Basically every White ethnic group except for them went for Trump - so why are Portuguese-Americans so much more liberal than the rest?
Did Portugal not send their best over?
Basically every White ethnic group except for them went for Trump - so why are Portuguese-Americans so much more liberal than the rest?
Did Portugal not send their best over?
Portuguese are not white.
Guess not.
Also makes sense that white people from all backgrounds decided to vote for Trump seeing as how the left fucking puts us all in the same category. Especially if we are male.
>can't be racist to whites tho
>can't be sexist to men tho
>Basically every White ethnic group except for them went for Trump - so why are Portuguese-Americans so much more liberal than the rest?
>Did Portugal not send their best over?
It is the browness.
Some might have white skin color, but no they're not white. They're Portuguese. It's fucking retarded how skin color is the deciding factor for what you are and what and who you affiliate with. Seems this type of racism is more towards white people nowadays. At least openly.
We did not send our best over either. Shush. Don't tell anyone. No European nation sent its best over. We sent all the ones that could not tie their shoelaces and thought they were going to be given free icecream and a hat.
Go look at fucking who runs Portugal. It's a bigger mess of leftist garbage than Germany or Sweden.
PS: Merkel is hard Christian right by German standards.
Have you ever seen the politics of Portugal? They are very left winged. Portugal is the cheap version of Spain.
yep, it checks out
Portuguese people are turbo cucks and not very intelligent. They believe all the crap on the TV.
I was the only person I personally know to support Donald Trump. And people were always shocked
If they are not White, what category do Portuguese fall under?
dont almost all Portuguese live in MA?
i went to Fall River once it was like being in Portugal
Portuguese all live in liberal areas like Cape Cod, Providence, and Silicon Valley.
Don't fall for the divide to conquer Jewish scheme. On this board no one is white, there is always some jew saying Portuguese, Italians, etc. aren't white
Yes, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, with some smaller communities in California and Hawaii.
Clinton won White voters in all of those states.
Define 'white'.
If it means European, they are white. If it means Nordic, or really pale, then they are not.
They're Arabs dude.
I've got slightly lighter skin and same eye color
yeah so that probably explains that
Fuck off jew
Portuguese/Spaniards are not Arabs, but you will find high concentration of Arab/Berber/Moorish blood in some Portuguese/Spanish communities, especially in the south of their respective countries.
Source??? How are we supposed to know you didn't make that chart up...?
Seems like bait.
There's a reason the Portuguese and the British are traditional allies... It's in the blood. Portuguese are Celtic/Med mix.
Wheres Brits are Celtic/Germanic.
muh R1b.
We came out of an ultra conservative 40 year long far right dictatorship.
A lot of things changed such as improvements to education and the health service which was widely unavailable to the general populace. Despite the current national debt, people live a lot better now than they did during those years.
When they vote for Hillary they are basically saying: "I believe americans should have access to better healthcare and education, even if it involves extra sacrifice from taxpayers".
Ofc this is heresy in america. The ideal would be 1980 Robocops Detroit with a "the hell with my neighbours, I hope they eat shit and die" kind of philosophy.
But do you know yourself? Really makes you think...