the leafs are leafs, the aussies are emu sex slaves. we have come to expect their shitposts, but the island dwelling savages, huddled around their bonfires at stonehenge, cooking christian babies in banana leaves for their satanic luaus, are the worst of all. every bbc thread from cuckadia, every blackpill thread from prison island, every communist general from leftypol, every "OMG POL LOVES JEWS" thread from wherever the fuck they are coming from, is always most enthusiastically bumped to the top by the brits. go to any b8 thread and call out the fish for biting, and it is always a tea drinking faggot defending the victory thrown at the invaders. we must look past the leaf and the ausfag and see the true enemy, THE ETERNAL ANGLO
>banana leaves
>in London
Not an argument. Bananas don't grow in London.
t. pedro
bump. Fuck the bongs
Yanks can't handle the banter
Best removers reporting in!
>this triggers the bong
Hahah we granted you independence and only for the south, my sides man fuck.
Imperial Leather
>Read title
>ignore rest of post
>"Every white country fight each other on this board"
If you had your way and you all teamed up and killed us which is usually what happens when other countries envy you, you would be straight on to Germany next pal.
Kill yourself Jewish puppet.
Pure white slav free for life
>>"Every white country fight each other on this board"
You have to remember that half of us aren't even white on this board.
>Taking joy in losing territory to a bunch of bog dwellers and keeping the part filled with the most stupid people in the isles
Can someone explain to me why every white country is my ally? Eastern Europe has done shit for Western Civilization and advancement compared to western Europe.
Because our government is literally promoting white genocide so any white country is our ally by default.
Shut up Jamal.
Playing devil's advocate here, but what if someone were to say:
>Not my problem that Papadopoulos is getting fucked, my country isn't.
Just because someone else is getting fucked doesn't obligate me to defend them.
Just because someone else is getting fucked doesn't obligate me to defend them.
Yeah that was our attitude for awhile but take Germany for example. They didn't have 3rd world immigrants pour into their country after we destroyed them in ww2. We could fight each other all day and night in the 1800s but now the difference is that 3rd world immigrants will pour into our countries and our very survival is at stake.
anglos and burgers bugger off
No, you bugger off Anglo.
i leaf therefore i am.
Only the Stone can fix this thread
>this should trigger the burger
How did you let this happen first son?
Also stop bullying your younger brother you know hes phobic of rakes!
>[stares in British]
We German now.
We had to ban knives because your 3rd brother, given a Caribbean island empire paradise still can't get his shit together smokes weed all day and then comes back home for free roast dinners. All that weed + autism has left him an unstable violent wreck ready to snap and start stabbing at random.
You are too late anglo!
That first pic is an Irish kern and a gallowglass attacking that horseman so just more Hibernian crumpet removal really.
Beyond cringe
>all this butthurt
>Ireland is still a country today
Anglos, when will they learn?
Refugees welcome!!! Britain is yours!
no matter how bad it gets here you have a headstart in cuckoldry we can never hope to catch up to
That spelling....
Are you sure your a true Irishman?
Your """""nationalist""""""""" party is pro mass immigration and pro-gay marriage you cuck
Anglo women cannot resist the BIC and end up getting micked has a catchy ring to it.
I dont even support them, and you have been importing pakis for years we couldnt beat you at this even if we tried.
I kind of like old Brits, feel sorry for them in a way but respect them in many ways too. Leafs are like an annoying little brother that talks shit and needs checked every now and then. But you do it to toughen them up. Australia is the retarded cousin that may or may not be in juvie (juvenile detention)
Apologies its a bad habit I know but just to prove it: Galloglaich. Too used to the horrific anglicized versions of certain words by now.
The Irish can make some catchy tunes. No wonder all the other muh heritage faggots in this country supported them.
You don't have a single right-wing nationalist party of your entire shite islands you fenian twat
Oh wait you do, but they're all British Loyalists
Gerry Adams considers himself black ffs
>The amendment was effected by the Thirty-fourth Amendment of the Constitution (Marriage Equality) Act 2015 (previously Bill No. 6 of 2015), which was approved at a referendum on 22 May 2015 by 62% of voters on a turnout of 61%.[1][4] This was the first time that a state legalised same-sex marriage through a popular vote.[5][6]
b-b-based Catholics right? AHAHAHAHHAHAA
Check the flag perhaps?
You sure it isn't Galloglaigh?
Not even California passed faggot marriage by popular vote
yep you have it right, too tired and have brought shame on my country as a result.
actual lol
I don't know what you meant by this.