I don't get it. They are voting against their own interests.
Why don't poor white people want free healthcare and college?
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White people pay taxes.
Rugged individualism
I respect white people for not taking tge easy way out.
You're not entitled to anything.
i think because they came from a long line of people that took care of their own. Just the freedom and opportunity to take care of themselves without interference.
because white people dont actually fall for the "against their interests" line because theyve figured it out by now that the free healthcare and college is paid for by them, and they dont get it.
Because it is not free, it is simply the burden of cost is shifted to the tax payers. Your free meal ticket is being paid by the man next to you and you give him nothing in return. Absolutely degenerate. Not to mention tax money guaranteed welfare programs inflate the cost of everything it touches due to corporate and human greed.
It's more than that, though. There are still white people here who, however poor, won't stoop to the indignity of eating from another man's table.
They're all for not taking from the poor to give to the rich, but they don't want to take from the rich and give to the poor either. Gets smaller every year but they're still around.
Because they're not getting either of those things. They work and the niggers reap the rewards.
>don't get it. They are voting against their own interests
Bernie promised these things but the primaries were stolen from him. Hillary promised nothing.
They don't want your help.
too many niggers in america
it would not be caring for your own
it would be transferring resources from the European tribe to the African tribe.
Because my paycheck every month is already only ~$3800, when it should be nearly 50% more, because the government takes out $1900 from every check to spend on retarded programs that have NOTHING to do with me, and I see no return on that money which is entirely earned based on my personal hard work every day
>mfw i thought I wasn't getting paid enough but I did the math and it actually checks out
If spending on muh military was drastically cut it would be a non-issue, with plenty left for education and healthcare.
>why don't people who don't need anything from me not want anything from me?
Dignity? Self Respect? Not being subhuman filth who thinks the world owes them free shit?
White people believe in themselves and their ability to achieve what they can and get what they need with limited help.
Blacks are content with being fed like pets and walked to the polls every 2 years.
Because we aren't nogs or papist peons who lack self-respect and wish to live on handouts. Anglo-Saxon people live by their own will and fuck the rest of you cunts. As the founders intended.
>White people believe in themselves and their ability to achieve what they can and get what they need with limited help.
No joke this unspoken attitude is what led to Europe colonizing most of the world
QT. Too bad she's a whore
This, mostly. Go read "The Grapes of Wrath" by Steinbeck for a better idea of how poor whites think, at least in rural areas or areas that have only stopped being farmland in the past generation or two.
Yeah, it's not like we have any enemies anymore. Everything is awesome!
>no one in the government gives two shits about you because you don't live in a city
>some limpwristed faggot claims that you can't take care of yourself or your own and that you need to be coddled
>Why don't poor white people want free healthcare and college?
>I don't get it. They are voting against their own interests.
1) There is no such thing as free college, or health care. The free lunch is a myth. I am not a thief.
2) The education that they give is often sub standard. An argument could be made for someone wanting subsidized education if they are in the STEM fields or learning a trade. These people could become productive members of society.
Forcing others to pay for Feminist Dance Therapy, gender studies, or whiteness studies... That is a crime to me.
3) Socialized medicine will and does simply race the prices, and lower the quality of medication. Also way to many people are on drugs they shouldn't be via prescription. Like Prozac, also don't want to pay for some bitch to murder her baby. Coat hangers cost 25 cents, and an abortion is 500+ dollars.
T. Person that lives in a multicultural fucking socialistic hellhole that prioritizes subhuman trash over the people it was meant for
this. also I could achieve more if I wasn't paying for those that don't want to achieve or learn how to do it.
straight up. I'm just out of compassion and I don't give a fuck. I've given enough and get shit in return. it's a bad investment and now I want to divest myself of it.
>Why don't poor white people want free brainwashing?
because young white people dont vote, the people who do are the old ones, thats why they have social security and healthcare after 55
>determine how to allocate your own resources
>pay into a system and receive a fraction of what you contributed as determined by a (((bureaucrat)))
desu they probably do but the major corporate syndicates that completely control this country and everything in it, in this specific case, pharmaceuticals, insurance, etc. will never allow it to happen barring a major collapse or revolution
Because we're healthy and smart.
