What's with this meme that humans are destined to racemix until we're all a bunch of low-IQ, grey-brown niggers...

What's with this meme that humans are destined to racemix until we're all a bunch of low-IQ, grey-brown niggers? Why are gen X and millennials so okay with this? Why do they think it's inevitable?

Look at other countries. They still have migration laws that ensure they stay the majority in their country and keep others out for the most part, like Americans used to do. How do we undo our mistake in changing our immigration laws?

>tfw no black gf

Gee i dunno op

just who could be behind that meme?

Interracial couples are less than 0.5% of all couples. You are worried over nothing.

>tfw you live in 99.1% white country

Feels bad man.

I wasn't aware they were so low, but I wouldn't say I'm worried about it. Like almost everyone else alive in the world with at least a semi-functioning brain, I'm aware that humans tend to stay with their own kind. That's all throughout life, not just when choosing a mate. Hence why this meme is so ridiculous. That being said, I am worried about immigration for many reasons. Racemixing isn't really high on the list.

That's because they're considering Celts and Jews and Mexicans and South Slavic Turkmen to all be one race -- "white".

You have to pay the prise for your actions and wars. I think that US should take all the Syrian refugees in and put them on a climate that they can tolerate like Texas.

I didn't conduct any wars, friend. If someone committed a war crime, by all means, string them up. I won't stop you.

What war did we have with Syria?

>Why are gen X and millennials so okay with this? Why do they think it's inevitable?

They're not actually enacting it. They just want to virtue signal even though they're still looking for someone in their own race to date. Then the nutjobs hear a bunch of people saying "Yes that's fine. See? I am progressive." and think it means that whites are going extinct, so they prattle on about it by making retarded articles like OP's

Hapa here, have no desire to racemix, my wife would have to be either European or Asian. Seeing how many tatars or kazakhs are product of race mixing I can even relate to a national identity and my looks are above average, but it's still rather sketchy.

Whites Should race mix add much as possible in majority white countries. Turn poo into glue

I think you don't understand what the thread is about. I'm not saying there's a racemixing epidemic or even that racemixing is bad. The first part of the OP was more asking why millennials seem to think, and perhaps look forward to, this imagined time will come where we're all brown and all mixed together. I had an argument with a friend and he said it seemed inevitable to him, which seems absurd to me. Nowhere else but in white countries does such a thing seem "inevitable." If you went to Mexico and told them Haitians were going to immigrate en masse to their country and eventually they'd all be half nigger, they'd laugh in your face.

It's not about race to me, but about your genes. If you have good genes, if you have a high IQ, by all means, stay in the gene pool. Admittedly, though, I don't know much about racemixing or what kind of potential negative, or perhaps positive side effects come from it.

Naivety. Lack of research or really thinking things through.

Happens all the time

That chick is attractive because of her white genes.

Syrian free army aka. US special froces.


Is Finland gonna stay that way or are lefties gonna let more brown people into Helsinki?

Yeah getting fewer brown immigrants and increasing white birthrates would do eons more than stopping interracial marriage. One is way more destructive than the other.

For their own sake they had better not change. 50 years ago, America was 90% white. Now look at us...

No matter who I breed with (if ever) they're gonna have to meet some intelligence standards, race regardless.

Yeah I'm in California. We are living proof you should never offer amnesty to mestizos.

We're not at war with any country at the moment.

kys cuck

When there are no more whites, there is no more racism in the world.
100% sjw/liberal/numale logic

Meanwhile in Africa, virtually identical niggers are beating the shit out of each other with rocks. lol

Rwanda genocide anyone?

>How do we undo our mistake in changing our immigration laws?

The more people that fall for this meme, the stronger the white race becomes. All that will be left are whites with mental fortitude and a strong preference for their own race.

>yfw racemixing increases racism


I will absolutely betray my race and mate with a nice and proper asian woman

White privilege mixed with high IQ.

I went to the Wikipedia page about Ruanda genocide, and it says that the fight between hutu and tutsi was caused by the evil belgians that separeted them in colonial era. How is this even possible?
Red pill me on Ruanda genocide.