Why do beautiful girls ruin their looks by putting makeup on?

Why do beautiful girls ruin their looks by putting makeup on?



she doesnt look good with or without make up

the double whammy

Nice norwegian tranny

because media conditioning, wanting to look better than all the other girls so they can get more attention from ideal men

they'll tell you that they're doing it for themselves and not for guys, but they're lying

>me and my brother.jpg

Chads can be picky.

Who's that dude on the right?

She looks far better without it

Make up should be prohibited


I know a couple of girls who rarely put makeup on and look great, and use natural alternatives to make their skin look better. Sometimes I'll mistake them for having makeup on. Then I've seen the girls who do put makeup on, without makeup, and their skin looks absolutely shit.

These girls with makeup have tons of acne, and they don't know why they're getting it, it's hilarious.

what happened to lauren southern

stay away from mental illness norway or youll become a sissy cuck yourself

>implying you aren't already

She's got pretty bad makeup skills.

>implying you aren't projecting your fetishes

tranny alert

Makeup ruins your face. Especially if too much is applied. Happened to my cousin. She used to be adorable without makeup, but now she looks older and tired even when she's not.

She wants to look like a negress

Giddings me.

depends, some girls need help but the ones who don't shouldn't.

Makeup is an art that depends on how much skill you have AND what setting you are in daylight or night time and how appropriate it is applied .

>Makeup is an art

This. My wife worked part time as a makeup artist while in med school - dermatologist. She'd have girls looking better with a quarter of what they came in with. Some people are ugly and some people make themselves worse...Very few know the amount and how to apply. It's the same as getting a properly tailored suit.