when will liberals learn?
When will liberals learn?
I wanna motorboat those titties badly
>I have a political message
>but here are my tits
This is why nobody takes these people seriously.
I liked how most of the comments were dudes telling her to stfu and post more massive titty pics. Like how she thinks anyone gives a shit what she has to say. Her younger sis also has a great set.
I want to respect her as a person and appreciate her feminine political perspective which is superior to my own as I'm a privileged male
>implying anyone gives a shit about her views
>implying even she herself doesn't know that nobody cares about her views
>implying she doesn't know all that anyone cares about is her face and tits
those fucking tits tho
The bitch's head is on crooked. Someone should tell her.
I dont care who she supported, i just wanna gaze upon her naked tits
>Look at my boobs!
Opening up instagram just to leave a comment right now.
Why do these people keep trying? I can't wait till conservationism becomes the norm and then far-right extremism becomes the new political movement. I want to see liberals freak the fuck out
Fuck it I'd vote liberal for the rest of my life to motorboat those
Do regular people talk shit on Facebook without being banned or is it mostly throwaways? I would hate to create a new account every day, man.
I hate that I have to hold my tongue on fucking forums I've been on for years because accounts need reputation to be trusted.
>tfw not a girl who has her value permanently attached to her chest like a vip access id card so I can get away with fucking around and not caring my whole life
I'm With Her
Stronger Together
She needs to get thiq
Imagine how kuch better she would look with a little more fat and muscle, she'd be perfect. she has the curves she just needs fatter thighs, and gaining weight is just going to make her tits bigger
someone should make her watch clinton cash
I want to barry my face in her tits
I want to imagine how her tits look with a looser bra. I don't care to see the nips but I wanna see how low they hang.
americans everyone..
Fuck off faggot you have shit taste in women
Why do so many hottie thots support Clinton to this fucking day?
It saddens my heart to see such good looks wasted.
pick one m9
Does she have big tits, or is she just a midget? Don't want to masturbate to someone who might be a womanlet.
Degenerate niggerspeak, hang yourself
I just wanna motorboat those melons.
I'm no longer on FB but I'd imagine people don't. They're trying to maintain that social image but I'm sure some don't give a fuck. With how cunty (((people))) are when it comes to saying what you feel and how they'll try and get you fired, not worth it.
it's a combination of both that looks good
overly muscley girls = shit
overly fat girls = more shit
When SHTF I'm banging that Pussy.
She's definitely the smallest of her group of friends.
i thought her ig is private?
Huh? Shes wearing a headband? I couldn't see past her awesome tits.
come at me
idk. but i like her
Would she date with conservative person?
>not liking petite girls with huge tits
thats called obesity m8 and its quite the problem these days
i mean she might have a little bf%, but that doesn't mean get fat and what getting fat implies
People can lift and not have bodybuilder bf%. That's putting on muscle mass
fuck off shes perfect
who's her sis?
yeah i didnt read anything she wrote
Heard she's Jewish. There. I ruined it for you.
that's even better
Thank Christ for obesity
>wearing lost-and-found hats
enjoy your lice
THis is a burnt burger aka a nigger.
I'd like her tits to be stronger together around my dick, if you know what I'm sayin'.
No I'm not and I can prove it if you want me to.
I've eaten two small burgers for my second dinner snack, I'm more American than you'll ever be
kek I just realized how ugly her face is
oh well
You killed the thread.
>Why is American shitposting so powerful?
So what, she just stole shit from the lost and found?
Fucking bitch.
I would have totally voted for Hillary if i got to play with those tits
Nigger, she's great already. Don't ruin a good looking thing.
God those fucking beautiful tits.
>I found something
>so instead of just taking a picture of said object, I must wear it to show off my looks
>I must fulfill my unhealthy and narcissistic addiction for likes when making a political statement
I too miss simpler times when women didn't need to be such narcisstic whores.