Why is the age of consent in Mexico 12?

Why is the age of consent in Mexico 12?

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Because it's a peasant culture.

Because they are barely humans

Mexicans hit puberty earlier. So 12 year olds have periods, and tits.

less prisoners to take care of this way

It's a degenerate society clearly. Ahmed would be proud.

Because Spics are savages and pedos

because 12 year olds can make their own decisions in Mexico

Because 12 is when they graduate and go to work.

to make it easier to flood our borders with filth

Who dat bitch?


remove taco


Too old

Wait it is?
Is this real?

Cause is ahe wants the cock. And she likes a guy over 18. He can smah it with no reprocussions

it`s not real, it`s 18


It's not 12 it varies from state to state from 12 to 16, however females start having sex at 10 because they're dumb bitches, now if you have sex with an underage girl and the parents call for it you can be processed article no 242 of Mexican constitution calls stuprum on any consensual sex with women aged 12-18 that gave consent by deceiving means which technically means any lawyer can put you in jail with a shitty argument given the parents cancpush for it

Because they learn to talk at a much younger age than the rest of the world.

it bleeds it breeds

Because mexican girls are shit after turning 15. Honestly, speaking as a spic myself, they look the best when they are 12-13.

Because catholics are scumbags whose recipe for success is getting their subhuman non-white flock to fuck as much as possible to increase their numbers for... reasons.

Honesyly, thats too damn high. When will you end the barriers of love, Mexico?

>we're letting Mexican families in
>little Mexican girls put out at 12
That wall suddenly doesn't sound like such a good idea. I mean, if I can fuck a 12-year-old wetback girl, and make it up to her parents with white person money and treatment so they won't bitch when I do it again and again, eventually getting a spic wife who I can keep control of by referring to her spic friends who are all still illegal... I'm just saying, we start doing that, it solves a lot of the underlying problems.

Peasant culture = low IQ drunken rapists diddling their nieces.

This barely teenage mexican girl has a thicker mustache than most swedish guys

Because lolis need love too

when you will be stop eating my garbage roach?



Because the average mexican stops studying at that age.

Also the church still runs this country.

In Mexico there is a "minimum consent" age and "Sexual Liberty" age. Each varies with the state but on most states "minimum consent" is 12.

The difference between minimum consent and sexual liberty is that the child can allege that she didn't knew what she was doing and was sort of cheated into having sex, but only if either the parents or the child present court action.

because life expectancy is 17.

Because Mexican women turn to shit after they reach 20, they have terrible shelf lives and spoil quickly.

This one actually cracked me up, good job user.

good one burgerbro, i legitimately lost

when a Venezuelan roasts you, you know there is something wrong with your country

100% correct.

t.dated a mexican girl for 5 years until she started to get fugly really fast

In poor countries like Mexico kids are forced to grow up quicker. 12 is a bit young bUT when you grow up in extreme poverty you are an adult by the age of 14.

that pic is fucking disgusting lol

brb moving to Mexico

really makes me wish the US goes in poverty or in depression so that I have toe excuse to fuck lolis.


are you common and I never saw you because you look like netherlands or are you rare?


top fucking kek

Just go to the phillipines or Thailand I have friends who were born there. They say it isn't even socially unacceptable for a 19 year old to date a 12 year old.

how come my wife is still hot them ?


Age of consent in France is 15

Age of consent in Germany is 14

Age of consent in Czech Republic is 15

Age of consent in Croatia is 15

Age of consent in Austria is 14

Age of consent in England and Wales is 16

Why are Europeans subhuman?

Fucking this. I've seen way to many hot Mexican girls with their gremlin mothers.

Their mustache get too hairy after they turn 13

By age 12 children have reached the intelligence of the average mexican adult.

wtf im a pedophile now

thanks Sup Forums

I don't feel sorry for all the pesos that will travel to Mexico believing this is true.

That is the only age they look good so get it while it's fresh.

Well she isn't 20 yo yet ?

I am rare. Nethfags are cucks. I am not.

she is 38, we both go to the gym regularly with our kids.

