Kids born between the years 1995 and 2002 are absolutely fucking useless. You're entitled, but stupid. Lack wisdom but are very entitled. Easily molded by the media because you've been spoon fed information ever since you were born and never questioned anything.
Kids born between the years 1995 and 2002 are absolutely fucking useless. You're entitled, but stupid...
trash bait you cunt
>Ages 14-21
No shit fag I doubt you were doing much but fapping to anime on a Mongolian window washing forum at that time
Thanks man instead of trying to inspire a generation in order to save it your best course of action is to berate us and generalize us into a unredeemable group of individuals.
>Was I any different when you taught me?
No, they look like that to you. Every generation dispise the younger generations. Look at Socrates' quotes.
Topkek, 1995 here, everyone I know who is my age or even a year younger all question everything they hear, read or see.
Shit bait mate
lol most redpilled gen since boomers and then some old fag online hates us cause he ain't us, just die already you are the useless cunt, i know the internet is scary and somehow your autistic ass ended up here, might as well end it before you just become more and more irrelevant and fade away with no one remembering you.
>mfw born '95 and almost certainly am already more successful than OP ever will be
Exactly what I'm talking about
"Oh woe is me"
My brother born in '96 is the same way. You people are fucking pathetic
>Kids born between the years 1995 and 2002
Is this by any chance the first generation of teenagers you've known since being one yourself? May I ask how old you are?
>The whole world is like 1st world
Ya don goofd
Are you fucking mad millennial numale cuck? 1995 here. It must suck millennial women are a lost cause mate and going for younger girls makes society frame you as a pedo.
shit bait you cuck, post milenials are getting redpilled
Nah dude this is the woke generation. Main sources of wokeness include:
Huffington Post
>years 1995 and 2002 are absolutely fucking useless
I'd roll that back to 1985.
>never questioned anything
If I never questioned anything, then why am I on Sup Forums? How contradictory.
t. 1994 fagget
>successfully making 30k a year.
And I bet you think you're "making it" but are also pissed you're not making it and blame society rather than your lack of ambition and motivation
actually the next round of voting aged adults in America (current 15yos) are slated to be the most conservative in 3 generations, or so I read.
>when your 1994
kek at OP atleast they won't have to live through muh bush and muh Obama years and be a kid when 911 happened and think Iraq war was justified based off what older folks at the time kept telling them.
ITT: we change the cut-off to our own date of birth
People born after 1991 should be gassed
am I right people
Baby wanna baba? Baby wanna binky? Baby go poopy? Poor baby. Baby no feel good.
That's 15-22, it's 2017 you retard.
>Fatmerican education
>successfully making 30k a year.
85k, signed and locked in for when I graduate in May. Turns out university isn't such a meme after all when you aren't a full-blown retard.
>And I bet you think you're "making it" but are also pissed you're not making it and blame society rather than your lack of ambition and motivation
I'm 21, will graduate with zero student debt and make more than enough money to live extremely comfortably while dicking around with my car. I'll take it.
Ok so I could give a fuck about the media and I work my ass off but okay fuck man I understand you've put up with the bad part of my generation and understand your parents and grandparents said the same but for a second please step back for a minute to realise how much money the government steals from us monthly and the fact that we now have to face that on a greater level cause your cucked generation was also sheep. And litteraly fuck your own face due to your lesser views than someone younger than yourself whom needs 3+ jobs just to live by himself because of his hatred for his own species... git gud son.
Kys you fucking leaf the vast majority of people haven't had their birthday yet.
They are only entitled for wantig jobs with the same buying power we had growing up if we can also admit we don't deserve what we have.
When I got a house $18,000 was enough for 1600 sq ft, It's worth $300,000 now.
My salary went from $20,000 to $75,000 in that time.
Now these yourth are starting off with $20,000 salaries and $300,000 homes.
Jesus Christ I would sound like an entitled bitch if I was in their shoes too.
>he fell for the guaranteed job out of college meme
Lol, good luck with your 6 interviews lasting 2 months only to have them reject you for someone older with irk experience.
y-yeah! f-fucking kids
How old are you? Serious. I bet your faggot ass was old enough to vote back in 2000 and picked muh George bush and drank the 911 koolaid despite being an adult at the time. Or maybe you voted for obumma in 2008.
I worked with them over the summer as an intern and they gave me an offer at the end of it. Finalized paperwork in december. Whatever helps you sleep at night, though
this may be true but who fucking made them that way
gen x and boomers are to fucking blame, the kids are innocent.
Good one for voting Obama at least.
Fuck off cunt
I've got a job, starting a business soon, planing on starting s family in a few years while my friends are still out partying because we are young and 20
Yeah right, more like spend all your time being edgy faggots, and thinking you're hard cunts when you couldn't even hit Japan with a tsunami
Dude enough with the calling everything a meme. It just discourages you from actually trying to put effort into anything.
Its been one fucking day. How did you leafcucks fall below the prison colony in shit posting so quickly.
victim blaming.
Kids are foolish and useless. More news at 10 from our angry correspondent.
>be 96 fag
>apply for jobs
>takes months before someone gives me a chance
>have to work outside in the sun for 7 hours straight a day
>get sunburned
>check is 200
>lost 50 to taxes
>6 months later get a better position
>no raise
>apply to be a sandwichfag at subway
>piss off customer during my first week of training
>customer takes it out on co worker
>co worker gets buttblasted, talks to manager about it
>get fired
t. 1994 faggot
Is this meant to the whole generation or the retards that see something on the internet and think its real. If its the latter one then I fully agree with you because only shit I see at my school is SJW Feminazis who have no arguments and cringey af kids who do shit like dabbing, taking fucking LEGOS to school when you are like 14 and making shitty memes about harambe when it's DECEMBER. Also not all kids born 95-02 are useless but the amount of stupidity rises with each new generation.
so yeah, thank you my elders for voting to outsource and open borders. ive done hard work and it didnt get me anywhere
That is an unfortunate set of events you got there.
>his parents didn't save up money for education
And you are a useful idiot!
94 Masterrace here.
Eat shit younglings.
Yay i was born in 2003 xDDDDDDDD
>the top kek
>a fucking stars and stripes xD
But this was only true in a very limited number of instances.
Immediately preceding the fall of Greece...
Immediately preceding the fall of Rome...
And now
>born in 1991
>boomer dad thinks I'm gonna get a "full ride" because I'm smart
>never saved for my college
>graduate high school and no full ride offers
>dad gets pissed
>have to take out $30k in loans
>tells me I have to be smarter now
I was born in December of 94. Am I good?
What field you in m8
It's never too late to cure your faggotry op.
Meant for you the first time, what field you in m8
Mechanical engineering and gunsmithing
It's almost like there was an event that derailed their life.
>he's actually right