Why does Sup Forums suck russian cock so much?

Why does Sup Forums suck russian cock so much?

>Oppressive government
>Putin and his oligarch THUGS only look out for their best interests and not the people
>Poverty and crime trough the roof
>literally 99% of russia is a shithole except for Moscow and a few other cities

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Wanna guess how I can tell you're from reddit?

>Why does Sup Forums suck russian cock so much?

Because at least Putin isn't a nu-male like Trudeau.

Putin throws out George Soros.

George Soros funds Barack Obama's campaigns as well as BLM to go through American streets causing violence.

Fuck you. Stop spreading Russophobia.

>Sup Forums is one person
anyway moving on

>Oppressive government
USA is exactly the same way, we just pretend we aren't(patriot act, NSA spying, MK ULTRA, COINTEL PRO, ETC)
lobbyists have more voice in USA than the average joe
>Putin and his oligarch THUGS only look out for their best interests and not the people
see above answer
>Poverty and crime trough the roof
poverty in USA is almost 20%, hasn't moved in almost 60 years, although crime has gone down, only because of all the aborted niggers/spics
>literally 99% of russia is a shithole except for Moscow and a few other cities
gonna need a source on that, most US cities are warzones, for example
more people died in Chicago from homicide when compared to the same time frame of the Iraq war,

think about that for a second, niggers killed more people in one US city over a 10+ year time frame, than compared to IRAQ, a real warzone

come on senpai, you can do better than this

How big is the Clinton kill count?

Wow, Putin has almost as much make up on as Donald trump

all countries share everything that you listed


Yes, but at least here in USA we have more freedom, the dollar is in an ALL TIME HIGH, and most of the country is nice. Unlike Russia.

We have a fucking Cheeto for president soon. And he's a pussy.

>bastion of white race
>shitskins millions, half of them are here illegally
>20 million Muslims with Russian citizenship
>for insulting shitskins prison term

They're white. And proud of it. Even their Muslims are white. And they oppose American multiculturalism and diversity, which is destroying Europeans. Their version of multiculturalism is very different. In their version, Russians rule over everyone.

That is basically why Sup Forums likes them.

>In their version, Russians rule over everyone.
That's what makes the RT propaganda!

Are you kidding me???


I advise all fans of Putin's move to Russia forever.

>Oppressive government
>Government and corporate ceos only look out for their best interests and not the people
>Poverty and crime trough the roof
Are we living in russia?

So motherfucking what marxist redditard faggot. Fuck are you going to do about it pussy? Cry more about your hillary whoredog and muh popular vote?

God bless Russia and the US.


If you have $ 400 and the average salary half of the year arctic cold then - you are in Russia.

Only a homosexual could be as frightened by the Russian government and Putin as you are. And homosexuals are not permitted on this board so fuck off back to reddlt you fucking cock-smoker.

Russia was the first European country to understand the issues of allowing foreigners into their country who clearly had no interest in diluting into their culture and rather change society. Thankfully some other EU countries caught on(not Germany or France it seems) and realized maybe keeping a culture identity is important.

In Russia, you can be proud of your country, you can be a nationalist without being considered a racist like every other country in this god forbidden Earth.

Excellent, kremlinshills already here! Tell me how well I live!

you are an unemployed liberashka with 0 talent, living with your mother and you blame all your problems on putin

that's how you live

>putin ousts soros and co
>soros decides to get back at putin
>creates false narrative of hacking to retaliate
>false narrative fails
>left is so brainwashed they shill for soros FOR FREE

The retards in the comment obviously never lived in Eastern Europe. OP is absolutely right - Russia is a shithole and the countries that were dominated by Russia are even bigger shitholes.

The average salary in my country is 150$ per month. It's bigger in Russia, but not much bigger.

The GDP per capita in Russia is 8000 USD.w

That was good

I will like Russia but only when they give Crimea back to Ukraine, stop being homophobes and transphobes, stop interfering in foreign elections, stop funding foreign political parties and stop spreading pro-Russian propaganda all over the fucking internet.

Around 110,000 people died in Iraq (conservative estimate) and saying that the US is corrupted too isn't an argument.
I have yet to experience what it's like living in Russia but due to my job I know a few Russians with whom I talked to, everyone described their country as a deeply divided mess and as much as they hate Putin they think he's the only one being able to hold the country together but he's also driving it apart with deporting politicians from the opposition, endorsing mafia-like criminal gangs and his lobbying policies.

