You Favorite Saying Is Racist!


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>when whitey tries to whitesplain that black on black crime is a thing when it totally isn't a thing

hep hep hoorah!


What do Klingons have to do with this?

I will literally join a Nazi death squad if that's what I have to do to make sure I never see this god damn cunt's face again.

unlike most sjw bullshit, that was actually a rather informative video.

Yeah I'm inspired to use these phrases more


More MTV shilling. The grave just got 6 feet deeper.

holy fucking trash

wtf? I love "Hip Hip Hooray!" now

Hey, long time no see, sorry, but no can do, you gypped me so better get your ass back to the peanut gallery before i sell your ass down the river.

Hip Hip Hurray, hurry it up nigger.

Mein sides

I'm literally racist against no race but gypsies

Stopped watching at "gipped" or "gypsey". Does this self congratulatory bitch know nothing about Europe? Gypsies are a filthy, stealing disgusting sub-human species.

i think i hate how mtv got a trans black woman more than this clickbait.

>shorthand phrases only exist because niggers can't speak english properly

6 things that make you go hmmm....

>everything is racist
English was created by white people. We must no longer speak English. We must now speak in clicks and whistles, just like the Africans.

Is it just me, or are most of the views these videos get, are coming from Sup Forums?

This desu, Gypsy now means any homeless; beggar, pickpocket, poor albanian etc.

peanut gallery had literally nothing to do with george washington c*rver and was about the plebs in the cheap seats who could only afford peanuts

>hip hip hooray
>A folk etymology for this interjection suggests it comes from an anti-Semitic German interjection (hep hep), but that is much too recent.
>Recorded as far back as 1803. The word hip was in use then as a meaningless syllable to get someone's attention. Hooray (or hurrah) goes back to 1686, and also had no specific meaning, used instead to get a person's attention.

I want to fuck her desu

does anyone know if she is currently getting bleached?

omg they bleeped out gipped hahah

lol, sell her to gypsies, like the old saying goes.

>English was created by white people. We must no longer speak English. We must now speak in clicks and whistles, just like the Africans.

>Sold down the river
Who the fuck says that.

Will use these phrases way more often now, thanks MTV news.

wtf i love hip hip hooray now!

Wanna play this game darky? This is how honky evolved.

>In 2009 France deported 10,000 Gypsies

Too bad they didn't keep that same attitude for Muslims.


= celebrated black scientist

FFS just stop giving these people views.. your helping to keep their heads above water you fucks.

embedded links get no views,and get no money. unless you open the link on a new tab as a new youtube tab then that how they make money,and views.

>kek black being annoying in movies is not a new thing

>that Brazil flag for gypsies.

>carrying about gypsies

We waz peanuts and shit. FALSE you didn't make peanut butter black people. China grew peanuts.

No can do - no can do video properly bitch.

Long time no see. Not long enough.

Sold down the river. Obviously not sold down far enough.

Hip Hip Hooray - you don't know shit.

Gypped = gypsy you stupid motherfucker

>hep hep hoorah!
hep hep hoorah!


i want to stick my cock down her throat

>>hep hep hoorah!
>hep hep hoorah!
hep hep hoorah!


serb diaspora detected

>music television

this is what the left has become and they wonder why nobody takes them seriously

>censoring gypped

cucked hard

>the G-word
>unironically defending gypsy scum who gypp people for a fucking living

I mean I can empathize with some of the nigger shit like getting sold down the river, must suck to have only reached civilization as farm equipment

But this shit is ridiculous, gypsies are scum embodied

Top kek 10/10

Is this niggeress' job to stand in front of a camera and talk about how everything is racist? And niggers say they have it hard.

I think we should agree to call a spade a nigger

>You Favorite Saying Is Racist!
and whats wrong with being racist?

you don't have a chinaman's chance

they act like being racist is a bad thing

In the 80's and 90's. I guess in the early and mid 00's. True Life fucked up everything and 16 and Pregnant was the final nail.

you have to mix it up Japan. They're too used to that. You need to say darky, jiggaboo, porch monkey etc. Give them your different flavours of hatred.

Tio estas la pensado, ke la hebreoj volas vin pensi.


