>Dear future President, we need to talk about the next 4 years.
Dear future President, we need to talk about the next 4 years
Why does the girl in the hijab have like such a big chip on her shoulder?
>Dear future president this is us using our age to tell you that Globalism is A-Okay! >We are totally not getting paid to do this or anything President Trump! Honest!
Excuse where do I go to pick put my check?
Can I sue them for giving me a seizure at 0:12?
I have just suffered a severe seizure from this and I fully intend to sue for my pain and suffering.
Being a Muslim is bad enough, but I have to put up with these faggots who make things 10x worse by making us look like a bunch of liberal hipster assclowns
Condescending to people doesn't make them not think that we're terrorists, it just makes them think we're assholes and terrorists
>Youth Organizer for Reproductive Justice
because it's an easy ticket to publicity
I like the sassy meme hijab girls desu
I have a couple who are my coworkers, they're smart and they don't take shit
Trump will never see this video lol
>teen vogue
what's wrong, was regular Vogue not vapid enough?
>now mr trump, even though democrats lost the house, senate, and presidency... i would still like you to listen to our bullshit as though we had won, a courtesy we would never extend to you
>young people
>not leftists
some clog wearing dutch fag doesn't know what what a Youth Organizer for Reproductive Justice is. Your country is almost as cucked as Sweden by now.
Some teen vogue writer when on to get rekt by Tucker Carlson and then she used sound bites from that to create a leftist agenda on the teen vogue magazine.
its fucking disgusting.
i hate these people so much guys. I am only 24, how am I supposed to even function when surrounded by these people?
Did my part OP, downvoted too. Literally the most degenerae multicultural cast (((TeenVogue))) can find pushing shitty libtard agendas like LGBTBBQ or muh climate change, they even brought a chupacabra Indian, a terrorist woman , a lisp niggress, a token transexual and some other colorful rainbow millenial. What a time to be alive. This is who the gooks and the Indiand are going against woth, SJWs that have nothing to contribute to society but stupid bullshit problems.
are kids really like this these days? or is this just some sjw bullshit?
>language can hurt people of color
nigger nigger spic kike chink nigger
Am I doing it right? Fuck these faggots. I care about the environment, though.
None of this goons are activists in any sense of the word. Making YouTube videos and maybe talking to other kids at your high school is not activism.
im a liberal and this shit pisses
>transgender activist
this is the kind of shit that made us lose. i want these cunts to fuck off even more than you guys do.
i didnt have the audio on and in 10 seconds i could tell she was being a bitch
I care about you, bro.
pisses me off*
Activist activist activist
So you bitch till you get way???
Get a fucking job.
>teen vogue
Fuck me
>we have to recognize that gender is a spectrum
>Youth intellectuals
I want this fucking meme to die already
>im a liberal
Do America a favor a kys.
Holy shit. In the thumbnail, I thought there was a man standing in the window creeping on her.
>thumbnail is ugly slut in a burka who would be stoned to death in any Muslim country
No thanks.
>Excuse where do I go to pick put my check?
what did you mean by this?
Don't they mean next 8 years?
>transgender youth activist
dont these fucking mongoloids have real bills to pay with real jobs ?
damn we need another war
I like you. Make your country great like that when you go back.
These people always make the most condescending videos, as though they think they're some enlightened lecturer and you're just lucky to get to listen.
Into the oven Jew faggot.
Lol dances
sjw bullshit, and it's making kids more racist than ever because now that's edgy and cool
seriously when did the democratic party become hijacked by these clowns? it's like we can't even disavow them and we're just boxed up. i know you guys will go off on me but i think is republican sabotage. a "let's take their retarded tolerance message and push it to retarded extremes so that they just end up looking like idiots" kind of trickery. this whole SJW movement seems artificial as fuck and i've never met anyone like that irl
Why are they all transgender or women?
The video actually wasn't that bad. There was no OH EM GEE NEKST HITLER
Muhammadan vermin really makes me struggle with my anger issues.
It's a religion
Is it something in the culture that spawns them? I can't imagine it's a recognizable archetype in like France
all da mens is poopy butts XD
you guys are no different than the "libcucks" who want to shut down any opposing view or opinion just because you belong from a certain group
shut up faggot
its making me racist. i didnt give a shit about race before, now i hate these people.
t. nu pol
We sure do need to talk, time to get gone trash bag
>Not pick putting checks
What are you a transnigger cyborg reproductive activist?
