Islam will rule the europe

Islam will rule the europe.

Does it keep you awake at night, thinking about whats going to happen to Turkey? To your family? Your pet? To you? Do you ever wonder if you will feel it or if it will go black and you'll drift away?
I'm thinking you do, and in those moment you go online, just for me to say hello; is it me you are looking for? I can see it in your eyes, but don't worry.. I am never going to give you up, I'm never going to let you down. I'm never going to run around and hurt you.
You have already lost, friend and you will find no peace on the internet. Try to have some fun in the days you still have left and not worry so much about the future.

what did russia give you for christmas?

hint: dressed like santa on nye

We're waiting for you keks. We're waiting.


europe is a lost cause anyway, i couldnt give a shit about it anymore

european men are weak, and they must be scarified so the rest of the world wakes up to the true terror that islam is

islam can't even rule itself

Ahh, New Zealand's at it again... good times.

even if that happened, it's a loss for EVERYONE involved... imbecilic muzzie cretins don't even realize this...

>Islam will rule the europe.
>even if that happened
Don't worry. Islam hasn't accomplished shit since how many hundrets of years again? And that's not even hyperbole.

Fuck you, roonigger, i'm not weak, you cunt

That's straya, nz has red stars

Mudslimes are converting to christianity en masse so no.

>t. Kevin Fliesentischfetischist
Maybe europe is a lost cause afterall...

I will rule the world.



Palaa uskoon veli, ja hylkää länsimainen orjamoraali jota sinulle on kasteestasi asti syötetty.

Islam will rule your mother's pisshole.

I just don't understand how anyone would want a shit stained religion like Islam to govern people. Don't you like having the freedom to criticise?

Aleikum Salam, Brothers.

Freedom leads to deviation and degeneracy in culture. We need strict anti-freedom policies, and since there is no such thing as natural rights...

Islam is shit

Yup. Then what?

Christian slave morality and concepts are worse.

You are a disgrace to your ancestors.

christcucks on suicide watch

That's a Sikh. They hate muslims.

who gave the prisoners internet

I have no nationality or community expect that what Prophet Muhammed(peace be upon him) created.

seems legit.

>making fun of prophet jesus

Turkey will be utterly destroyed in our lifetimes.

kys mongol

That's a Sikh you dumbass. It's obvious from the distinct Turban and the Kirpan sword he has with him.

>This coming from straya
>Literally an island filled with chinks
>Chinkland could kill you fuckers without the rest of the world knowing or giving a shit.
>Literally everybody I know only likes straya because muh nature.
(Granted, you got that shit wrapped up but since everything is out to kill you, why bother).
> Still bringing the bantz.

This was made by an atheist. I was in the original thread. They were talking about how Muhammad is a far more alpha and successful role model than Jesus

look if it isn't the roach shill.


Well, we all know what should happen to atheists...


Id rather be a slave to God than a slave to sin

Islam is already a failed meme.
Look at how the arab states ALWAYS implode.
That's because your prophet is a false prophet and perpetual jihad is a shit meme.

You must have a casus belli other than "for allah". You need a justification for war or else your people will turn into savage beasts that do nothing but commit Jihad against the state.

Islam lost, deal with it.

Good thread akhi

>Christian slave morality
Is a fallacy, it's the only memes that can sustain a flourishing society. It's the only memes that install a state of trust and community.

Remember Canaan? It imploded because there was no degree of trust. That is why Judaism always leeches, and subsequently gets genocided.

Jesus was their messiah all along.

>literally filled with chinks'

our population is over 90% white

Again, what part of Christianity says "allow degeneracy"?

That was boomer subversion. Guess who they began flirting with? Satan.
Guess who's the god of Judaism? Maloch. Satan.

They literally believe in antipattern memes and continously fall into their own self-destructive path.

>insulting Jesus (pbuh)
Dude he was a prophet, his word was changed by pagans

He wasn't a prophet.

>meme magic
I swear by Allah this fucking autistic alt right paganism is why nobody takes you seriously.

>he doesn't understand meme magic

You know those "installation wizards"?
It's like that.

Magic is kufr

No, Turk. You are wrong.

>Comparing Christ to Muhammad
Christ preached love and eternal salvation. Muhammad was a bloodthirsty warlord who had a 6 year old wife. Canuck, I hope you're doing your famous shotposting again.

>Magic is kufr


>Muh love
Strong win and the weak die cuck

Kufr is an Islamic term lmao

In that case Jesus is Kufr :^)
But here's the thing, I'm convinced Jesus was also a pantheist (the spirit). But I have to question who he called father..

>that's the joke

Should USA and Russia come and LIBERATE Europe again?