Sup Forums, is there a problem with me if I am solely attracted to black girls? What should I do?

Sup Forums, is there a problem with me if I am solely attracted to black girls? What should I do?

Kill yourself

There's nothing wrong with race mixing so long as you produce at least 3 white children.

are you black? if so, then carry on.

Be in a relationship with one and figure out the hard way the mental gymnastics of having to conform yourself to "black" culture by learning new age ebonics. All the while, knowing you'll never be accepted no matter how well you treat your significant other. And if you have kids, expect them to have a life of hell by forcing them to undergo many personality crisis since they won't be accept to either side of the spectrum. But hey go for it user I am rooting for you.

I feel you comrade.

fuck lots of black girls

don't let anyone tell you otherwise

you must follow the guidance of your wise loins

I'm the same way op.

I blame a lot of it on southern women getting fat as shit compared to other areas. Sitting in a diner with a black date last night, I looked around at all the women and noticed not one white appealed to me even a stripper I recognized from a club.

Do whatever the fuck you want. Doesnt really matter what a Bengalese breadbasket weaving forum thinks.


uh.. kill yourself?



Just dont procreate. Dating and fucking is ok, just don't marry or have children.

>Allo guvna
>fancy a bite ya li'le ponce?
>ow bout a shag n' the out'ouse affer I drop a load o curry?

Guess what Dating and Fucking lead to?

actually fuck one, and/or be in a relationship, and see where that gets you

like it makes any difference

it's brown people all the way down

depends on your goals

If you want to have kids, consider how they'd suffer identity issues growing up and never being able to fit in at school. Too white for the black kids and too black for the white.

If you're just looking for peace with a woman and dont care as much about settling down theres nothing wrong with sex partners of another race.

But I'm guessing youve either banged black women or have braineashed yourself with porn since youre attracted to the contrast in skin tone

If it really bothers you start fapping to women of all races until you eventually come back to white women

get the paddles

uhhhh fuck them? Are you a fucking storm fag or something?

>Too white for the black kids and too black for the white.

t. mullato

Now we know why the 60% meme is real

Fuck off. Interacial couples are less than presantige on all couples.

It is YOUR duty to keep white race going, WE who are directed by our evolutionary psychology to date those outside of our kingroup are outliners.

Just be a lefty and claim you identify as a black male, problem solved

Actually date one. That should cure you.

which one of your parents was the coal burner friend?


>there's nothing wrong with producing nonwhite children as long as they are white

>Men can only have children with one woman

>Says the Mongol rape babies

Ofc an Afrikaner posts first.


99.9999999% of black girls don't look like this

Big problem. Please go back to /reddit/.

>tfw I want to smother my face in a huge black booty
>lots of them are ugly
>nigs are rare in BC so I'd need a prostitute
>good chance if I did find one she would have an STD
>don't even want to fuck one
>will never get to live this out before I get married to a white girl

Feels degenerate but also bad

Nothing wrong at all user. The juicy lips, big butts, dark soft skin with the smell of coco butter, beautiful soft brown eyes. How can you not like them?

>smother my face in a huge black booty
>she would have an STD

You would need to watch out for herpes which are visible and hepatitis which is not. Both are incurable but you could be immune to hep if you've been vaccinated.
Otherwise, you're good. Just do it.

Go into the real world and look at real black bitches. And when you see the actual 1/25 who is attractive please be aware that she has 3 kids with 3 niggers all of whom are bout dat life an will end your ass

Not sure what you mean by this. I know quite a few hot, single black girls in person. Some are into me.

>Some are into me.

Black girls can be really hot

For whatever reason regardless if they're like an 8-9 there still pretty easy to game.

Less ghetto, the hotter.

There are good ones out there user

to be extremely honest, I think America is a biracial country but nothing more... Mexico can fuck off and asians dont like it here anyway...

This. And white women DO NOT carry extra weight well at least when black women gain weight some of it goes to boobs and butt but with white women it all goes to their stomach, face and arms

Sorry you live in a flyover hell hole. I doubt the plain white women look any better where you live

>There's nothing wrong with race mixing

>What should I do?
chow down my bro


Holy shit, don't turn me into a race traitor