Swingers are the most red pilled group of people there is

Swingers are the most red pilled group of people there is.

>Sex is bonding
>Sex with multiple partners is networking
>Gain extended, close and functioning family
>Healthy adult play
>Stress relieving
>Promotes family values without the stress of feeling sexually frustrated

Why aren't you a swinger Sup Forums?

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Kill yourse-
Carry on

sex not for the purpose of procreation is meaningless

That may be true but it still feels damn good.

>being such a retarded animal that you do something just because it feels "damn good".

What if I have sex regularly with my gf, but we are not seeking to have kids yet

Sweden at it again

How do u live?

biologically speaking yes...

sex affects you mentally, physically, & emotionally too.

I don't think we just have sex to reproduce. Our body shares many characteristics with primates that use sex to establish hierarchy (chimps) or for social bonding (bonobos). Like chimps and bonobos, the humans has about 1000 orgasms per fertilization. Gorillas and Gibbons use sex mainly for reproduction and they have a lower number of orgasms per fertilization. I think a healthy reason why humans have sex besides reproduction is to strengthen the relationship with their romantic partner.

may as well get off Sup Forums then frendo why not choose the time to analyze stocks and invest in index funds?

contributing to society also feels good


5 girls
8 guys

nice ratio

>healthy adult play

I fucking lost it at this line my fucking sides

How fucking pathetic are you?

What do you do with your life, then?
Work from the waking moment to the second your head hits the pillow?
You have no hobbies you enjoy spending time on?

Everyone should live in a Children of the Troth society.
Women swim in all the male's cum, and the whole town cares for the children that are birthed.

I am homo and i do not approve

Because shitposting isn't the same as doing something as intimate and central for a living organism as sex.

Next you are going to claim that poo poo ganja swede shit is redpilled

Because they broke

Americans will defend this

pic related is the real red pill

What most of you fail to recognise, because you're betas with a small network of friends, is that swingers operate mostly as networks of tightly knitted adults.
It's a group rendered strong by sharing in sexual activities, the foundations of any functioning organisation.
Rarely do white swingers let in new folk without due initiation and general acceptance from the group, least of all the melanin enriched.

It's a red pilled activity for the red pilled whites.

All bad conclusions based on a view not coherent with what sort of species we are.

Unwin (ironic name) is talking about tribes and compares them with larger societies that actually flourishes and advances as they increase their standard of living, through cooperative effort.
Remaining monogamous is what's stifling our civilizations.

Look at these swingers. The men and women try hard to stay sexually attractive and form bonds stronger than anything else. This brotherly and sisterly love that makes these people want to stay fit and healthy is what makes society prosperous.


>What most of you fail to recognise, because you're betas
>It's a group rendered strong by sharing

Hmmm.... what kinds of people do I see who believe that sharing everything makes them strong? Hint: it's not the alphas of the world.

This is precisely what makes these people so unproductive. They care more about their own pleasure and spend all their time on themselves and their group that they don't have time to do anything else. Society was built on the shoulders of nerd virgins and reclusive monogamous scientists.

>Society was built on the shoulders of nerd virgins and reclusive monogamous scientists.

Only in your own imagination. These people feel the need to constantly impress each other to get better sex within the hierarchy of their groups.
This means they will measure whose the best sex partner on physical prowess and work reputation, i.e. your achievements and wealth.

Nerd virgins are too shy to do anything and reclusive monogamous scientists is a myth because of above mentioned, they all compete with each other.


this is the dumbest shit I've ever read.

you know what I don't see in any of these "families" ?


Therefore, these are the "before" photos of human extinction.

I'm not shocked this is coming from Sweden.

t. married father of 4 whites

Swinging is disgusting. You are disgusting. This thread tells me so much about why apes are ruining your country, your genetics, your society, and your legacy.

unwin also surveyed the sumerian, babylonian, hellenenistic greek, roman, anglo-saxon, and english civilizations. educate yourself and stop trying to mislead people.


>Swingers are the most red pilled group of people there is.

No, swingers are degenerates and cuckolds by nature. Nothing more bluepilled than open relationships.

Dumbest shit I've ever read. This is adult play, not childs play.
Children have no place among naked adults, you pedo.

I am educated on the matter. Unwin is a hack as explained. His views were highly Victorian and poisoned his whole argumentative stance.

Degenerate scum. If you feel anything other than hate and disgust towards their actions you are subhuman

>Dumbest shit I've ever read. This is adult play, not childs play. Children have no place among naked adults, you pedo.

you used the word family over and over. There is no family without children.

The world has had just about enough of weirdos trying to fuck up the word "family"

You are bad and you should feel bad.

degeneracy burns in swift fire

These are photos of swingers at a swingers party, you idiot.

Why do we look towards a regress or stagnation in evolution rather than an ideal?
(((Biology))) should be discarded until it accepts idealism, the Aryan specimen is the epitome of human Evolution. Until the ideal man, who has but one wife (for this is the foundation of marriage and marriage is the foundation of the state) is accepted as the singular goal to strive for we shall never progress.
Do not look to monkeys but to morals
Why remain? Why focus on what animals do, and we did in the past? Why stagnate progress with this pseudo-noble animal?

Can we not strive for a noble man, can we not progress beyond ourselves now?

not in the west.

Single young men are frowned upon.

8 dudes, 5 chicks. Just saying.

You don't need to know a lot of history to find plenty of examples that prove him right

Now you're arguing like a true progressive/regressive.
Fuck or biology, political ideals should reign.

you're one of those virgins that thinks all the cool kids grow up to be losers arent you?

A neighbor of mine got into the swinging scene via a naked volleyball league. Although he found it fun at first after several months he got out of it because in his experience the relationships of most of the participating couples were either abusive, rapidly deteriorating, or both.

Wew someone's projecting