I thought the Rothschilds controlled the world? I thought they would need more than 5 billion to do that.
Explain this
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Fool. The Bogdanoff twins are the ones who control this world.
The phone call that saved Europe
google secrecy jurisdictions. Many such cases.
Wait what happened to Nathan Rothschild?
Why are they so ugly? I've never seen anyone uglier than those twins.
20 generations of inbreeding and cannibalism.
They do, amongst others. They also control the media that reports how much money they have.
Remember, it's all fake news...
That net worth is to make you believe he isn't as rich goy
Jacob is just one of them. He's actually a small fry in the family and he's still worth that much
he's cucked. he's at 70 million and nobody gives a shit about him
Global derivatives debt is 2,500 trillion Dollars. Clearly they are not including his stakes in the stock of private central banks
It's not about how much money you have..
It's about how much you move.
He spent it all on Beanie Babies
Give us a direct link between him and the fed.
fool! that is the net worth of his swear jar
>man claims 5 billion net worth to prove he is not rich
fuck, i want off this 4d chess we call life.
Why won't he just fucking die
Imagine how rich he must actually be if he thinks 5b is poor.
Check again, fool.
>own everything on the planet
>this includes the foremost thinkers in the medical world
dudes probably got a different phd assigned to each of his organs and one for each testicle
Controlling the world includes being able to control what people think your net worth is.
Is there a level deeper than Soros and Jacob Rothschild or is this it
>is there a level deeper
careful now, one should only get so woke
Of course. There can only be one man who is not dominated by any other man and he wouldn't allow himself to be known.
this guy gets it.
literally no evidence in this entire thread
He's just a name right? If he dies, someone else will step in?
>I thought they would need more than 5 billion to do that.
As if they would ever let their real net worth and influence be revealed.
Stop going to all of my favorite boards and spamming Bogdanoff spam.
He, along with other uber rich jews (Sumner Redstone, George Soros, etc..) are getting 20 year old chinese organs transplanted in them every few years thanks to China.
My name is Ralph and I control the world. You see, you are simply peasants and I own you. Every little thing you love and cherish belongs to me, you are my slaves.
My net worth is 153 trillion dollars. Thanks to my Chinese spawns the continent of Africa and all its riches will soon belong to me. I am simply following a plan that started decades ago. Rothschild, Rockefeller, and the like are nobodies compared to me and my family.
Soros is my puppet and the fall of Rome has only been delayed. The inevitable decay will eventually destroy the West and I will greatly benefit from the turmoil that will ensue.
I am currently in Canada discussing plans to buy lands that the Crown wants to get rid of.
>people pay thousands of dollars to look like this
They spread it out over the whole family.
There is but we will never know their names.
It's the Ayy lmaos
the twins are the final final boss? Whats their HP? How much damage they deal? Is kek magic not effective on such a powerful being?
Foundations they hide it all in Trusts and foundations ALL OF IT. The more you know.
who was phone?
They also have assets
This. Supprised it took so long, thought it would have to be me
back when they were human.
Net worth includes assets.
Yet you didnt have to pay a single penny to look like you.
> Medicis supposedly somehow "lost" their fortune
> Rockefellers only have a couple billion and supposedly their big daddy John D. gave all his money away to charity
> DuPonts, Fords, Vanderbilts, Astors, Bushes, are all poorfags with only a couple million each
> some Jew Banking family in Europe owns the one ring that rules them all and hide a trillion-gazillion zogbucks from us goyim
Something doesn't add up here. Rothschilds are rich, but what about the other big name families in history. Royal families, nobles, old money families, etc. Everything after the robber barrons was considered nouveau riche. The old money keeps itself well hidden.
Nice projection lad
>shut it down they know
kek saved this picture thanks user
>muh old money
you do realize better tech=machinery=more machinery=suck more resources out of earth faster=build more shit faster=more money faster
You missed what old money actually means
It's connections, influence, power
New money only has money, it doesn't have the same generations old connections
Wouldn't be surprised. Money is notoriously hard to pass down. Trust fund babies tend to squander it.
All those people owed a huge company or had a very large stake in it. They don't now. Companies are legally required to disclose big stakeholders. The net worth of the Rothschilds and so on are mostly in huge, historical estates.
So by this argument would Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Warren Buffet be superior to Rothschilds and Rockefellers?
Hey Ralph, can you give me a small loan of $1 million dollars?
Also a fuckton of plastic surgery. I guess they wanted to make anime real.
Guessing that you're unaware of one of their businesses which helps people hide their worth/ money. They own 10 massive palaces across Europe, not to mention how many houses, buildings, businesses, condos, apartments, etc.
This. This is also why financially successful families evolve into political families over time. The Bushes, the Rockefellers, the Roosevelts, and now the Trumps. The money may dilute into a thousand descendants, but the name grows stronger and stronger over time.
>last trastamara is hidden in zaragoza on the downlow
Really gets the canoe rowing.
did someone say canoe?
>who watches the watchers?