How can white people even think of competing?

Why are we so intelligent people Pol?
You guys jelly?

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I spelt it out for you. Anymore dumb questions?

You do know you don't shit in that right?

no need to poo in loo when you have a spelling bee trophy to poo in.

You can be considered intelligent when your people learn how to use a fucking toilet.

Also, spelling is a fucking low-IQ skill. Literally any word program will do your job.

ps. Poo in the fucking Loo

be careful leaf he is probably copying a comeback from stack overflow right now. Even though he has no clue how it works.

Is that Goku and Hercule fusion name?

>be U.S
>have some natives doing little for thousands of years
>white people come
>build up all this shit
>hey, society is finally getting somewhere
>these white people seem incredibly smart, I'll keep them here
>be 2017
>Indians moving to the U.S and claiming they're smarter than white people because they won a few contests using European standards of education
>meanwhile their own homeland is absolutely shit
>really makes me think

Kill yourself.

I know how to shit on Canada and wipe with a leaf

why is canada so based?

I am so sorry that an Indian outclassed you at your job
Really am


Too intelligent to poo in the loo?


Our kids actually tend to enjoy their childhood while also doing well in school.

If you need to deny your children their nature and force them to become prepubescent computers just to compete with us, you've already failed.

>win award for worlds greatest toilet
>shit in a hole in the ground

Nice strawman there strata.
We wouldn't have moved if you hadn't robbed our nation
Can Australia operate without Indian intellectuals?

They should work on their pronunciation before their spelling, so people can understand them when calling customer support.

TFW to intellectual to use a loo


the porcelain jew gobbles up your poo for free and doesnt even tip

We know we are the best.
We have to tell you from time to time

CEOs don't work in customer service as far as I remember

When you want to be Anglo so bad that you transform into the masters of elocutuon, vocabulary and spelling. Kind of cringy, kind of endearing. Best Angloserfs.





>not potty trained

i know kuldeep, i know.

>Nice meme

Can you pass on a message to the Poolets not to Poo in the designated victory cup?

He's your boss isn't he?


We are intellectuals


Here here!


How can you even recover?

god damn all banter aside it is remarkable how intelligent Indians are.

they are the most represented migrant demographic in NASA and other competitive industries.

i wonder if it is because there are so many indians and only the top can move to america and therefore we are seeing only their most naturally gifted.

He's my toilet witch, actually.

If your so smart then why didn't you give me instructions to fixing my computer? Or Xbox? Or internet? You fucks cant even speak American

There's a bazillion indians and their country is shit. So all their smart people go elsewhere. So people only see the smart Indians.

You have to be a prime poo to even leave the country, with that being one of your only hopes for a decent life.

They basically go 100 so that they no longer have a street but a porcelain throne.

Why do white people lack empathy and soul ?

> Indian intellectuals

>Are you sure it's turned on?
>Is it plugged in?
>Is the red light on?
>Thank you, call again.

>Can Australia operate without Indian intellectuals?
>what is 'White Australia Policy'

>They basically go 100 so that they no longer have a street but a porcelain throne.

fucking kek


I hope you're not planning on entering a spelling bee

Is this why you're so good at math?

Shitting on the street you live in is the minimum poo time solution?

Tbqh, he should've just been named Goku.

indian shitposting aside what i want to know is how does one person have this many pictures of cats using the toilet?

>alright kuldeep your word is toilet
>s t r e e t

As someone who has worked alongside wealthy and educated indians for two and a half decades now I can tell you a LOT of it has to do with social standing and money. If youre born a rich man youre going to be drilled hard so you can make a fuckton of money. You might even hate it, it dosn't matter. Don't you dare shame your huge fucking family.

Born rich female? Get to cooking and becoming a gossipy little shit.

Born something else?....well you know


>prime poo
What you say bitch

Your country is literally a shithole. There's twice as many Indians in the world as white people. No, I'm not jealous, but good for you either way.

>White Australia Policy'
Sign that Australia is in stone age?

How many is "too many" you busy body cunt? More importantly, where are the photos of indians using toilets? Ever seen one of those?

I am entering Australia soon

Ok true story.
In Bangladesh
Return to hotel room.
Stinky poon house keeper slave in washroom.
Bang on door stinky poon slave leaves embarrassed.
Go in in and see shoe prints on toilet lid.
Stupid Paki stood on toilet seat to poo in lo!

>All Indians are CEO's.

The poo version of we wuz kangz.

Whitey is pervert


Better than playing Xbox and PC games all day.

you said that unironically which makes this post a meta-meme

You won't make it far when you fail the toilet test at their customs checkpoint. They're going to send your brown asshole right back to "who wants to be a millionaire".

Reddit se aaye ho?

h-hentai! >//

Many are doctors who run western health care system

Come work at my 7-eleven

You should find this inspirational, not arousing.

At least they Aryan

no need to be hostile i just wanna know.

i mean i have two cats and want to train them to use the toilet, so is it like a "how to train your cat" blog or something, or are you just googling for these pictures?

>spelling bee
"Arrgh I just sprained my ankle spelling Acetylsalicylic!"

This thread is about how indians aren't potty trained. I'm not going to get sidetracked by your ruse. I'm no hayseed.

The 0.1% smartest people, out of 1 billion, are working in the west.

Pat yourself on the back for such a civilisational accomplishment.

I'm a coder
No thanks
But my cousin ranjeet will work happily
He's a blonde magnet

Kek'd at [email protected]

When will you crack the toilet code?

>I'm a coder
Code yourself a toilet and shit in it

If I lived in a white country and my doctor wasn't white, I'd be a bit concerned. I'd probably take a longer drive or wait to see a white doctor over some shitskin.

i recently had an offer from pajeet it company
>mfw I literally laughed in their faces

>still falling for the porcelain jew

>More importantly, where are the photos of indians using toilets? Ever seen one of those?

All these white losers in this thread
Top Fucking kek

Be careful he probably got replaced my at his burger flipping job

I'm sure under British rule they were forced to have some nominal level of hygiene

Look into you 'other ' folder desu some of those qts are Indian

Fucked both indian girls I knew in college they love the BWC

plus the unfamiliar lack of stench, probably

I am sure the prison gruel was good during British time

None of them are indian.

>anything that doesn't give me diarrhea is poison

they were presented with a chamber pot?

I am in India outsourcing about 20 jobs from UK. I love employing you Indian subhumans at shit wage for 14 hours a day. Makes me kinda sad that I am not employing British people but Indian subhumans working like slaves for 14-15 hours a day, 6 days a week at £0.40 an hour under me is very pleasurable

Solid shit to me is like being raped from the inside

I wish Pakistan would nuke you curryniggers already

Better question: why is it that native English speakers are so terrible at spelling when people who learned it as a 2nd or 3rd language seem to do it just fine? I keep seeing so many retard tier mistakes here and on other sites and it's always British and American people who are the worst offenders.

Finland doesn't even do spelling bees because our written language is practically phonetic anyway, yet Finns seem to have a fairly good grasp of English writing except on intentionally shitty spurdo memes.