>Claims to be redpilled
>Doesn't know about the Bogdanoff brothers
This board is filled with BIDF shills this entire time and noone has noticed.
Claims to be redpilled
they have got to be the two freakiest looking brothers ever. Cat lady-esque.
Yes they delete all the evidence
What's their next move?
Complete and utter world domination
They've already infected most of us with bogdabots.
Some of us are lucky, some of us aren't.
They are the only life forms to ever record the exact events that occurred during the Big Bang...
We have suggested that there may be a deep underlying reason for the Bogdanov Affaire.
What if it is true? What if there is something in their work - a particular question, leaving aside whether or not they are capable of answering it - that is sufficiently threatening to the "theorized" powers that be, so as to necessitate maneuvers against them? What if their popularization of this question - or questions - might lead to someone else - who might be able to answer it - taking a second look?
The possibility that COINTELPROis in operation in regards to the Bogdanov twins ought not to be taken lightly.
Physics and mathematics are the numero uno professions that have been used - historically speaking - to support the power elite. It is logically evident that "they" have a vested interest in making sure that the money goes only to projects that,
1) will augment their control; in which case such projects will be buried and no one will know about them
2) projects that do not threaten their control, in which case we may assume that they are funding research in the public domain that leads AWAY from the "important" issues.
In short, if it’s popular, gets funded, is allowed out in the open, you can almost guarantee that it is smart but useless.
You can take that to the bank.
The Bogdanov papers assert that there is evidence of what happened during the first 10−43 seconds of the Big Bang, known as the Planck era.
Present knowledge is unable to determine what happened during the Planck era, and the Bogdanov publications purported to have discovered what happened during this earliest epoch, and even before the moment of the singularity itself.
Quick rundown on them:
>rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control france with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies
>both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
Which star trek episode was this?
The ridicule of their face is used as a coverup!
Bogdanov twins were in a sex cult!
Bogdagate is real!
What's their endgame?
Anyone check this sogn backwards? Is there any messages?
>They've already infected most of us with bogdabots.
Will the bogdabots turn us all into freakish weirdos like them?
Is that the slightly whiter key and peele
the supply of redpills comes short this beginning of year.
BIDF please go
> Grichka Bogdanov received his degree in mathematics, and Igor Bogdanov received his in theoretical physics (in 1999 and 2002 respectively). Both were given the low, unusual, but passing grade of "honorable"
>both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
The Bogdanoff brothers are a meme. They don't have any influence over politics of any kind. Sage and move on to other threads.
Kek. You guys are full of shit.
The Bogdanovs arent even real
Are you sure? What if that exactly they want you believe in?
There is nothing. The Bogdanoff brothers don't want you to believe in anything, this is silly. Stop looking into this
It's nothing bro.
Stop asking
Ok I'm tired of your shitposting ausfailia.
I'm french, the freaks are french too, and I can swear that those two morons are nothing than pseudo PhD with failed doctorates.
Fuck of Mohammed BIDF shill
What are they making Sup Forums?
Putain de négrobougne de merde, vas donc te faire enculer par ton pédoprophète avec vos slide threads de merde de puceaux 15-18.
yfw the bagnadoff brothers have probably double dicked every girl you've been with and will continue to double dick every girl you plan on being with in the future and there's nothing you can do but accept it.
I like that this has become a meme.
no pls. it's real
A serum to fix their fucked up faces.
I have this song on my playlist ever since I first saw it here last year.
BIDF pls go
redpill dump
These threads are always enlightening, thank you for Bog pilling everyone. They have to know the truth.
First human/bogda hybrid
if theyre so smart then why do they look like freaks?
Hello you must be new here
stop pushing this meme so hard
why do people keep posting about these weirdos. I see their fugly faces in my nightmares
that's what they are afraid of.
It means you are waking up.
If these guys are so powerful why do they look like they belong in Lazy Town?
also reported for not being political at all, 2 monkey faces are not political in any way, this meme is not funny, it is retarded
They look like fucking moppets
Their father from Russia, Mother from Czechia,
That's why you so hateful ...
Do you think they know they've become the regular subject of threads on an imageboard? If you type their name into google and set the time frame to the last week or so, Sup Forums thread links are all the first results.
Be careful Australian user, you might wake up one day soon with a Bogdanoff standing at the bottom of your bed.
Holy shit what did they mean by this
This shit is fire I listen it every morning in the metro
Pump me the hella up
> this meme is not funny
You're right, it's not funny anymore. I use to laugh at these threads, but now they just give me calm peaceful feeling - like meeting with an old friend.
Have you looked in the mirror recently? A serene sensation of inner peace is the first sign of the Bogdanoff transition.
Growing up in the 90s, I remember seeing pictures of these men. I assumed from where I'd seen them that they were pseudo celebs known for plastic surgery addiction/failure (like that cat woman). Now you're all telling me they run the world? Someone really fucked with the timelines.
>plebs < politicians < media < business < finance < The Jews < Bogdanoff brothers
wake up Sup Forums
he is becoming one with them. It could be that prophecy is true.
too intelligent to look good
>Bogdanoff brothers on France's Fort Boyard
This is gold
>1:00+ in that video
Wait I think I'm onto something lads. Who is this woman?
She was in this completely different video too?
Is their whole life as reality/ showbiz just an act to conceal something else?
Once I mocked them on twitter and the next day 5 huge guys in black suits were knocking at my door asking me to "reconsider the bogdanov".
Something about these guys makes me feel like they are the good guys. Should I trust my gut?
You're lucky you got a second chance.
The Bogdanoffs only have love in their hearts. They only want what's best for the world and it's beyond our comprehension in a lot of ways.
The brothers became insane. At some point a mathematician can actually lose their mind. It's a flaw in the construction of the brain. We notice that insanity is somewhat related to high iq and soecifically math.
Yes you're being memed hard, they are chill as hell you have no idea, they accept literally every jokes on their appearence. The song linked above is about their fucking chin, they do a sorta of "macarena" with their chins
>Everyone put their chin up to the sky!!
>Chin to the left!!
>Chin to the right!!
And they joke about it, they are definitely certified good guys
Its as if the higher power limits the mind of man, and if he cannot stop exploring, the circuit breaks, the mind goes insane, it wills it.
So, a bad greentext is all the evidence you got on bognog bros? Give us some more concrete evidence pls.
try harder BIDF
What do you call this facial aesthetics? looks like something you'll see in a looney toons skit.
No matter what they are doing, you can't do shit about it.
It should be our goal to unite and get rid of their influence by getting rid of their politicians/lobbyists.
Normies need to be redpilled about the manipulation and modern slavery (nihilism) in our countries.
Stop supporting those propaganda MSM, elect and massively support politicians that are on your side.
Jfk has been the only one who tried to improve your country, yet you made it easy for them to place another puppet in right after his death
2017's first and worst forced meme
The people must know!
Bogdanoff fever has certainly ignited in the past 48 hours.
The people, awoken
What do the bogdanoffs know about the Fendipoitous Eggmen? Are they in contact with them?
The 'Fendipoitous Eggmen' was a codephrase used by BIDF infiltrators to signal the successful infiltration of Sup Forums.
Be on your guard against the BIDF
You won't find whistleblowers or leaked documents on the Brothers, they are literally the center of the vortex of world power, nothing gets out.