>lobbyists have more voice in USA than the average joe

...So that makes it ok to love another shitty corrupt government? Did you read the OP lol?

dont get me wrong

economy is literally trash when the only export russia has is snow and nuclear threats. russia has some of the shittiest import/export and horrible tariffs on certain things.

but the foundation of a national identity that sets russia on a high pedestal. i can give fuck-all to the ruined economy from 100 years of communism and having literally nothing to export.


Russia and its former satellites are poor shitholes because of communism. Leftists love communism but hate and mock Russia all of a sudden.

>Implying they """""took""""" Crimea
They had a referendum on whether to leave Ukraine or not, and they've made their decision. International observers from all over the world including the United States made absolutely sure it wasn't rigged. Why do you think no further action took place afterwards?

You are retard and probably from Reddit as well

>They had a referendum
>Invading countries is fine as long as you give them a referendum afterwards.

Trump is pussy?
>pic related

>no further action
As far as the UN and every western country is concerned the referendum is null and void
Or would you have preferred an all-out WW3? Oh wait I'm on Sup Forums, the homeland of gung ho head-over-heels military cannon fodder.

thats how bad democrats have been

>open borders
>legalize illegals

people would rather try almost anything else (see Trump)

>caring about the UN

no one cares about the UN

What's with the role-laying conspiracy theorists flooding lately?

Has nobody learned from CTR's mistakes?

Because Sup Forums sucks drumpf's cock who in turn sucks Putin's

Lol russophobia. Why would I align with Russia regarding anything? We're more then capable of fixing our problems domestically within our superior system, without bending the knee to Russia.

Wait how come Russia has 21 billionaires and countless millionaires and the country is still a shithole? How come countries like Hungary or Poland receive billions in financial aid yet the people are as poor as ever and the same politicians screaming against the EU are sacking all the money?

the navy/troops were already there

>In 2009, Ukraine government announced the lease of Russian naval bases on the Crimea will not be extended beyond 2017

> In 2010 the Russian leasehold was renegotiated with an extension until 2042 and an option for an additional five years until 2047.


people have never heard of Sevastopol....

This is you.

>Oppressive government
>jews and their oligarch THUGS only look out for their best interests and not the people
>Poverty and crime trough the roof
>literally 99% of north america is becoming a shithole just like russia including jew york and a few other cities

sounds like united soviet states of america has a lot in common with the united soviet states of russia

And birds of a feather ought to fly together, my satanic star united tovarisch

They're that to themselves.

To us, objectively, they were no threat and even moderately helpful in Central Asia and the Afghan War.

That only changed when the west made a grab for Ukraine, marching half way along the natural invasion route to Moscow. Sure, America didn't want to invade, but then why make the play?

Russia had to respond and, although your news leaves it out when the tell the story, that's the sandwich you've been eating. Enjoy.



Putin is the only world leader actively trying to increase the average birth-rate of white citizens in his country.

>how come there are 21 billionaires in a poor country of a hundred million with a GDP of 1tillion+
You could ask the same about China.

>Hillary is so corrupted
>Washington is so corrupted
>politics as a whole is so corrupted
>due to all this corruption I allign myself with the most corrupted country in Europe
>this somehow makes sense because I can make good deals with Russia now nobody wants to deal with them anymore

I'd have figured they'd have all frozen to death
Is Winter-chan impotent?

Absolutistic corruption.


>oligarch THUGS only look out for their best interests and not the people
>Poverty and crime trough the roof
>literally 99% of russia is a shithole except for Moscow and a few other cities
So just like how Russia has always been?

That's not how you spell "fellow defender of Western civilization".

this. fuck the UN, I hope it dissolves


>In Europe

Eh? Into the trash it goes.

No I belive you spell it, h-o-m-o in plain proper English.

How much effort would it take to have one English-speaking Russian shitpost on here all day and reach tens of thousands of people?

The only important parts of Russia are in Europe.
Way to make you burgers look dumb again.

what replaces it wont have the current form of permanent seats. america will be on the loosing end up trials and they will cut trade with america

indias development will fill the void on orders being filled. nobody will feel it but america. remember this in 20 years when you dont have caffine in almost any form and aluminum is running low even with mandatory recycling

We don't. Russia is borderline autocratic again. Might as well worship Chavez and Castro too

Oh god you are such a fucking faggot. America is flawed, but to say that it is the same as Russia is just hyper-retarded.

You're right Russia is far worse.

Imagine living in a cold land where nobody can speak proper English and the only resource is oil and trees.

fuck off vienna sausage


hes not the messiah, his a very naughty boy