American whites don't, it's actually pretty cool.
white people can get "free college" from academic scholarships and "free healthcare" from their employer. the only reason either one of those is difficult to obtain is because of catastrophic social and economic policies.
Alternatively they can get all the healthcare and education via the military.
It's not in the interests of white people to vote for socialist policies since they only pay in and never actually benefit from them.
Does it ever occur to you that living on the money the state gives you can be perceived as being a parasite and therefore extremely debasing ?
Leftists have no dignity left, if they ever had any, but leave others be proud of who they are please.
Why do you think extremely expensive things can just be made """free?"""
LOL. 1 post by this ID, prove they don't.
You made the accusation, it's your job to prove it.
Because sane people want the opportunity to work hard and fairly earn their way to success, not have it handed to them on a silver platter for their personal enjoyment like they're slaves being given fucking leftover scraps.
'Why don't white people want to pay for illegal shitskins healthcare and to pay for communist indoctrination centers for lazy, entitled assholes' the thread.
>he thinks all of college is a liberal arts wiminz studies degree
Their fucking pride gets in the way
Of course you don't understand what pride is, your island basically served as a makeshift dildo for infinitely superior nations to park themselves on whenever they were bored.
>he hasn't been to a university in the past five to ten years
More and more big schools are requiring all schools/majors rather you're going for a BS, BA, etc to take a few elective courses that are shit like gender studies, sociology, or other bullshit humanities.
The fuck outta here with your third world shithole opinion and leave the discussion to the big dogs
>tfw no free government provided mars colonial bases
it should happen, why don't you guys want it?
Because it never goes to poor white people. The whole welfare system is a scam to get white people paying for stuff that's exclusively available to shitskins.
At least we have culture, you retarded diabetic
Your country has more immigrants than practically anyone and yet we are the third world? You will be third world soon
Why do white people have their ancestors pay taxes for up to 200 years in some countries then demand the government remove your own access to your ancestors investment in your wellbeing - while defending that the rich be allowed to do the same with their own children because they have a right to it?
Who the fuck cares about culture when you have an economy. Go tiki dance or whatever the he'll yo u do and let the super powers talk please.
>They are voting against their own interests.
Why don't they want to rob other people, I don't get it...
t. Nigger
Your president's wife is a whore who posed nude
Your president's daughter is a Zionist loving slut
Face it, Burger. He is one of them.
>They are voting against their own interests.
No, they are not.
Free healthcare is total shit, we have it here and it sucks balls, and the money we have to pay in extra taxes is roughly the same as a high quality health insurance.
Also, free college spots are usually given to niggers, so these poor white people would not benefit from it at all.
>At least we have a culture
What fucking culture? You were colonized by greeks, then raped and occupied by Romans, then raped and occupied by muslims, then raped and occupied by romans again, then by the spanish, then by the italians, then by the british.
You have no culture, you probably can't even name me an example of one "cultural" thing that malta has ever fucking contributed to the world.
The "manoel theater" isn't even Maltese, it was built by a fucking Portuguese crusader.
If white people are "rugged individualists" who don't want to take government money then explain...
1. how red states actually receive more welfare than blue states
2. how almost every european country has free healthcare and college
1. Farm subsidies
2. Euros aren't white
1. Black people
2 a. Communist infiltration
2 b. Europeans work hard anyway and most would enjoy a high quality of life even without government intervention.
Look at that water, you fat fuck. Look at it!
So clear you could drink it. Unlike your water that looks like sewer water. You are just Britain's stepchildren
>how red states actually receive more welfare
More niggers, military bases, government subsidized farmers and national parks.
>how almost every european country has free healthcare and college
A combination of high taxes, small populations and EU funding from places with the former.
When the bombs drop only the pathetic Cockroachs will remain. I hope you will take good care of mother earth as you descend back under the rocks you once came from.
