Triggers the nordics


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While the Spanish were busy fighting off Muslims and saving Europe nords were either sitting on their asses or killing and raping other Europeans like savages


>what is a nomad
You're retarded, 0/10 b8

>brazil talking shit about another race

Vikings and nords are the blacks or europe: Barbaric and physically superior, while mentally inferior

>imagine pic related but with blue eyes, white skin, and blond hair
>even the facial features are the same

They went further than that. Vikings used to raid neighboring white tribes and enslave their women, after which they would sail down the Volga River and trade them to Muslim merchants. All that effort just to get cucked

why did romans have a garage in their house they didn't even have cars

Difference is the Vikings and Nords spread the seed with people of the same skin color. And now after hundreds and hundreds of years you can't even tell

park their chariots so the moors wouldn't steal it

Admit: nordics and germans are uncivilized. Even arabs from the 8th century were better than them.

Building houses for temperate and mild Mediterranean climate.
Building houses for snowy and harsh Nordic climate.
Faggot for comparing apples to oranges.

>blacks are physically superior
Enough with this meme. They have the highest obesity rates of any race.

>inb4 muh niggerball players

>A actual ethnic group and not just a word for medieval Scandinavian pirates

the descendants of convicts, everyone.


You call that a house?

Viking home looks comfy

>implying anyone was referring to anything but architecture

More likely a shed/outhouse to the typical longhouse but the architecture is not too dissimilar.



it has a garage. So don't give me any lip you curry merchant

you know who taught the vikings that you could use clean water to bath yourself? the meds
vikings didn't bath.

To be fair, Northern Europe was scarcely populated back then and the cold environment was extremely harsh, so their civilization advanced slowly at first.

>While the Spanish were busy fighting off Muslims and saving Europe nords were either sitting on their asses or killing and raping other Europeans like savages

Yes and raiding Eastern Europe for white slaves to sell to the Ottomans.

Admit that Brazilians are uncivilized

Shut the fuck up India. Nordics founded your country.

>To be fair, Africa was scarcely populated back then and the hot environment was extremely harsh, so their civilization advanced slowly at first.

how do you live with this level of cognitive dissonance?

I so fucking hard want to live in one of those little viking houses.

But huemonkey, you're not even a med, or an indo-european for that matter

Because we were bathing in the blood of our enemies and the tears of the women we claimed and raped

Australia you magnificent bastard.

>LARPing about how his '''''ancestors'''''' were niggers
Fucking pathetic tbqh.


- never had an Empire
- never developed their own system of writing
- pretty much never won a war except against each other

>Comparing an emperors house to a peasants shack.

You are the aztecs of europe. Violent and uncivilized.

You killed the glorious leader Ragnar lothbrok. No seriously though, great show

>britcuck actually talking about someone elses ancestors
Holy fuck there are entire history books dedicated to how badly the British empire fucked up now step off Britbong

Not true. Africa is actually the best place to live for uncivilized savages. Which is the reason they barely evolved compared to the homo sapiens who ventured outside Africa. Greeks, Celtics, Thracians, Slavs, Romans Germanics etc. were once the same people, but differences were developed over time as they separated. The meds developed civilization fastest at first, because the warmer southern environment allowed higher populations, while the nordics were focused on day to day survival

Define nordic, because if anything the skull structure and the phenotype of the Aryans in general is probably closest to the Slavs.

Is this true? What fucking scum. I'm glad they're getting raped and outbred by Moors now then.

The climate in Northern Europe is rather harsh compared to the Mediterranean. For example Venice and other Mediterranean powers were still using galleys in the 16th century while in Northern Europe they developed ships to better deal with the rough oceans unlike the Mediterranean.

Every viking was a peasant. That was the most ''expensive'' house you would find there.

This guy has no cups yet he's swedens "best"


Yes, Slavs are partially Nordic but their origins are complex and I can't fully explain them.

Ancient Scandinavian-like people conquered Indus valley.

Didn't your people come out of the forest like 40 years ago?

Big talk coming from the guy living in uncivilized savage land
And no I'm not talking about the savages that used to live there
I'm talking about you and the rest of your shitskin race

>nordics were focused on day to day raping and drinking

>All these non-whites think they have a say in White affairs
sage and reported for blatant d&c

Colonising a quarter of the world's population and bringing enlightenment and civilisation to savages the world over? Doesn't sound like a fuck up to me.
Regardless, it's YOUR 'empire' that has fucked things up today. US cultural and economic hegemony has led directly to the decline of Western culture.

Why are you so triggered?
>Muh blue eyes

Same as niggers saying
>muh dick

Supposedly, the conquerors of northern India were of the r1a haplogroup, which is mostly slavic I believe

Spanish and portuguese master race. No cuck blood in me.
How does it feel to know you have cuck blood?

I don't have blue eyes. Not even triggered. Just pointing out the obvious. Your cousins are still out there throwing spears at helicopters.

>wikipedia geneticist intellectual

What's the obvious? that vikings were only civilized because the meds taught them how a human being should behave?


Brazilian monkey/spic rape babies have no say in who's White or not.

