Stop being racist

Stop being racist.

(no, really)

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varg hasn't had to live with niggers

Inawoods neet who sucks muslim cock tells us to not be racist. Okay friendo.

But he has had to live with trance music.

>i actually agree with varg on something

I'll stop being racist if I can keep watching porn.

That's the opposite of what you should do.

Dont white people in his RPG have better stats than brown and black people?

His argument is that you shouldn't be racist because there are low quality people who are part of your race too?
That doesn't convince me.

What if you bike 10 miles day and talk to people daily? Can you still watch porn occasionally?

Any amount of porn is too much. You degrade yourself to watch propaganda.

varg is a tool
and so are all the Sup Forumslacks who hate on white trash

all races have low quality people. if you hate white trash then you wont care when they're forcefully integrating them with migrants, and you might as well be cheering on white genocide.

>varg becomes a civic nationalist

well now i've seen everything

interesting desu

Can someone read the name of this article so I can find it? I'm on my phone.

Fuck Varg.

It is culture more than anything that makes people act subhuman, I am not saying genetics doesn't influence things because it clearly does it's just that culture shapes how people act more. Such as if the average white kid grew up in nigger culture they would probably act like one and if a black kid grew up with western/white culture they would also act this way.

varg actually makes good points

if you listened to him, he makes a case that we should always try to uphold being civilized, gracious, intellectual and cautious, instead of allowing filth to come forth into the reactionary wing who bait for the race war and act like controlled opposition

seriously, I am so sick and tired of people hysterically cheering on Sup Forums about the perspective of a race war, about supporting Trump blindly. It makes my head ache and feel physically ill that people push forward imperialist, global agendas, while we should rather be interested in keeping our communities safe and doing everything we can to redpill our local surroundings.

How using porn destroys your willpower

Thanks mate

Is Varg becoming a civic "cuck" nationalist?

Ok, what classifies as porn? just 3d shit or 2d feminine pensises mangas as well desu

Admit it

You just want that sweet latina ass




But why would you want to?


Because I'm in between jobs and there's nothing better to do at times desu.


The argument here is that being white is not good enough to deserve anything. We must also value intelligence and character if we wish to succeed. Ethnocentrism is not a monolithic value, it is a dimension of successful group dynamics.

Are you white?