This is the first time I've ever seen any SJW shit try to defend gypsies. My dad's side are gypsies in the UK and I get no end of fun pretending to get offended when people say pikey or gyppo. But they're the only racial slurs they will say. They get all upset if you say nigger to them, but gypsy shit just seems to fly under the radar for them.

> was about the plebs in the cheap seats who could only afford peanuts

They also had a tendency of being cunts and throwing their peanuts when they weren't happy with the act.

Ezra Levant got in deep shit saying Gypsy up here he didn't even say gypped.

Nobody anymore. This isn't the 1920's.

so what ethnicity of woman did your dad rape?

the only answer to this is Jap and you set yourself up for it. I can't believe you're so bad at this anonymous-san.

His side have been in England since the 1600s, so not quite the same traditions as the Balkan lot, but my mum's white.

Says the Jap!

>Our Overrord is grorious. Chinese skin too yellow

Wow. You're exactly right, and that makes me said.

MTV was revolutionary in the 80s. Whatever network fuckhead decided to pivot away from music to this SJW crap should be shot.

MTV is really just making shit up, to make it sound racist. Even the Gypsy thing was full on bullshit

>mtw """"""""""news""""""""""
mid kek


didn't watch btw

>tfw no gyp-jap gf

Wow! I feel like getting a half million doctorate degree in racism studies now and complaining about rich people not paying for it!!





I remember when they told 'bernbros' to drink bleach.

Fuck gyppos and fuck this lady who obviously never had to be in any real contact with the scum. Fuck gypsies.

Happy as a sandboy is a common phrase in bongland, took me an awful long time to realise its origin.

Nigger. Comes from niggers being niggers. See? We can play that game too

That hypocritical cunt is married to a white dude. That's all you need to know about her.

you have been czeched my friend

I've only just watched this video, and this cunt really has no fucking clue. Gypsy is not a fucking insult. By censoring it, she's implying that being a gypsy is in and of itself a bad thing that can only be an insult. Fuck that nigger.

gypsy is an insult because gypsies are fucking garbage

That's insulting to garbage.

Isn't the phrase "Pigeon English" racist
You know the Chinese used to eat kill and eat pigeons in the city, and is why the term "pigeon English" was used in reference with Chinese people that couldn't speak English well
That's actually a fact, unlike the shit MTV was spewing there

Garbage is probably more useful then a gypster

So American is now an insult, thanks to all the scum weighing you lot down as well?

Just to let everybody know - gipsies!=romani
>True Life fucked up everything and 16 and Pregnant was the final nail.
nah. south american soap operas ended its misery. it was dead before 00 thou

garbage doesn't steal your belongings, rape your children and hunt your house pets for food.

literally anti-Hitler

This is a good way to boost your self esteem. If you're ever feeling down and you hear someone use one of these phrases, correct them and let them know its racist origins. You will make yourself feel better by showing the person and any audience that you are less racist than them, and, at the same time, you get to fight bigotry and white supremacy.

No idea what that meant you fucking zipperhead but ok

WTF now I hate Kweli

So if something was racist in meaning in the past and you happen to not be an expert on the etymology of the English languge you're some kind of unenlightened asshole?

MTV is on some kind of suicide mission. This can't be real. What I wonder is, doesn't ANYONE of the marketing and production team say, "hey, maybe we should go outside and see what regular people think?"

It's as if this all written by angry faggots and 400 aqua haired tumbrlinas who never leave thier house.

Maybe they do have an active marketing team. After all that's how the Ford Edsel was craeted.

>basic English confuses the American

I'm really not surprised.

Love long time

>sold down the river
It's sold UP the river you dumb nigger. The plantations closest to the mouth of the Mississippi were the most civilized. The plantations in the wilderness in the more northern areas of the Mississippi were the most brutal, because no one was watching them.


No can do flied lice , me so honney, me love you long time

>unironically defending gypsies
She's obviously never been to Europe

Is hep hep hoorah /ourphrase/ guys?

shut up bitch before you get another 15 kiloton suprise

Too long did not watch. Was "re-neg" in there?

Always remeber the old folks saying renig while playing 42 (dominos game) or spades.