Buy my book before the liberals ban it

Buy my book before the liberals ban it

So is there anyone out there in the media (new or otherwise) who actually has principles and just isn't trying to promote themselves? This is just sickening. The data and the stories should stand for themselves not the cute buxom white bitch reciting it.

Stockpile cash because you're going to become fat and irrelevant within 5 years


>Not "How Baby Boomers, Immigrants, and Jews Screwed my Generation"

Confirmed for d&c kike opportunist

No. There isn't. It's called capitalism.

>doesn't mention women
Into the trash it goes.

>Jews aren't mentioned even once
Muh sides. Nice pamphlet btw.

I don't want the right to be mainstream again. All these attention whores are unbearably cringy and just mirror equivalents of amy schumer among others.

just made me realise this book is aimed at conservative women. i wonder how it sells.

Her boss is a jew so what did you expect?

Frankly I can't keep this shit together, it's like the jews are playing both sides or are playing this big game of chess against each other (MY GOY TAKES YOUR GOY EHEHEHEHEHEHE *eats foreskin*).

90 pages ain't a book, come back when you're serious.

She's the poorman's Ann Coulter

$20 shipping top kike

she seems like such a pleasant person

is there an audiobook for it i dont like reading

Even the cover looks like a rip off of Adios America. Dumb kike, Jews screwed the last 10 generations


No one is going to ban your (((book)))
And hopefully not many are stupid enough to buy it

ann coulter is 55 though. lauren southern is going to get all the white women to help us its gonna be gud m8



Ann is capable of original thought. Lauren just parrots the shit she reads here and on breitbart.

This. I assume it's an act for attention. She's lolbeterian at heart

>White women (((help))) us

Kek. We have to kill that kike shill Lauren.

She should suck my dick and help the white race, not write a book about it. Dumb bitch.

Nice try (((Lauren)))

they control both sides so that no matter who wins, they win.

Please disregard this roastie.
She won't even acknowledge the eternal jew.
Smart Sup Forumsacks won't fall for her roastie charms.

No normal woman can have an original thought, they can only ape and mimic like children.
Women need to be put in their place and not listened to (for the majority of situations).

>90 pages of gradually reading yourself stupid.
what all true goyim strive for.

>90 pages

buy my book instead

Monkey Mitzvah


I've read it 3 times now. Gets better with each read Lauren!

How a vagina
sold my book

The conservative cottage industry of selling books and other garbage to idiots is still alive and well with a new generation of hucksters out to make some bucks!

Buy the fucking book, goys.

her butt is shopped I can tell

>how a jewish whore can sell anything.

Lauren Southern isn't Jewish by blood, but Jewish of the soul.


Don't these kikes realize that memes are now the highest level of political discourse?

>women writing books on politics

Into the trash. I've watched videos of this bitch. She is one dumb attention craving whore. Is there a decent conservative left in this country?

Don Cherry I guess?

Apart from Don cherry ofcourse. Someone who can carry the torch in the future

I don't normally read books that feature a picture of the author on the cover. Convince me otherwise.

Can confirm, it just got banned in my state :'(

>pdf where

Jews have been doing that long before napoleon lost.