Redpill me on veganism, Sup Forums.
Redpill me on veganism, Sup Forums
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It's for fags
I asked for a redpill, not blatant facts.
Plant foods are available year round and provide all the nutrition a human needs; only jungle-roaming niggers need to eat animal corpses to survive.
It takes thousands of pounds of crops and thousands of gallons of water just to produce a pound or two of meat. Livestock production is a complete waste of limited resources, to the point of being irrational.
>water and plants
>limited resources
Just admit that you are into veganism for the feels fag
it is deeply moral to care about animals. My dog is an animal.
It's mainly done by women. It's really bad for the fetus. It's virtue signalling the diet.
Vegetarian and Vegan diets have been shown to have the following benefits.
(VE = veggy) (V = vegan) (B = both).
>(VE) protection against cardiovascular diseases, cardiometabolic risk factors, some cancers and total mortality (1)
>(V) the above benefits and additional protection from obesity, hypertension, type-2 diabetes, and cardiovascular mortality (1)
>(VE) Improved glycemic control in T2 Diabetes (2)
>(V) significantly lower risk for overall cancer (3, 5)
>(VE) lower risks for diabetes, diverticular disease and eye cataracts (4)
>(B) less likely to suffer from hypertension (5)
>(VE) better metabolic profile (6)
>(B) lower anxiety (7)
>(VE) less negative emotions, improved mood (8, 9)
>(V) alleviates symptoms of Osteoarthritis (10)
>(V) healthier gut microbiota profile with more anti-inflammatory and disease-preventing microbiota (11)
>(VE) improves insulin resistance (12)
>(VE) reduces oxidative stress and improves the bodies anti-oxidant status (12, 13, 14)
> Meat is known to cause inflammation and cancer progression (the cellular mechanism by which it does so is known) (15)
Unless you're a bodybuilder, it's the best way to eat.
You can't deny it. I'm not a vegan but I contemplate doing it occasionally just for the health benefits.
Literally (((guys))) who suck dick are into this.
Doggos are the best but... cows, pigs = food
I am too drunk too tell if that was a shitpost or not.
Romans 14:2 - Veganism is for faggots
The meat and dairy industry has pushed the "eating meat is manly" meme so hard on you faggots.
The ONLY reason to eat meat is because it tastes good. That's it. That's no different than retarded potheads that smoke weed because it feels good. You're both putting your health at risk for a quick dopamine rush.
Hitler approves
I have a harder one for you guys. How do you build strength on a vegan diet? I know a vegan diet can provide enough protein for a normie, but what if I lift weights?
Cows have no soul.
Eat meat.
The most redpilled lifestyle.
Resources are only limited because there are too damn many humans. Soylent Green
>Eat meat my whole life, never got sick from it.
>Ancestors ate meat , survived and made you
You vegan faggots will die
You fucking kike, you must want white people to die
Pumpkin seeds, peanut butter, and almonds.
The kikes want you to eat meat. Studies have shown over and over that vegans live a healthier more satisifed life on average than meat eaters.
The kikes want to take that away from you. Good goy, go buy some more ground beef. Oh you have gyno now? I wonder where that came from.
A healthy, morally sound lifestyle.
Fuck this, I'm gonna die anyways.
>I know people that are vegan
>I have never cooked for these people nor have they cooked for me.
This is a major problem with vegans.
good goy
It's the ultimate red pill. Meat is killing you. This isn't even up for discussion, spend 10 seconds researching it and you'll get your answer.
>It's for fags
The best. The bestest and the first reply are all one. The truth in three small words and a '
The most redpilled way to eat is to go hunt your own meat. I stock up on venison during deer season and then eat it year round. I love eating game. Not eating meat means you need to take vitamins and minerals from pills and shit that comes naturally from meat consumption. Seems unnecessary when you could just do the natural thing and eat meat like your ancestors. I think most people who are vegan do it for the rush of being high and mighty over folks. I couldn't give up pork. I'm from NC so barbecue is a staple food.
