Is everyone in NYC a liberal faggot? Is it worth moving there?
Is everyone in NYC a liberal faggot? Is it worth moving there?
i have the similiar question, only with DC
No, but no. We're not all hipsterfaggots or negroes but the populations of both are essentially growing. I don't mind Mexicans to be honest.
If race isn't your thing, the prices of EVERYTHING alone should make you want to steer clear.
Yes. Stay away. Forever.
unless you make over 300k per year there is no point in moving there, and even then it is better to move to southern CT. There is zero reason to ever move to NYC ever.
They are liberal faggots, but at least they're all hypocrites about it.
We don't want poor white hicks living here
You couldn't afford it anyway
>There is zero reason to ever move to NYC ever
t. boring cuck
NYC has more to offer in a few city blocks than most other cities.
Except that NYC is crazy fun to explore and see. So many cool spots and people desu desu
If you work in finance you will find right-bros. When I hang out with my girlfriend's friends one of them always goes after me (I shilled Trump a ton on Facebook). It really is deep blue outside of wall street. It sucks. And it's not fucking worth it. We're moving soon. Going to start a family in the woods of PA.
like what
World class museums, restaurants, theaters, parks, and nightlife. Not to mention music tours ALWAYS go through NYC. You have access to anything 24/7 if you have the money. Even if you don't have money the parks and some of the museums are free.
Debatable. I rent a three bedroom in BK, just the girl and myself, 2250 month. Divide that by three if you are an entry-level cunt.
DC went 89-8 for Hillary. You tell me.
Lived in the city. It was a valuable experience. But now I'm glad I left. It starts to wear on you. I was liberal but enough experiences with degenerate fucks, bums, people who just yell all the time, you can't get a moments rest and you can't go out and beat the shit out of people. So it makes you isolated in a way and street smart. Also now I'm racist. It wasn't the country folks that made me racist...Thanks ((()))
not literally everyone
It's great but you need money. If you're in your 20s move to NY if you're in your 30s buy a real nice house in Arizona or Idaho.
>World class museums, restaurants, theaters, parks, and nightlife
>music tours
All kike shit
No, NYC is home to smarter people than most of the country. Daily life here demands you be better, and it offers you more entertainment and learning than wherever you are now. If you think you can hack it and want to put in work, you owe it to yourself. You can always go home - many do.
That's what they want you to belive.
They don't tell you about the non-kike shit, you have to come find it yourself.
Or you get a job in the city first and then move like every other out of towner. If you come here with a meme dream it will die in 2 years. And you'll be a service cuck like every other drop out.
How do we red pill NYC?
>no richmond county
If JonTron is anything to go by, #NotAllNewYorkers.
Only part of NYC that went for Trump.
I agree for the most part, but like anons are saying, the price of living is fucking horrendous.
NYC is largely controlled by Democratic machine politics. There is no point in being politically active if you don't support them. The Republicans here are also corrupt. Trump has much more support in reality than the voting numbers show, without question.
Enjoy getting mugged. If it hasn't happened to you yet, then you're overdue.
t. faggots who only visited for 1 week and thought it was pretty neat.
NYC is a giant, festering shit hole and you have to be a lunatic to consider living there. Girlfriend is an actress and I had to live there for part of the year in some of the best accommodations NYC has to offer, and it still fucking sucked. 0/10
yes, no
>falling for the city meme
t. fell for the city meme
all western cities are like this - you either choose urbanization and live around libtards, or go full innawoods and live alone.