Ask a venezuelan anything 3.0. just like I promised, hope all those who left question in the other threads had a happy new year with their close ones, except abos, you fucking stink, I'll still ignore you
Ask a venezuelan anything 3.0. just like I promised...
>Why are you all starving?
How was your day? Hope it was good.
A decent Australian, thank God.
Yes it was, pretty chill. No work so I just ate a lot of leftovers from last night dinner and read Berserk.
Fuck off latin-nigger
Is it dangerous to leave your house ?
Is it real communism?
House no I live in a gated neighborhood. Even so the neighborhood near here are usually safe. You still have to be aware of everything just in case
No that would be worse, we haven't reached Cuba's misery yet.
The phone call that saved Europe
What did he meant by this?
fuck you that image is disrespectful, a lot of Australians like are polite and friendly. Fuck you cunt for making such shitty assumptions that you need to ignore Australians. Enjoy your 3rd world country, poof.
Why are you not cleansing all the commies?
Do you think we could start a Sup Forumsony in Venezuala
When will you die cunt. I donated aussie bucks to a Venezuelan from Sup Forums. Fuck you nigger. Never again.
Do you have guns ?
Can you kill people with no repercussions ?
Is the country fallinf appart into tribal gangs ?
Is a zombie virus tested in venezuela ?
Are your women cute ?
How do you buy thinks with such a bad rate of inflation atm? Barrels of cash? Black market?
Don't think so buddy
Debit card ain't that obvious
where the fuck did you find a computer? Legit question how does Venezuela have over 3 computers?
I own a pistol.
Technically yes, if they catch you, it's so common nowadays that police don't even bother to investigate.
Not yet
Not that I know.
Yep we are multi racial like Brazil so you got a lot to pick from, do not expect Asians tho
whered you find a computer lol? do they exist in venezuela?
What social class are you ?
Who is most affected by the crisis ?
Are there signs of the military organising a coup, if not why ?
Do you think you might have to defend yourself soon ?
How do you get clean water/food/internet/electricity ?
Avoid shitpost, make serious questions. I want people to ask legit doubts so I can clear their minds about my country. Your question is just plain stupid
As a fellow latino i would like to say that out of all the accents in latin america i like venezuelano's the best
alright lol.... is it really insulting when people say your country isnt true socialism
Low class
Don't think so, at least not publicly known
Yes, i own a pistol for that
Those have been available for decades and still cheap even with the high inflation
What's the most Bolivarian thing you've done?
Why are you jealous of Australians? Is it because we're rich?
does it smell like shit there
Yes because the people that says that are usually mid-high class white teenagers that have never worked a day in their life and feel bad because their average friend can't buy a new phone every week
Hiked the highest mountain in the country while freezing like a man.
All australians are part abo.
We need to kill the aussies now before they spread the eternal abo to the rest of world, using all the petrol as sniff.
yeah it realllllllly pisses me off because its never the actual working class people who they advocate on behalf of.... is the country basically in a state of anarchy atm then?
Sort of, people are at their peek, stress and fear are consuming them and when they explode they do whatever the fuck they want until they get gunned down
is the government shooting people down if theres any dissent?
Why would I feel jelly of your wealth when your taxes take 50% of it to give to Mohammeds
Nah not at all.
whos gunning these people down then? Just people who want their shit
T. Literal Jungle Monkey raped by Conquistador
If the East Slavs can't figure out how to Communist, then what fucking chance to you subhumans have?
Trips says this faggot gets killed in a food riot in 2017
Gov only shoots at enormous protest like the ones in 2014
thats a scary thought still... have you ever felt directly in danger of being attacked, mugged, or shot?
Read low class as latinos, kek.
Timestamp of gun and a newspaper or something similar ?
So, if basic needs are available, why does everybody say you are starving to death ?
Were you born into high class or worked for it ?
Are most higher class Venezuelans white europeans?
Also, will Venezuela ever be a good place to immigrate to? Say when millions of the poor die off or leave and the country does not rely on natural resources like oil?