He's just trying to hold onto his 1/128 Spanish blood and justify his shit second world country

Many meds have blue eyes too. About 35% of Italy is light eyed. Seems to me like you're trying to justify being a jungle nigger

Haplogroups do not and will never matter except as a mildly interesting sidenote.
Autosomal DNA matters and well it just happens to be so that Scandinavians actually have more Aryan/Nordic DNA than Slavs.
Finns also have a lot of Aryan DNA despite only 7% R1a, haplogroups are a joke.

Not really triggered no. A 250 b.c roman house would be catastrophic, during winter, in the scandinavian climate in that time.

>He was born and raised from a Christian Protestant family and found Islam after reading Malcolm X's inspiring autobiography

See? I'm telling everyone.. these nordics have cuck blood!

Just like your people are still trying to learn, but having a hard time grasping the idea

>my empire
The US has never been an empire and frankly you shouldnt be proud about creating a massive empire and losing it all and becoming a giant cucked isle of muslims and cucks
>cuck blood
Arent you the result of a Spanish warrior coming over and raping some savage indian until it spat out whatever the fuck you people are? I think that makes you more cuck blood than I ever could be

Cringe worthy post.

>brazilian intellectuals

Yeah, Norwegians apparently are closest to the Yamnaya people due to all the IE waves that hit europe.

Just face it white supremacist losers. You'll never be Slavic.

>spanish/portuguese master race
>literally nigger races of europe
>that picture (swedish youth.jpg not spanish youth)
>also, most likely not pure spanish or portugese
>higher nigger mixed with cuck blood

The Sub Saharan African climate is not harsh at all. In fact, it's one of the most livable, resource abundant locations on the planet. Not to mention, the native civilization hasn't advanced at all in the past 50,000 years, let alone slowly.

Meanwhile, northern European civilization has surpassed ancient Med civilization by literally every metric and the buttblasted Meds angrily whine
In a Germanic language, on an imageboard created in an Anglo-Saxon country, using technology invented by Anglo-Saxons.

How do you live with this level of cognitive dissonance?

Spanish expelled kebabs, re-build europe and fought for the unification of europe.

Nordics destroyed the Roman empire, sold all their lands to merchants and then started 2 world wars

>expecting a modern empire to look anything like the empires of antiquity
Even the British empire was largely economic, run through the East India Trading Company.
Though, when debating with someone who'll unironically use cuck twice when trying to seriously debate someone, expect absolutely no historical knowledge or insight.

your convicts

Slavs are white though :^) Don't tell me you believe in jewish d&c memes

Up until medieval times negroids invented more than Nordics

The viking structure is still standing though :^)

Every society has its dregs.

(just kidding, I like Aussies)

Everything in your post is wrong
I see

>niggers of Europe
Pretty darn good that they conquered and explored half the world then.



Lost it.

>>literally nigger races of europe

What are the countries which brings more muslims?


don't you find interesting it's always the nordics behaving like savages?

if you are so worried about your own "german master race" you should start to become civilized.

You're still not Spanish no matter how hard you claim to be. You're a brazillian monkey. And frankly you cant even compare the nords from the World Wars to the Nords from the Viking days due to them not even being anywhere close to the same people
I see a cuck living in a cucked country so I call him a cuck. Do you have a problem britbong? I would be upset too if my women were leaving me for their muslim bulls

>Spanish and portuguese master race.
lel that's what every little cholo manlet says when you ask him

What is your obsession with Nordics nigger?
Did some Nordic beauty brutally reject you?

Why is it always some jungle animal making these threads? It was a Colombian failure at life a few hours ago.

Let's look at a typical "aryan"
>Swingers are the most red pilled group of people there is.
See? nordics and germans are always talking about degeneracy. You are uncivilized to this very day.

>nordic beauty
>in brazil


>start to become civilized
Said the monkey not living in a first world country

Were still using galleys...
Galleys were better suited for Mediterranean warfare,it's not that thE Mediterranean powers couldn't develop ocean going ships,ever heard of spain...they had some ocean going shit going on (first ones around the earth)yet at the same time used galleys (kicking ass in lepanto) I fail to see how using big ocean capable slower ships was of any advantage during the 16 th century Mediterranean until better guns were developed later

Spain is the most socially liberal country in Europe if not the world....

Might have been a traveler

Cmon monkey you know full well that a post from a Swede is either gonna be gay as shit or absolutely haram

>implying these monkeys wouldn't just rape if they got rejected

It would be pretty easy to just say
>t. 60% with a 15% interracial marriage rate
and be done with you.
Debating with teenagers is boring.
Pick up a book once in a while. If you're interested in empires, may I suggest 'Empire' by Niall Fergusson.

Oh I almost forgot to post a pic of the bastion of western civilization.

These guys are sure going to save europe from decline and they will expel muslims like the Spanish did 1000+ years ago.

Tell me if this is not a living proof nordics are a bunch of uncivilized beasts.

>You're still not Spanish no matter how hard you claim to be. You're a brazillian monkey.

Brazilians are so not spanish that they speak portoguese.

Top kek

>always a brazilian making these threads

You are not Roman, you are a monkey.

>sweden is at 0
fake map

>Mediterraneans are the master race.
Nothing new desu.

This triggers the dindu.

It's another sub-humans being butthurt thread :)

Can't wait for the Italian and the Swede

>over 5 million Muslims
>by 1614, every muslim was forced to die, convert or leave

It's as if they're saying this is a bad thing after they occupied the country for ages.

No data dumbass