads

all saged

Apparently they just had a lot of face lifts and other retarded surgeries which eventually completely fucks your face


I made 5


Anyone have archives of the previous threads? This Bogbrother posting is the best thing in a while.

Top cunt

Have a hat

The true puppetmasters of the rothschilds. One should cower in terror before the mighty BOGDANOFF

Thats why I do it, I hated it at first but now I love it

How did they get that face?

How do they get such perfect hair?

By being humanities saviors

>bit by a spoidah

This is why you never got to Austrailia.

Austrailia = Sup Forums

Like what the fuck is this dry poof nasty lookin genetic abortion
they look so weird



Nigga if they're so smart why don't they fix their faces?

>two D-list French celebrities from ages ago have somehow become a Sup Forums meme

They're both literally disabled and quasi-retarded.
Yes, they are probably bastard descendants of minor nobility, but they are also Walter Mitty-esque fantasists and liars.

>incest is a happening

Look at them as they laugh at mere mortals and explain his futile existence.

They have tho

They are beautiful


Australia you're a shitposter not a lair, so stop lying.

u mirin brez?

why Sup Forums has taken a shine to them is obvious

It was only a matter of time, these guys were destined to become memes.

They're absolutely insane.

>Interviewer: Why are your faces so fucked up? Stop having plastic surgery.

>Ayy lmao on the right: We look different because you keep asking us about it. Because of science and shit, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, so you're literally making our heads fucked up by talking about us.
>Ayy lmao on the left: Your feeble mind can't even understand the limits of science! [some shit about a Hegelian dialogue between Einstein and God]

>Interviewer: OK, but why are your faces fucked up? Is it plastic surgery?
>Ayy lmao on the right: There has been no plastic surgery, ever. In our language, we call it a non-local hidden variable function.

Give white women to Bogda

It's just one nard trying to push a meme.


Why does Sup Forums suddenly have a hard-on for these guys? I've never heard of them or seen them before. Did someone post about them on Reddit? That's where you guys get most of your post ideas after all.


the one on the left looks like the pink power ranger

getting kind of tired of the bogdanoff meme desu senpai



Please post anecdotes backing up these claims.

Why does he chin have a blister on it. How the fuck do you carve a quagmire face like this

Theyre ps2 NPCs

That's fucking bullshit, but I believe it

A fuckton of plastic surgery