>because it makes no difference to them

the country is so shit and fucked, raising it to 100 would change nothing


Women turn into their mothers. If her mother is a spic goblin, hit and quit it. If her mother looks pleasing past 40, she's all good. Mental issues are a whole other ballpark

dou you eat today? puto

> didn't start fucking at 14

lmao @ yo lyfe

ain't nothin like 14 year old pussi, let me tell you

don't you have a market to raid, maduro-san?

Because the average Mexican never matures further. When they're 60, they're still 12 at heart with a 12-year-old's interests and ideas about the world.

Because you aren't a circle-jerker ala everyone ITT

No, stupid. There are no hot women ever born in Mexcio. Get redpilled already, jeeze. :^)

It's 16 here. Country is so shit anyway that probably younger girls become prostitutes for dollars.

If you countries age of consent isn't 18 you are in fact a filthy degenerate in need of ethnic cleansing

She must be mainly white just mixed

that's rich comming from you fucking commie,
how's that mass-starvation working out for you?

>it`s not real, it`s 18

It's only a crime with a twelve-year-old in Mexico if it's through deceit.

"Al que tenga cópula con persona mayor de doce años y menor de dieciocho, obteniendo su consentimiento por medio de engaño."

>implying the age of consent in germany isn't ععنغ


or could it be that a healthy diet and exercise = a good looking body and a healthy life?


Why would anyone want to fuck a 12 yo anyways?

Because it's the most wonderful place on earth apparently.

>Sup Forums suddenly hates lolie

What happened bros?


Why not?

Tacos roasting tacos, is this 2017?

All you have to worry about is your shithole country, let us worry about the real problems

you can just kill the parents.

it's mexico

most people die before they reach adulthood in Mexico, so they need to bang early; before death

>mfw I'm in an 18 state

Our ancestors have been doing that for millennia so every guy deep down whether they want to admit or not has an urge to do it. We're all subhuman and inherently wicked and in need of morals to prevent such things.

Given that the rate of murder cases the go unsolved is around the 90%'s your joke it's not really a joke.

Feels good to have dual citizenship to get out of this shithole

ok enough shitposting, listen to me anons. time for a serious post.

This user is right with this.
>In poor countries like Mexico kids are forced to grow up quicker. 12 is a bit young bUT when you grow up in extreme poverty you are an adult by the age of 14.

Now at first glance you may think this is good and because of the west's (((education))) but it's actually more insidious.

Both girls and boys, in every facet of their life are pushed to prolong childhood into years when historically they would have been an adult. This seems like a nice sweet thing to do, but it's not.

It's actually the worst form of child abuse, perpetuated by our governments in order to make the population compliant children mentally who want the state to be their parent.

It's why the jews funded the feminist josaphine butler to introduce age of consent.

Not that age of consent has anything to do with this, it ties into far more than sex itself. The school system, the mainstream media, hollywood....notice how they all push for everyone extending their childhood? how it's pushed as a good thing?

Be very fucking careful of their agenda behind this.
I think kids age 12 should be going out and getting a part time job and learning some independance. They're supposed to be well on their way to becoming adults, yet look at how in today's degenerate society people who are 22 are nowhere near becoming an adult.

Duba of truth

Superstition is strong with the Brown goblins

>shiroe why are we helping these people who want to kill us?

God i was just joking mate, does this actually happen?

Anyway if it's any consolation i think your country (while it's a shithole) is still better than USA because your people are truly free.

Your kids actually grow up properly instead of being man children.

More than i can say for my country. Everyone here is indoctrinated to shit and cannot act with any independence at all. They believe the government is their parent.

On to the real question.
Why is the age of consent in the Vatican 12?

It's a bit old but things haven't really improved since then


Yeah, you could say some of us are actually free to do whatever we want but most of the population is retarded (avg IQ of 88) and constantly complains to the goverment about everything.

On the plus side street food is awesome.

Because if youre old enough to grow a moustache youre old enough to fuck.

>When the Vatican City was first formed, it adopted the then-Italian age of consent of 12 as per the Lateran Treaty of 1929. Until July 2013 it had the lowest age of consent in Europe, but after that month, when the Pope made his decree, it became the highest.

>As the Vatican understands divine law, even if not sanctioned with criminal penalties by the state, all sex outside of marriage is illicit regardless of the age or willingness of those who engage in it.

Said the pedo de deceiver kike


American sex tourism.

Just curious, what runs through your mind when you see Westerns in your country?