Look at all those boats owned by people living in places infinitely better than Malta
>1. how red states actually receive more welfare than blue states
Maybe because they're poor because national policy for the past half a century has raped the fuck out of their industries, culture, and economies in general
>2. how almost every european country has free healthcare and college
Yeah, thanks to them getting raped to shit. Also the degree of this is greatly exaggerated. Finally just because something is policy doesn't mean people voted for it. I'd argue that a lot of the problems in Europe, along with mass immigration, stem from half a century of having governments that don't even begin to represent their interests and generations of brainwashing.
That's what you get when you got a shitty eduction and can't understand what's in your own best interest
They don't qualify much of the time for those programs so when they get the tax bill all they see is paying out for shit they don't get. They just want the government to fuck off and leave them and whatever money they do make alone.
Oh I am laffin
They believe you earn things through hard work. I know what a bizarre concept.
That water is nowhere near clean...
Because OP that's not who normally gets care. It's all for the niggers, yet white people pay for it... It would be like paying for policy against your own interests.
>we're already fucked
>b-b-but ur gonna git fucked too
>that means you're worse
Literal retards.
Because they are cucks.
Being economically cucked is no different then being socially cucked, it's just a different type doing the cucking.
>free healthcare and college
Yeah if you mean losing over half of our income in immediate taxes, no counting all the hidden taxes like VAT, Media License, hidden costs of schooling like having to buy your own rather expensive books, computers which are almost mandatory these days, field trips etc.
Just go fuck yourself
>Taxpayer Funded
Money doesn't grow on trees, how shocking
1) Niggers
2) Commies
Because somebody has to pay for it, being us. But instead of just paying for ours, we pay for all idiots who spend their lives leeching off of the system. I don't think people who leech off the system deserve the same benefits that I do when I get up and work every day, and Im not responsible for their well being.
The poor whites would get it virtually for "free" because they would spend less in taxes than they would normally. They only stand to gain from public healthcare.
Many do. They just realize that no mater how poor they are, they're going to be paying for it and getting little if anything out of it.
That old argument again?
Yeah well the poor whites are part of the idiots Im talking about. They can get up off their ass and pay for their own, and maybe stop having kids. People shouldn't have to pay for other people's bad decisions.
>oh ya lets send all the niggers in america to free community college. that will fix everything!
you know we already have 13 years of government-funded education right? you want to extend that 2 years and turn the current high school graduate into the future's version of a high school dropout? costs of your own training, even in the form of loans that you have to repay, are barriers to entry that separate people who really want to be there from the people who will just treat it as another one of dem programs. if more of these suburban faggots had to self-fund for university instead of daddy paying for it, we wouldn't have to have a bachelors degree to sell industrial kitchen supplies
we need to place more emphasis on primary schooling ans stop sending so many retards to college. you don't need a fucking polisci degree to sell insurance or work as a waitress at the olive garden
what is it today that you don't understand, John?
I already pay for LaShonda and her 6 kids to not get a job, and I pay for Larry's disability.
>against their own interests.
your a dorable
opena book
Because white people have mental capability to learn on the mistakes of other people?
Because white people can think about the future further than 2 days?
I don't fucking know!
One caucasian friend of mine has gone full commie recently... All from full skinhead mode back in the early 2000's. Go figure.
lmfao, this fucking leaf
He means in comparison to finishing college with a 60k debt.
Stupid ar*bic mongoloid.
u r dum
Because its gommunism and communism is bad mm'kay.
>Euros aren't white
Then where did white people come from?
Because it's not free you dumb Marxist.
Because it's more important that non-whites suffer.
This TBQH.
In say England until recently you would be giving money to the english or scots or irish or welsh. Now you're giving it to paki rape gangs, chinks and poos so they can have their kids and outbreed you.
But before hand it made sense because you were giving money to your own tribe.
they don't want the money they make redistributed to some nigger in detroit getting shot for the third time this week
OP I know you're a NatSoc but i'm just saying people aren't entitled to jack shit.
Socialism leads to communism, and if it doesn't then socialism can only work for a small amount of time without crashing the economy.
Very true.
Funny that you're a ruski and not a communist, further proving people who think the Russian Federation is Neo-Soviet wrong.