How does it feel to be on the edge of the paradigm shift?

Has anyone else felt the shift in the paradigm since Brexit? Nationalism is on the rise, and once Trump got elected it was a done deal.

How does it feel know that Europe WILL be white again? All mudslimes, dots, pakis, and nogs will be forced back? How does it feel to know that the US will build a wall between itself and the spics and deport millions of useless eaters?

Look at the culture. Read the comment section of any paper. The anger is palpable. Nationalism is on the rise, Globalism is dead, and these politicians will have to answer for their negligence. We all know blood is going to be spilled, and doesn't it feel good?

How does it feel to know that 2017 is the true beginning of a new era?

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Survival bump

Morning after Next was so satisfying because American leftists were crying over it.... That's pathetic, it's UK's thing.

I dedicate this song to Hillary Clinton.

God I hope

The mudslimes will not give up that easily, they will behead you with machetes.

I am concerned the current illegals, gimmedats, and rad cucks will be a major threat in 2020 though... Potentially 2018 if their memes are dank and Trump doesn't make visible steps in the direction.

I have learned more this year than I have my entire life of study.

The only solution... Beyond Trump-- and I mean the ONLY solution-- is to have a large family of 6+ kids, all going to the same school, all on a mission to control it from the inside using your grade-wide influence to dominate the narrative.

We voted Trump, and he's going to help. But as a white citizen of this great country, you are going to have to do your part.

Not if we kill them first.

All we have to do is draw pictures of faggot allah and theyll blow themselves up.

Why are muslims so ugly and fucking dumb?

Funny how conservatives and right wing politics are the new "rebels" of our time.

If you would have told this to anyone in 1915 they would have laughed you off the streets.

No doubt they will not submit (ha!), but the anger against them is growing, and I expect many more "hate crimes" in their direction.
Look what happened in Ełk on New Years. A pole tossed a firework into a kebab shop, and the Muslims kill him. What do the poles do? Burn the place down.
It's happening, my friend.

This is correct. Most kids are brainwashed not to have children lest they end up poor, but the intention behind it was to stave off teenage pregnancies by naive parents that didn't realize the line of thinking will scare children to not have kids ever.

I can afford the six kids, but many whites cannot, and in fact have been shamed into producing such a number. They risk becoming gimmedats.

Maybe a pro abortion, anti birth control pill society would be able to control offspring, but our relatively free society, with increasing numbers of women delaying birth for employment, cannot.

Here's hoping.

The swingback has to begin soon or it is too late for white nations to be saved.

I think sweden and germany are already totally done for, though.

OP you don't realize that the majority of the population below 40 is still massively brainwashed, and they are/will be raising their kids in these shitty unsustainable globalist ideologies

Trump/this current wave is good and will have an impact but we need to maintain it for 15-20 years before we have a new generation of adults who can actually think rationally and clearly without a brainwashed liberal mindset

personally by the time that happens i'll be in my mid 40s and probably will be focused on other things

pic related

1914 truly was our peak as a western people

I'm sorry for ww1 ya kraut bastard

Here's to the hope of a fourth reich

Don't be a pessimist. You're an American, you're supposed to be an optimist.

I dot realize that many young kids are brainwashed, however I'm noting a paradigm shift I have noticed since last year, around the time Trump was nominated. People gave globalism a chance, and for the past few decades it has reigned supreme (the EU, the Euro, talks of a North American Union, und so weiter). The way I see it, people are rejecting globalization for nationalism, and are waking up to the Rapefugees and the Muslims invaders.

>Rapefugees and the Muslims invaders
I could see ideological change happening faster in Europe because you actually have to deal with these problems, we don't have that, in America if a few thousand refugees get through the Texas/Mexico border every day it doesn't impact me in New England(or the vast majority of this huge country).

>few decades it reigned supreme
Yeah and we have 30-40 years of kids being churned through a school system where most teachers are teaching them how great globalism and diversity is, and most of these people, no matter what proof you shove in their face, will refuse to believe that it is a hindrance to society.

>Fourth Reich

You have my attention.