Tranny at 1:05 is so cute I missed the activism stuff entirely, I think this is why they usually use hideous people
>WOW! Check what these 5 kids had to say about Trump! It'll make faith in Humanity come back to you!
>These 8 kids have a message for the future President, and we all agree with it
>Muslims of America have a great message for the future President, this will blow your mind...
>These young kids have to grow up in America under President Trump, here's what they have to say
Anyone else sick of this shit?
Are you still being paid to set up for 2020?
I really need to start investing in ovens.
downvote this shit. Its degenerate to allow young people to be okay with this and echo chamber this message of insipid passive aggressive action.
Nice try faggot, but I'm American
I just don't understand what happens to these types of people when they come to America, the second generation of all these groups of foreigners with long traditions of conservative values and morals go to shit after being born stateside
It's the exact same thing with the Chinese, their parents flee a Communist hellhole to make a living and BAM 20 years later their daughters are protesting topless at UCLA for Communist reforms
These Muslim women come from a religious background of modesty and contemplative reservation, but as soon as they step off the boat, it's YAS QUEEN, BLACK POWER, CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE SHITLORD, a 3 foot tall """"hijab"""" turban and enough makeup and lipstick to make a hooker blush
Back to redit, sonny
>nails done
They all have to go back
What is the endgame? Make all old people feel bad?
Are they going to out-hip us to death?
what did you mean by this?
>don't underestimate young people
>young people largely voted for Hillary
>she still lost
Oh. Ok.
Holy fuck all these libarts degree wastes of space
Gas them all
What does it mean to be a 'world citizen'? Like do you really want to associate with south America in any way? There's more countries son this planet that are just absolute shit than there are ones that aren't. And the modern ones still have a lot of issues. Maybe they should focus just on their own country and maybe the next 3 super powers. They're like the only countries worth paying attention to.
I'm just so glad (You)'s are back
>What does it mean to be a 'world citizen'?
Code for globalist peon. Should be purged on sight.
If you haven't seen them irl you just have to go to like any big college town or city
they dont realize most people grow out of their "ultra liberal" phase
they also in classic liberal style thing young = good... when it often just means inexperienced
I'm all for greener energy. Everything else can fuck off though.
they probably still think all cultures are equal
sadly they have to learn the hard way like France (by having a huge terrorism problem)
also that bitch needs to get back into her armored horse and gallop back to asia
implying i gave a shit about shillary. only backed her because shes representing democrats and supreme court appointments. which is why i was thinking a few days ago how cancerous the party system is. you limit your options to only half the candidates running because of the nepotistic mindset, people just become more divided and it's just an "us vs. them" mentality right from the start instead of actually thinking about who the better choice would be. a lot of people who hated trump voted for him just because he was representing the republicans and vice versa. pic related is obviously who i believe is behind all this unnecessary divide
>inb4 you're a libcuck you're not allowed to be intolerant!
fuck off
>being a climate cuck
god, why do they think we care about their opinions?
You retarded smelly weaboo monkey, that's a girl, that happens to be a trans youth activist, did you actually believe any guy can transition into that?
>its fucking disgusting.
It was fucking hilarious
>Expecting shitskin cunts to be consistent
look at that smug face. "Whitey is so fuckin stupid LMAO"
she could just fuck off back to her sand shithole
Lefties are no fun. It's like they have a recorded tape they vomit anywhere they go.
They think they are special they think they are revolutionary they think they're the underdogs
Don't they realize that their ideology is the mainstream ideology. No one in the mainstream would disagree with them
> im a liberal
not for long user
>become feminist
>become fat
>forced to become muslim to hide fat with 'traditional dress'
>still obviously fat
such is life in communist college campus
Young? Bitch looks like shes about 50. Fucking gross Id puke if I saw her in real life
What a based taxi man
These children have been failed by their parents
I cant believe this shit is real.
Anyone here in college right now that can give perspective for someone in his 30s?
Are kids really like this?
like 95% of people will never see this video
I..I helped, this should get the down votes going.
>getting btfo by a Paki
eternally BTFO