Well, with that attitude you cold go vegan and still be unhealthy. If done correctly, it's good for you, if not, you could be eating fatty, horrible vegan foods all day in a way that lowers your test.
There is nothing masculine about eating meat my dude.
And lack of vitamin B is shrinking your brain.
Have you tried digesting carrots by sticking them i your ass.
Picture and timestamp please.
>There is nothing masculine about eating meat
I just like the blood and the killing. Keeps me grounded in reality as opposed to some butt fucked hippy fantasy world.
>mfw 200% DV B12 in my morning smoothie alone
Top kek carnie cuck, top kek.
You can take vitamin b supplements.
When you have heart disease or intestinal cancer 30 years from now, you're going to need a lot more than supplements to fix that.
>The most redpilled way to eat is to go hunt your own meat.
>The one masculine way to eat mate
>Not eating meat means you need to take vitamins and minerals from pills and shit that comes naturally from meat consumption.
Not true.
>Seems unnecessary when you could just do the natural thing and eat meat like your ancestors.
Meat isn't sustainable for a population any higher than the one we have. We can feed more people on crops alone. Meat is inefficient when it's done in big inhumane factories.
In terms of morality and overall goodness is goes:
Hunting>Ranch Grown>Big industrial clusterfuck
Unfortunately, in terms of poor efficiency, it goes:
Hunting>Ranch grown>Big industrial ckusterfuck
>morning smoothie
I'll bet you had do go out and hunt that using your pointy beard and hunting sandals.
Have you had your canine teeth surgically removed so as you can become a complete bovine?
That's the thing though, you have to take supplements to be healthy. You can't live solely off the food alone.
>When you have heart disease or intestinal cancer 30 years from now, you're going to need a lot more than supplements to fix that.
I doubt it no oe in my line has died under 90 in 3 generations ad we all smoke to.
I guess you are just poor dna, your ancestors should have eaten more red meat and not been such hippies.
>Someone else kills a helpless animal pent up in a factory and I'm such a pathetic little shit that the suffering still sustains me
You are buying shit from a store. It may as well be fruit.
Your like a nerd who gets sweaty playing D&D
Kill the animal yourself, and I won't call you a pathetic shit.
Eating meat is inherently unhealthy, so it's not much better than eating an unsupplemented vegan diet.
>Meat isn't sustainable for a population any higher than the one we have. We can feed more people on crops alone. Meat is inefficient when it's done in big inhumane factories.
You're lost. Reddit is over there.
Arguingover morality for a personal diet is pretty bigheaded bro.
>I doubt it no oe in my line has died under 90 in 3 generations ad we all smoke to.
Love this meme. You retards seriously think you inherent your life expectancy from your ancestors.
>Kill the animal yourself, and I won't call you a pathetic shit.
All the time.
Fuck I'd ski and roast you after giving you a ten minute head start. Good sport.
You don't really need supplements. You might need fortified foods, but that's about it.
>ignoring the other 30+ teeth in your mouth that resemble nothing out of an actual carnivores mouth
Holy fuck my sides are in orbit ready to dock with the ISS.
Who said anything about supplements..?
>>I doubt it no oe in my line has died under 90 in 3 generations ad we all smoke to.
>Love this meme. You retards seriously think you inherent your life expectancy from your ancestors.
Better and more reasonable that convincing yourself you get it from an overpriced hippy smoothie because you are a urbanite wanker.
In my opinion, it should be left up to the states to decide if meat eating is legal.
You can eat meat and everything else and live just fine. Pretty sure people have been doing it for a few years now. Seems to be the best way of doing things in my opinion. You know what they say about opinions though, except, well, you think yours doesn't stink.
>Holy fuck my sides are in orbit ready to dock with the ISS.
That's the lack of B12 when you are somewhere that does not sell overpriced fortified fruit drinks for pretensions cunts.
I'm not even a hedonist, but some things like veganism is hate towards life.
