We've Been SET-UP to be ATTACKED! All U.S. Aircraft Carriers in-port -

None operating anywhere in the world!
All 14 United States Aircraft Carriers are in-port for the next week

NONE are operating anywhere in the world!

We are being set-up for an attack by our Obama

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source leaf

or blow away in the wind, like the spineless amoeba you truly are

We have 11 and one of them isn't even commissioned yet.

Where did the extra ones come from?

>1 post by this ID

Its on fox news. Let me find the link

Also this article isn't technically accurate. The Reagan is forward deployed in Japan.


>In the meantime, the Navy tells Fox News the U.S. military has other jets available to make up for the aircraft carrier gap in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world. The Navy can also “surge” a carrier now in port to deploy if necessary. But the absence of a deployed U.S. Navy aircraft carrier, long seen as a symbol of American power projection, is noteworthy. It is believed to be the first time since World War II that at least one U.S. aircraft carrier has not been deployed.



Fuck you I'm not a burger what the fuck does this mean tell me!!!

Obama is playing his final cards as Commander in Chief to fuck up this country as much as possible before Trump takes power.

It's means we are tired of dicking around in other people's bullshit.

America first.

it means that there are no carrier battlegroups out at sea. that means that there are no isolated pockets of power (other than the limited capabilities of the submarines) that would be able to oppose takeover by a domestic enemy.

Looks like the transition is going well. Hopefully Obama doesnt pardon hillary on his last day.

either that or he wants all our military strength at home so that trump cant immediately bomb mecca

Fuck off. This is patently untrue and you know it.

What you don't know about the new US created stuxnet- like virus that has infected every computer on the planet targeting the Russian missile system. It messes with the ability to target without the Russians knowing so nukes gets redirected to Canada. We are all in on it and willing a nuclear war to happen so Canada gets glassed.

this is only happening because of a scheduling mishap, they'll be back in action in 6-12 months

it's not like the entire navy is just carriers anyway

so an example would be obama will cause a false attack on a us foreign military base? or a attack on us soil

Shall I warn the family again?

Please, please, nothing to worry about

Do not be so anxious, there is nothing to be concern of , try to get some sleep, drink some alcohol to calm you upset nerves, maybe sleeping pills

remember wear earplugs to sleepy time

fucking leaf

There will still be Wasp and America class running round with Harriers.

what this doesn't tell you is that there are like another 10 carriers not included in the typical carrier group listings for the us. also, it's because holidays, and because maintenance and upgrades need to be done and we have bases all around the world that can allow us to do that while not severely limiting security, only the ability to push enemies. right now however we have other people pushing and we are merely occupying and training. for example in iraq the pathetic defense forces are finally standing their own, in syria the russians and assad are doing all the fighting, in asia its all a bunch of bluster and dick showing. really, we don't have a reason for the carrier groups to be on high alert instead of getting maintenance and upgrades.

maybe they're secretly getting railguns. I want them all to have railguns.

no. an example would be that obama replaces all military commanders with new ones that are loyal to him in order to keep control of the military when he declares that he won't allow the transfer of power to a russian puppet... and implements martial law until he likes the results of a new, fair and free democractic election.

>pearl harbour all over again.

>maybe they're secretly getting railguns
ooooh.... tech upgrades that just can't wait! i like this conspiracy theory...

Kek, jap

There will be an imminent false flag attack before the inauguration. Obama will be declared the wartime president, and Trump will get bumped.
The Bilderberg group and their puppet, the current US administration, NEED a war with Russia before Trump is president. The MSM is doing everything in their power to make it seem as if Russia hacked voting machines and the entire election. If Trump becomes President then Russia becomes an ally and the world government dynamics change considerably.
The Bilderberg group was hacked recently. It was done by members of the US government who are actively working against this false flag. Those members will most likely be assassinated and their deaths will be blamed on Russia.

This was foreseen by the blind prophet Baba Vanga. The end of the era of the Demon, the Kali Yuga, will happen in 2025. Obama will trigger WW3. There will be nukes, but it won't be a complete MAD scenario. The war will last 8 years.

No one knew until you opened up your big fat keyboard, thanks a lot for losing the war.

shoot the missiles out of the sky with your AR-15 assault rifles

Interesting suggestion user, but hasn't the Bilderberg enter the Trump administration? I mean, with the presence of Goldman sachs in that it's pretty evident that some powers achieved enter (keep) into the goverment. Also Henry Kissinger advised and will advise to Trump.


Ok so if war does happen on Obama's watch and it last 8years does that mean
Trump can re assume his presidential position? or will there be
a New election ?

Trump's inauguration is gonna get nuked and they're going to blame it on Russia.

Don't believe me - just wait.

Move to POLCON 3

Stay alert Anons

I can't see how they could possibly pull off a believable false flag of any magnitude in our current year, they have lost the audience, their propaganda networks have been largely exposed.

>our obama
Nice try, Ivan

Why would they have all carriers at port though?

Some Bilderberg shills are in the administration, yes, but that's only if nothing happens leading up to the inauguration. If the false flag doesn't happen before January 20th then it will happen within Trump's first year of presidency. He'll be blissfully unaware of the US involvement in the attack, and he'll passionately suggest a swift retaliation. He would be fed false information and manipulated into doing the bidding of the bilderberg group, similar to what happened with GWB

You're assuming there will be a nation left after WW3

The media is completely controlled. Once a massive false flag happens then Joe Regular will believe it 100%. This nation is in the habit of calling everything treason, and a normie will be afraid to speak up or suggest the possibility of a false flag or else they'll be labeled a treasonous bastard.

I really doubt our military would be interested in a coup in Obama's favor given that he has reduced military spending steadily over his term and most of the military with the guns voted Trump or Libertarian.

>You're assuming there will be a nation left after WW3

Ok, but what if its just USA vs Russia and not a world war 3 type scenario
what happens then?
Can Obama stay in command till a victor?

Honestly, who really sure are about the false flag happening? and if all of that happens, what do you definitely think will be the final trigger for WW3? use of nukes on middle west or maybe in a otan country?

It wont be USA v RUS only, Nato and Russia's allies will be dragged into it. If it happened during Obamas watch then he would be in command in a bunker in a mountainside until it was over.

The plan is to trigger the false flag. It would most likely be a dirty bomb in a Nato country, perhaps the US. Evidence would be falsified linking Russia to the attack. Not Russia directly detonating the dirty bomb, but supplying materials, perhaps to Syria.

Great, if this happens, are you prepared for the collapse ameribro?

Fully prepared. It would be like a vacation for me, getting back to nature and living a simple yet fulfilling life. Assuming there's no nuclear fallout.

Shit meme desu senpai 0/10

>implying it wouldn't matter if a couple are out

It's not like a sub couldn't suicide attack a carrier with torp spam in peacetime as the ROE means you get a free shot

Kill yourself

Fuck yea, man! it will be like a Thoreau vacation on the walden pond with the complete feeling of moving on for a simple and pure life. Let's keep waiting for that, and not a complete nuclear holocaust.

you're a dumbass

Bobby vaginas doesnt know what its talking about, nukes will not be authorized by the Guardians period.

Or you can throw you registered plastic knife at it, The queef wills it.

Why democrats want war with Russia? It is clear that this is their goal, but Killary losing the election changed everything. What do they gain from such a thing?

What's this we shit you fuckin leaf.

Stop you fucking burger paranoic Alex Jones' lunatics. Nothing is going to happen. Keep sharting normally.

nice try Jap