Luckily no, but once I was with a friend who's father is a banker and some car was following, all black even windshields. 2 weeks later he was kidnapped, pretty sure they were the same people that followed us. Still it was somehow his fault because he used to go for drinks at a dangerous neighborhood with his Porsche
do you know people who emigrate to your neighbor countries to find a better situation?
i met a few people from Venezuela who worked in bars or touristy shit in Mexico. do a lot of people do this? whats to stop everyone from leaving, they just don't have the resources to make the trip or someone will stop them with force?
Not at home can't take timestamp
Because the ones I buy are imported and the average citizen can't pay for it, and since the production is low here, affordable food is almost non existent
Mom and dad worked for it, I got my high pay job just 4 months ago. Tho I still remember how we moved 4 times in 2 years because my parents businesses and investment were success followed by more success. I still thank them for not giving me everything I wanted and showed me the importance of hard work and self dependency
Nope, tho they make a considerable amount of it.
Not soon
Of course, a lot, 2016 alone I had to say goodbye to 4 friends, and ended a 3 year relationship because she moved to Bogota, Colombia
Latin America will never be a good place to immigrate to unless you want to retire and have your sheckels go really far.
It will never be top-tier to because its full of retards who love socialism and subhuman, third-world politics. This is carrying over to the United States as well and we are absolutely a demographic ticking time bomb. When it reaches critical mass, its Brazil 2.0 and it saddens me that this is probably going to be within my own lifetime
Fuck off nigger.
People don't always want a top-tier to live in, as long as they feel safe, welcome and like the culture they are good to go. We all have our preferences and things that are more important than others.
Also send money so I can leave.
Go to Uruguay if you wanna retire STRAYA CUNT
Trabaja maldito chavista
>I own a pistol
Reported to the SEBIN, enjoy getting fucked by Negro Manguera.
How are gun laws in Venezuela, is it as bad as Brazil? Here only criminals and Police are allowed go carry a gun.
That's the case for my country, but you speak about Latin America in general, and Chile, Brazil and Argentina already took their redpills about the left-wing and they are fixing their shit.
Ilegal except for security forces and people that get an special permission (like me) which I did not apply for and instead paid the secretary to do it for me.
What special permission lmao.
Los permisos para cuerpos de seguridad privados aka escoltas.
How do you afford the military contraband food? Asking for a friend of course
As I have stated before, I'm well-off.
Those got revoked long ago too. No more guns for private security. Basically you got an illegal firearm.
Nuevos si, pero los ya existentes siguen teniendo validez hasta que se acabe el plazo
Think they forced them to give them up to be dismantled, nobody gave a shit though, like everything on this country.
Is it really that dangerous to live in Venezuela? Here in Puerto Rico, if you stay out of caserios and poor barriadas you are basically all right. And even in the big cities (all big cities tend to be more dangerous) during the daylight, they are pretty safe, nothing bad has happened to me walking alone in big cities during the day, the bad things I hear are during night.
Answer me chaves
do you have means to defend yourself in Puerto Rico?
If you stay out of barriadas e caserios there is no danger. Big cities during the night is also a no if you wanna prevent something bad to happen. I have never encountered someone trying to mug me, or walk towards me or be menacing towards me here.
Yes we can have guns, but most people don't even have them, they follow the things I stated above and they don't feel a need for guns
The ones you buy are gated only by price ?
What's your job ?
How much do you make in dollars or euros ?
What are the police doing ?
Could a survivalist live in venezuela or is everythong owned by the state and you'll get shot to shit ?
What would take to fix venezuela ?
Your race ?
Have you lost anybody since it all went to shit ?
What is up with the dofferent id's ? Multiple devices or proxy ?
False, in a few years america will be the only relevant power in the world.
but don't you think it would be cool go out at night armed to the teeth to kill some robbers?
Is there much real estate changing hands?
There must be good deals?
This x1000
How can I send you money/aid so you don't have it fucked? And how do I know it won't get taken away by someone?
You do realize that you europeans are too charitable right? Here in Brazil, maybe in other SA countries, there is very rarely any display of charity among it's citizens, I can speak for Brazil though