Maybe there's nothing "masculine", but there's something profoundly human and healthy for your brain about eating meat.
Are you fucking retarded? user didn't say he takes supplements, dumb cunt.
So poorly written I can't even tell what you were trying to communicate here.
This is why you don't eat meat, kids.
>In my opinion, it should be left up to the states to decide if meat eating is legal.
In my opinion it should be up to states and nations to decide if vegans are legitimate game to hunt and when they are in season.
If they are not to weak and brain shrunk to run they can just be fed to pigs.
You're using the same logic that smoking addicts use.
"My dad smoked a pack a day and he's 85 years old! I'll be fine!"
When hundreds of studies prove otherwise.
>So poorly written I can't even tell what you were trying to communicate here.
>This is why you don't eat meat, kids.
This is how much the jews have mindraped you. You're so afraid of those evil hippy city slickers that you'll live an unhealthy lifestyle just to spite them.
Yes hippies and urbanites are annoying as fuck, but compromising your health because they annoy you so much is blue pilled as fuck.
>You're using the same logic that smoking addicts use.
>"My dad smoked a pack a day and he's 85 years old! I'll be fine!"
>When hundreds of studies prove otherwise.
Where as you are living a pretentious synthetic diet because you as such a navel gazing hippy the fact you are an omnivore makes you uncomfortable.
If you are very sick/unhealthy, a raw vegan diet for a few weeks will do you absolute wonders and you will feel great after. If you want to do this diet indefinitely, you will turn into a skinny little faggot, in fact you were probably already a faggot in the first place
Your cum tastes different if u are vegan. Little green stems sprout of ur peehole. Some actually argue this is not a bad thing. My wife nibbles them off and smiles cheerfully as she chews the leaf. Sometimes they are tobacco leaf, other times they are honeysuckle.
>Yes hippies and urbanites are annoying as fuck
The only solution is to marinate them first and then slow roast and serve with apple sauce.
> Meat is killing you
> Eat plant matter only
> Die anyway
How? Adhom is pretty smallheaded bro.
Good argument.
Hunting it is a different story. You were adverse to me saying that there is nothing masculine about eating meat. There isn't. However hunting is masculine.
I'd shoot you in the head boi
All pretension aside if you want to eat meat eat it, if you don't don't. Don't tell people how to live their lives and don't try to run people's lives for them. If folks do shit you don't agree with leave them be. It's a free country and remember that you can't save people from themselves.
>Maybe there's nothing "masculine", but there's something profoundly human and healthy for your brain about eating meat.
Your amazon dwelling tribal shaman tell you that?
Sounds like woo to me.
But you might be right. I just like to know what that "something" is.
Kys, hedon.
OP wants to be redpilled so he's getting redpilled.
Hemp powder, has every single amino acid and is quite cheap. Tastes like shit though. Also has no carbs so wont trigger that insulin response as well which you need for muscle growth because insulin is an anabolic hormone.
>fruits, veggies, and grains
Dairy and meat go through much more curing and preparing processes just to be edible. If anything eat animal products is the synthetic diet.
I don't know what you are talking about.
If I'm sick, the first thing I eat is a good chiken soup and I feel good in less than an hour.
This "health food is green food" meme must end.
Veganism is bad for nature and kills more wildlife than meateating. All those plantations and crop farms takes drains water from rivers killing populations of fishes and territory they take reduces natural territory of wild animals thus killing them.
>I'd shoot you in the head
Are you a special forces death ray hippy in a caftan who fought in the occupy war by eating other peoples faces while waving prayer beads around.
I'm terrified of the vegan wrath - you might throw your smoothie at me.
On the other hand I shoot living things in the head with a .270 all the time.
Ok I have a srs point to make. If any of u r legit lookin for pussy I recommend go vegan. Great way to get ur dick suck
>Getting menstrual about people giving their opinions
Shut the fuck up. This thread has vegans in it, and still you are the most obvious pussy bitch here.
