Through reformation and understanding...

Through reformation and understanding, Christianity and Islam can be two perfectly peaceful beliefs that live in harmony together.

It is the anti-white/anti-muslim jews who set us up against eachother, however.

With enough study, both religions could even fuse together, discarding the irrelevant bits and focusing on common core values.

As the Son of God was a prophet and Mohammed received God's prophecy a few centuries later as well, it is perfectly reasonable that both perceive God's message in a slightly different way. And both perceive their religion as the only true one.

But what if the common core values both religions were knitted together as one religion?

Christians shouldn't submit to Islam
Muslims shouldn't submit to Christianity.

But both are recognized as two perceptions as the one true religion which has not been founded yet.

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Fuck Islam. Mohammed was a pedophile. We will drive you back into the desert.

Islam and Christianity have far more in common with each other than either do with Judaism. I don't know if the two ever can or ever should be united, but it is clear that Judaism is a far greater threat than Islam ever could be.

If only... Islam would lay down its arms and embrace their christian brothers.

Reformation is heresy.

Go back to Pakistan.

is it just me or are the toothpaste niggers becoming worse than leafs lately?

Mohammed's life is irrelevant to the prophecy.

Whatever he does or his personal opinions are do not account for the message he received from God. Which is why I don't understand why so many muslims try to 'live like' him.

That he married and had sex with a child does not justify every muslim should do it. That he disliked dogs does not mean every muslim should fear dogs as cursed by the devil. In that case you are a Mohammedan - someone who praises Mohammed rather than God.

Mohammed was simply a human with all its flaws. We has nothing but a messenger. A chosen divine conduit. When the prophecy was given and spread throughout his people, his task was practically done.

Islam shouldn't even be a threat but we've been so monumentally retarded we're unironically on the road to being taken over.

>toothpaste niggers
It's funny because it's true

No. Fuck sand people and their religiions. All of them. Their believes must leave europe.

Fuck off.

Islam was literally dictated to Mahound by Satan himself. What kind of angel refuses to be around a dog? A demon.

OP we all know (((who))) controls the news and people refuse to admit they can be fooled if they already have that pre-cog bias. I don't think western countries will be around much longer to worry about it. They let the jews bend them over like a dirty old man in a sandbox only they pretend to love it.

Wow! either op is a straight up faggot or has a gun to his head.

Fuck off, universalist cuck.

Islam is just Pharisaism for Gentiles. Christians are the only true heirs to Abraham. Both kikes and Saracens belong in hell.

No. Islam retains all of the disgusting tribalism of Judaism.

It is in fact evangelical tribalism.

See? This is the problem. The Jews are fine, we must stand with them and GLASS THE MIDDLE EAST

>Muslims shouldn't submit to Christianity.


They're all the same. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Communism.

The Roman Mos Maiorum with pietas to scientific rigor is superior.

Especially when merged with Stoic and Spartan philosophy.

None of these fucks are beating hardass Spartans backed by science.

islam cannot coexist with any other religion as long as they are pious muslims and follow the 9th Surah

>Christianity and Islam are both wrong.
>You guys should totally combine the two to overcome differences.
>This new religion has yet to be discovered and is a mystery.

Take your mystery Babylon religion and get out. Repent and believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior.

Read the New Testament and the Quran. The basic tenets of the two religions are completely incompatible. Christianity states that it is impossible to be without sin, but luckily God sent his Son to absolve us. It is only through Christ that a person my be saved. According to Islam a person stands before Allah absolutely alone. There is no one to intercede for your sins and anyone who says there will be intercession in your behalf is lying. Christians and Muslims believe the other is destined for Hell. That is the common core.

That will not work. Islam believes it's the last message from god and all others are not. It is a fundamental difference between it and other religions. Trying to rethink or negotiate is not recognizing the inhearant nature of the belief.

>Spartan philosophy
Got any interesting links to that?


>Got any interesting links to that?


The Spartans were quite popular in ancient times. Athens only became more popular afterward, as Platonism was compatible with Christianity.
The Spartans and Stoics however considered it bullshit, and they were in the majority during the glory days of the classics.

Every Christian, atheist or other religion needs to see what it's like to live in a country like Saudi Arabia or Indonesia when you're not muslim. Islam is the religion of intolerance. You can never shake hands with a guy who's holding knives in both.

Muhammad was a warlord, not a holy man. He and his followers should be treated as such.

Thanks user.

nahh... Islam is anti-civilization. it needs to be snuffed out.

That's probably the main problem with Islam (besides the absolute infallibility of the Quran).

Muslims should be modeling themselves to be like God, not the mortal messenger of God and all his faults.



NO it can't you fucking idiotic ignorant moron. Have you even read the fucking books?
Kys already