People are giving their opinions, giving reasons for them, and then trying to get people on there side. T Here isn't authoritarian control conveyed through an image boarder, you dense nigger.
I wouldn't be surprised if you called the cops after I called you a dumb cunt, because it violated the NAP.
Getting redpilled means you end up making up your own mind about it. You don't force the person to believe your own dogma regardless of whether you personally think you're right or not. All you can do is show them the door.
You're fucking retarded.
The amount of water that goes into putting edible meat on the shelves is insane compared to fruits and veggies.
Australian poster is going all out guys.
>>fruits, veggies, and grains
>Dairy and meat go through much more curing and preparing processes just to be edible. If anything eat animal products is the synthetic diet.
The only way you get b12 is via dairy or meat.
You're brain has shrunk. Admit it.
Jesus ate a lot of meat, so will I.
It's profoundly human because I think it's being grateful towards our creator, if you know what I mean.
I don't even think we would have brains capable of reason without food.
I hunt dude. I'm not a pure vegan. I'm kinda playing devils advocate.
>If you say you can shoot me in the head you must think you are a navy seal
>Oh me? I hunt animals that don't have a fucking clue I'm around.
I might not be able to kill you if you are a seasoned hunter, but I'm not a bad shot myself.
Not that this boarder line autistic discussion is worth having.
This is what carnie cucks actually believe.
>pew pew
God carnie cucks are adorable.
It's hard when you have retards like that have no idea what they're talking about, so trying to inform them comes off as preachy because these dumb faggots need to be preached to if they want to learn something.
>Present shitty opinion
>Get called out for being a moron, and also a bleeding vagina
>"Fuck, he got me"
>"U mad?"
>Phew, dodged a bullet there, champ
>some dead kike ate a bunch of meat so I will too even though any medially trained professional will tell me it's unhealthy
Veganism can literally cause autism via vitamin d deficiancy in utero
I mean 'really' sick, long term health problems.
>What's the only thing worse than being Irish?
>Being a carnie cuck
>If any of u r legit lookin for pussy I recommend go vegan. Great way to get ur dick suck
I don't know a single sporty blonde who would touch a vegan with a bargepole.
As regards a blowjob from some crusty hippy brain shrunk vegan 'woman' who's skitzo from halluciogens. I'll pass.
You just admitted you were playing devil's advocate. You aren't fooling anyone you know. You blew your was too soon.
>Shut the fuck up. This thread has vegans in it, and still you are the most obvious pussy bitch here.
>People are giving their opinions, giving reasons for them, and then trying to get people on there side. T Here isn't authoritarian control conveyed through an image boarder, you dense nigger.
>I wouldn't be surprised if you called the cops after I called you a dumb cunt, because it violated the NAP.
Get off this board you cunt. You are alien and don't belong.
I'm sure not in your shithole of a country, lmao.
Here we call them carnie cucks for a reason. Vegans are basically breeding them out of existence. The # of women I've fucked who had a carnie cuck husband at home goes up weekly.
>You're fucking retarded.
>The amount of water that goes into putting edible meat on the shelves is insane compared to fruits and veggies.
Like you grew up on a farm........
Fucking hippes.
>hur, meat is unhealthy
Even if it was true, I already said that exaggerated care about your physical health is bullshit.
Being Welsh.
>Australian poster is going all out guys.
It probably just had its nipples pierced.
You really are fucking stupid.
The amount of water it takes to raise a calf just to use as lifestock completely overshadows the water used for basic agriculture.
Just because you aren't literally watering the calf doesn't mean there aren't thousands of gallons of water being wasted behind the scenes to raise it.
I fucking love meat. My family are big-time grillers, but even i admit veganism is healthy if not healthier. Just look at all the shit they do to our meats nowadays just to supply thus overpopulated planet.
only cucks go vegan
/thread this post
>Even if it was true
Hey don't take my word for it. Do some reading yourself.